League of Legends General - /lolg/

Old thread! eyosongive.us

Yuri threesome! edition

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What is Malphite's lore?



Okay I forgot about her

Its a mercenary in a fantasy world though. What'd you expect them to say? She doesn't want to kill, she just has a price for it.

I wanna cuddle Jinx

So you admit that she's not a PSYCHOpath and is instead a SOCIOpath? Fucking idiot, you just completely negated your own argument. by thinking psychopathy and sociopathy are the exact same thing. You can be a levelheaded sociopath but being a psycopath is the opposite of being levelheaded.

Nonexistent because Institute of War retcon

xth for Syndra

If only she was not a shitty ADC then Sivir might have been good

I love Elementalist Lux

Caitlyn's running out of ammo, user! Toss her another mag!

who else /mid alistar or feed/ only here?


I miss late s1/early s2 semi-high elo euw sometimes
If it wasn't kotlet or qml making the game absolute cancer for everyone else then it was some fag drophacking for hours

>If only she was not a shitty ADC then Sivir might have been good
You mean "if only the meta wasn't Ardent Censer meta"

Reminder new lore Vayne is basically Vlad's ideal fucktoy
>Violence turns her on
>Enjoys bathing in blood
>Certified virgin
>Gets off to playing cat and mouse with targets

The hnnnng hatesex potential is off the charts

>wants to cuddle Jinx
>has a boner

>from some planet where everyone is a mountain
>falls through some sort of portal
>wakes up on earth/Runeterra
that's about it


anyone for vg vs vg?

> Have game in lead as jungle
> Mid laner not doing well
> Pass by his lane and take two CS
> If you take my fucking CS again I'm AFK

What do you do?

What's up with the Danganronpa bear?

that's called cuddlefug

take his cs to exert dominance

Drive-by smite cannon minion

take his cs again, then report him for afk

>say nothing and ignore him
>"do it, you won't"
depends on the mood

Killing people you have no relation to for money regarless of reasons is misanthropic and is a sign of a deeply disturbed personality.

You can't expect a mercenary from fantasy to be and transport truck driver or a VIP bodyguard because thats boring.

But you can't defend that she's little more than a savage animal

steal his kill, then smite cannon minion

Take the cs, and report his ass. Nobody is scared of some cunt who threatens to ruin one game.

>Q and E are the worst abilities in the game
>passive and ult are so fun i still play him a ton


*hands her a box of cogs*

I usually use smite on cd on every large minion and buy zzrot and place it near mid

Supports, have you bullied you shitty adcs yet?

Ok anons, convince me to main your main in less than 5 sentences.

>no savage animal to throw roundy boomerang blades or something

Fuckin every game, that's probably why I'm only honor4 rn

I ain't no cuck you stay away from her and never even consider locking her in

He has 200 bugs
His Q donks people for hundreds of damage
You can control a fucking dragon?
You have sustain
his mace is fucking huge

>Supports, have you bullied you shitty adcs yet?
Every chance I get.

Anyone on EUW for this premade 5 melee mission? That's the only one I'm missing, if anyone could give me a hand, that would be really nice.

IGN: HUcaseal

I'm available for the next 2/3h or another day.


>received a ryze champion shard
fuck you too

I bully everyone

Let's be honest. Police Vi is her best skin

>Strong once again since his miniwork
>Eerryday I'm shufflin'
>Travis Willingham

>honored every other game for months
>still no level 4
What the fuck Riot?

How can you see this

>You can control a fucking dragon?
Good ? mark. I'd say it's pretty iffy on the control part

> E is worst ability in game

If you're talking about Disdain, what? He flips them over and stuns them, it's a better Singed fling.

>only play one bot game daily for win bonus
>get bored and try an ARAM
>win and get honor 3
>get capsule few days later
>fast forward to this week
>play one nexus siege, win
>no honors because I'm malz
>honor 4

alt click works better than r

ignite or tp on liss?

how do i be annoying as lulu
i get that i can just be a passive shield whore but i dont know how to make her as oppressive as high elo players constantly say she is

>/all "if you take my fucking cs again i'm AFK" - My midlaner
>Proceed to take his cs
>I'll take even more judging by how much he spams retreat pings on me
If he quits, then everyone knows why and will report him, if he doesn't then he knows not to be a bitch. If he starts taking my camps or buffs like he most likely will, I'll start sitting in his lane taking more cs. I really don't give a fuck about laners anymore since it seems every single one is completely ungrateful and thinks I'm some sort of slave. They also have no idea how the game fucking works and will relentlessly ping me if I start killing a wave of minions WHILE they're dead, WHILE it''s pushed to our tower, and WITHOUT any of our minions around to actually push the wave. Honestly not sure why I understand their lane better than they do when I'm a jungle main.

