Life support edition
>Game News
>Patch notes
>Squad Discord
>Fap to Penny
>Build cover
>Shoot Straight
>And ALWAYS shitpost about the black girl needing a nerf
Life support edition
>Game News
>Patch notes
>Squad Discord
>Fap to Penny
>Build cover
>Shoot Straight
>And ALWAYS shitpost about the black girl needing a nerf
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She could offer me life support with dem titties.
Is this a JoJo reference
I feel u
I dont care about BR until other hero classes can be in it. Even if its pure cosmetic
In BR what circles do you start building bases in? What's your prefered build?
I don't build forts I build ramps. boxes are noob traps
In 3rd circle I like building a 3 tier fort, occupying 2 spaces. so 6 walls per tier and 2 stairs. Anyone who wants to grenade you has to get very close, and if someone wants to bring the thing down they need to destroy 8 pieces of walls.
I'm not good with computers, how fucked am I? If I wanted to run this?
Maybe don't let some autist crash the thread with no survivors, this time
Download Speccy and post a screenshot of it. That doesn't tell me what GPU you have, and I can't answer your question without that information.
well this general was fun while it lasted, take care bros
You might be able to run it, but I doubt you'd get a stable 60 even on minimum.
dead game
>intel HD graphics
Probably not
At lowest possible settings and at a resolution around 800x600 you might be able to run it at a consistent 30+fps but I doubt you'd reach 60fps consistently. Technically playable. The games free either way so test it out yourself.
that light painted rifle is so op as shit its fucking dumb its hitscan, it hits more than a shotgun does WHY THE FUCK is it in the game why the fuck. it adds nothing. all my deaths are from virgin faggots with those rifles
>that light painted rifle
What? Can you describe it in a non-autistic way? Are you talking about the M16, SCAR, or the burst fire rifle that looks like an FAL?
the not m16 and the not ak47 looking one
There is no AK looking gun in Fortnite BR... I have no clue what gun you're talking about.
1. The galil is based off the AKM platform
2. It obviously looks like a kalash, don't be dense
SCAR isn't that good, it shoots so slowly, the burst rifle is way better, also I'm pretty sure all rifles are hitscan except for the scoped M4.
everything except bolt and semi snipers are hitscan
ded gaem ded thred
yeah I think i'm done with this game.
Yeah everybody is. Another fotm down the tubes
It's frustrating to see the devs just dont give a shit. Some (relatively easy to fix) problems have been left standing for a long ass time; but as soon as they think they're going to lose sales from rampant cheaters, they get off their ass and do some work. This game is obviously a cash-grab trying to dickride PUBG success; it's so sad to see something with potential go to shit under poor management.
I'm becoming too jaded to care anymore. It happens with literally every game, I'm starting to wonder if it's always been this way and I was just too naive to realize it, or if this is a recent development or what.
g36c in BR when
It's something that's risen heavily over the last decade; online play/transactions gave it a whole new avenue of jewery. The corporate world had a grip on production even in classic NES marrio days but it's gotten way worse. At least back in the day game demos were just stripped down. Now they call it a beta/early-access and don't even bother finishing it. And from a business stand-point, once they make their money back, why would they? It's more cost effective to just start the process over again than try to build on any success they do manage to achieve legitimately. The industry as a whole is basically fucked, m8 it doesnt help that gamers are like heroin addicts and cant keep their wallets closed for more than a couple months
>got killed by the storm for the first time today
At least I made top 10 by sniping somebody on the way. Though killing people while storm sprinting is dirty as fuck.
I think I'm done with the game. It's just not fun anymore. There's no progression, it's always the same map, same weapons, same people, everything is the always the same. Playing squad or duo with randoms is frustrating as fuck and I've played solo way too many times now.
I'm gonna put this game down and come back if they ever add anything new to it because the way it is now it's just boring to me. Also doesn't help that this general is dead as fuck.
NEVER go for body shots with the shotgun.
Why's that?
Because Shotguns don't fire pellets. It's just a cone of damage. If you aim for the chest, you'll hit. If you aim for the head, you will probably hit. One does enough damage to kill a person through 50 shield and full HP, the other doesn't.
game is stale and there is no reason to really play with the hackers and no real worth achievement. They really should've changed direction once the PvE went down the drain. The general is suffering because there is no real content to discuss or get excited for.
this game has some nice butts
i'd unironically like to see what squads would be like in a competitive environment. I want to see what tactics would develop in a 100man server full of try hards.
damage hacks now?
guy just took me down to 10hp from 80+hp and 70+shields with a single bullet from an M16. even a legendary couldnt hit that hard.
This game is do fucking terrible, my past 5 games have been.
>find a gun
>kill the guy who landed on my house
>out of ammo
>guy in the next house gets a free kill
Fuck the sub machine gun its so dogshit
Yeah im sure they were having all their programmers wanking off and not doing work and when cheaters appeared they shat out an anticheat system in a day. What relatively simple problems are you talking about anyways, you sound like you're qualified to judge whats simple and what's not
Are you opening ammo boxes? I never run out of ammo since learning where they are.
A simple example would be mouse acceleration. It's programmed to be defaulted on. When players started altering ini files to disable it, rather than address the issue and maybe add an option to the UI, they just changed the ini to prevent players from disabling it. It was lazy. There are a slew of issues for the PvE and devs basically refuse to acknowledge any negative feedback from the community. The game is supposed to be early release, the point of which is to fine tune gameplay and fix bugs, but the only update in content seems to grindy events. Why the fuck is a pre-release game even having 'events' at all when so much of the game is ass? The chat function isn't even enabled in pvp for fucks sake. All this gets brought up regularly in other fortnite communities only to be ignored. Then for only about a week hacking gets serious, streamers aren't playing it so a big part of their marketing isnt generating them revenue and lo and behold, results start getting made. It's a cash grab bullshit game.
