/mmg/ mega man general

Saturday Night Sigma Edition
Thread No. 200
Discuss anything Mega Man related. Art, OCs, Music, Fan Games, the comics, cartoons, etc. Discussion about Mega Man-esque games, Mighty No. 9, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Red Ash and Inafune is also welcome.

>Previous Thread

>list of all games

>List of fan games

>Rom Hacks
megamanfanon.wikia.com/wiki/ROM_hacks (wiki page is a stub. feel free to contribute)

>Comic, Manga, other printed media
mega.nz/#F!G8VjXSjY!HigLekH1YRxozZQwgsu7EA (fixed artbooks.)

>Music Playlists and Albums
A TON of Mega Man remix albums (and some Gunvolt CDs)

>Cartoons and Anime

>Our booru!

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I came here to laugh at you.

Protoman really can only count on himself

anyway I just beat the post game, I think ? Half of the fight was me and the darksoul hiding behind Pop-ups and Invisis.
I know there are stronger versions of Bass and Duo to beat but I'll consider myself done with BN4.
This last fight was disappointing. Although I have to say Bass was a really, really good fight, better than his BN2 and BN3 versions in which he just hides behind LifeAuras. Here it really felt like how he should be, fast and bull headed, with really strong attacks.

Overall BN4 was yeah, the worst one so far, flawed, it dragged on with not so much content but tons of filler, but still enjoyable because it had great boss fights. The post game was also very enjoyable, I spent more time fighting intense boss battles than grinding for chips and hard to get stuff like in 2 and 3, so that's cool.

Verdict, tl;dr: BN4 is the worst so far, yeah, but it's not THAT bad. It has its qualities. I think the fact that boss battles were so intense was partly due to how I wasn't able to hide behind Gater or DeuxHeros to save my ass every time... it's more balanced.

Baryl and Colonel do appear in Team ProtoMan but with less appearances.

But if he does that, he won't get ProtoSoul!
Then again, ShadowSoul kind of makes up for it. It's Sword based as well.

I'm glad you liked fighting Bass in BN4. He gets better and stronger in BN5 and 6.

They just show up in a cutscene that fits ProtoMan and Chaud better.

He gets to play as ProtoMan himself while having ColonelSoul, it's kind of a fair tradeoff.

MegaMan DS copies stuff you've done through the game. He adapts to your play-style, if you used tons of Invis and Popups during your playthroughs, that's why he does so too.

You have to clear Team ProtoMan first to be able to switch that team's Navis for Team Colonel's.

ColonelSoul sucks.