Give me ONE (1) reason not to dodge when my adc locks in Sivir

There is NO reason to pick her when Tristana and Twitch exist

>mobile Artillery
>Heal for days
>I see you're having fun there
>Silents for years
>I see you're about to kill one of my teammates way over there

It's actually the worst one after Debonair desu. Her with a cool badass officer uniform like Volibear's would have been way cooler.

If they wanted to make a fan service skin they should had just made a poolparty. I'd buy that without a second thought.

This is kinda sad

Stuns whenever you want
Blue card is literally free farm
Escape any situation you don't want to/can't deal with in a second and a half
No one expects your power spike
Just try not to kill yourself when you lane against an assassin

>2017 and Caitlyn's bullets are cogs
>Her visual update is behind a 1820rp paywall

Picking another champion.

Some people are cut out for streaming and others aren't.


Dodge, make everyone's life easier.

>waahhh he did not pick meta!!!

are there any streamers that play amumu a lot?

by spamming her laugh taunt every waking second

>posting in the wrong general
>doing cuck scrolls
You deserve it.


>Gets stuck on unseen terrain
>Shuffles around cancelling attacks and dies to tower

>is literally incapable of giving even ONE (1) reason to accept a Sivir support in ranked

lol@yourlife son

Time to post your's, /lolg/! Let's see who's been a good goy and who's been a bad goy.

I love Camille

>uncapable of supporting someone with FREE
>I said FREE spell shield
that laugh belongs to me, dad

What is Fiddlesticks then? He was originally some fucked up creation by a summoner but now that summoners don't exist, I wonder what his lore is.

>tfw no support gf to bully me in bot lane

Nigga I provide two shields and a heal. What I want is damage

Magnus did nothing wrong!

>one reason to accept Sivir
Because spellshield is a good tool in lane even if you're absolute shit at Sivir to the point where if you're a halfway decent support, you should be able to keep them from feeding until they hit their first powerspike.

I miss the old client
post more comparisons like pic related

Classic Eve has swirly shadow clothes.
Shadow Eve has a unique recall and W mark.
Masquerade Eve is THICCer than her other skins.
Tango and Safecracker got the short end of the stick and have nothing special going for them.
Are you as hype for wednesday as I am?

throws feathers
but the feathers come back!!
really good at throwing feathers
also kinda cute

Except Singed's E is a point and click ability while Urgot's E is the range of a Korean man's penis.

when you have some assassinbab midlaner and your team's waveclear is garbage. also if they pick short-mid-long range teamfighters so you can ricochet crit the front line all the way to the backline safely to free win teamfights

should i do it lolg? if i get champs itll just be more blue essence so more chromas i dont lose much

>can play agressively or defensively
>scales really well
>has no real counters
>tons of damage
>game changing ultimate

I'm not so sure. He just hangs around in a field and kills whoever goes in it.


>when lee sin had double the deaths of anyone else on the team at one point

Dude had 12 deaths when we all had 4/5


vg vs vg when

yes goy do it
don't, you'll regret it t. I did it

Don't. Wait for sales to maximize you RP. If there's a legacy skin you want, just wait for the end of the season vault to open.

Just buy the skins you want ffs.

Absolutely not.

Looks meh in game but all models look like garbage in game if they don't have particle effects or glowing/flaming parts. I use it the most because I'm probably the only person in existance who actually likes Vi's tomboy/dyke appeal rather than liking Vi's ass and tits.

Also Officer Vi is definitely not bad at all. People who use it have garbage taste, but it fits in lore, bares midriff and cleavage, and her ult on it. You're right that it doesn't really fit her though, I'd probably prefer something cooler though. Also Pool Party is the obvious choice for fanservice but I don't think it would work out too well unless they made it really fucking stupid and wear water wings on her hands. Then it would look even worse than Officer.

>pick top lane veigar in silver
>team starts troll picking

why are people like this

nothing interests me in sales this month
what vault? is it some honor lvl 5 thing cause im 2

Post your favorite League slut
Now post your favorite fetish
I need ideas for fapfics

Yeah. Lee sin was the problem

Do I buy Dawnbringer Riven & Nightbringer Yasuo if I have the loading screen border giving icons?

Also how do I get to gold in 3v3? I'm a support main. A Sona OTP to be exact.