>trying to do tier one horde bash
>build fort to deal with husks
>build for chargers
>get assfucked by mooks
>no matter what get nuked from orbit when the cult of hank hill rolls into town
what the fuck do i do?
ded thred
I've gotten Victory Royales in the past 2 days, first game of the night after work and I just got the 4th one! I'm either learning, or getting incredibly lucky.
Are there any PS4 players looking to squad up? I want to get the umbrella on all modes.
Stick with it. It becomes WAY easier once you get out of the shitty stonewood-tier shit. The early games are a pain in the ass because you have no supplies to do anything with, so if it throws a smasher wave at you or something it's just gg.
Go for the weapon mats nodes in the skill tree; even getting the "low tier" weapon mats helps because it gives you more gizmos and whatnot, which will be useful no matter what tier you're in.
Also, when you're in the "Build Your Base" area, the flag and computer for your plot marks the "back" of your base. Build accordingly, I see lots of people with heavily fortified shit in the complete wrong direction.
Don't play Outlander unless you have Deadeye, even then use soldier or ninja if you have some. Ninja is OP as hell for the early levels because dragon slash one-shots everything all the time.
Lastly, use defenders, level them up a little bit because they're REALLY good for this mode. Super suggest bruiser ones, but anything with an efficient weapon is just bonus. Avoid full-auto shit for them.
>BR circle narrows down to the most terrain dense area of the lonely lodge
stop, game, my penis can only get so erect
Retail Row
Residential and Industrial clusters west of retail row
The prison
>Normie TIER
Pleasant Park
Anarchy Acres
Fatal Fields
The three warehouses
Conex Yard
>I want to suffer TIER
Moisty Mire
Tomato Restaurant
Trailer Park
Flush Factory if its the first thing the bus flies over
Loot Lake
>Virgin Tier
Flush Factory
Greasy Grove
Fort house or any other edge of the island area
Squiggly on the east
Lonely Lodge
Any bridge
Away from any landmarks or clustered structures
Wailing Woods
I start Retail Row or just East of Loot Lake every time, on my 5th Victory Royale now!
Urban map when
not like highrises, but an island of mostly buildings about as dense as retail row, with maybe a big park or something. 2-4 story buildings
obviously the answer is much later if ever
pleasant park is easily the most fun start
>tfw wondering why people jump out immediately
>tfw realizing the bloodbath at the start is the most fun part
You cant handle it
fuck sake i;ve lost the past 3 games because i've low rolled a submachine gun
>TFW top deck SCAR
Is it just me or has it turned unresponsive as fuck? there's now an obvious delay between my inputs and bullets firing.
Please user I'm begging you, saucenao can't find it.
There are crzy aimbotters, but this guy was just using sound... put ur headphones on lul you can hear people from a mile away in this game.
What are the chances that epic doesn't completly fuck up the Battle Royale? It's understandable that for now there isn't much to talk about content wise because this seems more like something they just released to gain traction. It could grow into something great though. Never followed the H1Z1 and PUBG train because I refuse to pay for early access, and I hear those devs dun' goofed.
Near zero.
bushes should be destroyed with a single gunshot/pickaxe swing
silenced pistol when
Keep the fort safe, Smasher
With how bad they've fucked up Paragon it's almost hopeless. At least Fortnite is fun for now.
Blame Epic. Lack of action on cheaters is driving people away. And less people playing means less people in the general
I just don't understand why this wasn't a day 1 priority. As if they haven't had tons of experience in online competitive games.
Literally makes zero sense
my god what is up with these retards wanting to fight with pickaxes
>not being able to afford a pc that can run fortnite the way it was intended to run
>anime posting
You're worse than him tbqh
I actually can run it on max, I just think it looks better with everything on minimum.
>hating anime
i bet you're a BR only macaco people fag too.
Man I am getting the unluckiest fucking starts right now. I never realised how shit it is when you don't get a shotgun/assault rifle
Is the game unplayable for anyone else right now?
>input delay
>character becomes unresponsive at random intervals
>lobber waves
>smasher waves
why is this allowed
Never got that but I've been getting a lot of early game lag which fucks up early fights. I die alot due to the spikes and the desyncs
>Smasher wave happens
>Ignore all the smashers and kill the trash so they can't hit objective
>Base is now a smouldering crater but at least wave done
Only way I've found to do it at higher levels. The trash zombies that spawn seem to be pretty few so it's not too hard to keep them away from the macguffin.
Do I need an invite from someone to play this?
alright cool, I like fair f2p models where I can just jump in and have fun.
look at how his aim locks on, he also hit me with a sniper rifle, when I was peeking a hill, there was no way he could have seen me, as he was hiding behinde a bus, he eventually killed me jumping out from the bus and mid air domed me with the sniper rifle.
There's nothing to talk. They need to add something asap or people will simply stop playing and the game will die.
>never played a game like this before
>try it out
>die immediately every round
>heart beating, dry mouth
>shaky aim
I don't think this is for me lads.
fuck off back to /pubg/ shills,
>dead game lmao XD Guess its back to pubg
Although the map could be a little bigger, the best tip I can give you is to drop upper right corner of the map, many chests in that area and often no players, or very few.
DSP came 4th in his first match, nice game you got there
Literally who
not for a month or so
Gross don’t put that disgusting customization on my ps4