Yandere Lux Edition
OT: eyosongive.us
Yandere Lux Edition
OT: eyosongive.us
xth for baby making!
>Walk into bedroom
>See this
What do?
>we are supposedly in a 'tank meta'
>assassins raping solo queue even at high elos
what is yorick actually good for
Has this game ever been in a worse state than it is right now?
Early post for lewd cute cosplayers
>assassins exceling on unorganized play on a meta focused on squishy adcs
More news at 9
Meme dream teams where you send the maiden, herald, and ghost dragon down a lane and Trynd pushes the other
>Fell asleep right before the FNC/LZ game
How spicy were the lolgen memes when SoAss got his shit slapped by a literal dog champ?
Xth for LB! I have finally started to get how to play aggressive. Maybe I will make it out of gold 5
So is shadow Eve objectively the best skin?
>hiding their face
what's the point
you gotta show your smile
guess the champion
>they were voluntarily taking one for the team
uh, LOL, ok, real nostalgia right there. i've been playing since s3 and i sure remember lots of fights over roles.
you can do that even now if you want. no one is stopping you from offering to support in place of the jarvan support (which, desu, isn't even unplayable in most meta apart from how warped coin/ardent is right now)
in fact, in high mmr as you see on streams people know each other enough to arrange/offer roles to each other.
i unironically think role select is great and greatly reduces the amount of haggling (read: fighting) that goes on in champ select. although i would prefer a role prefence (arrange all roles in order of preference) rather than selecting two. but i think they didn't go with that because they didn't like the ui experience.
I'm maining this champ next season
Duskblade sure is a balanced item
So nobody knows who she is.
>tfw you never watch dyrus stream in 17fps with 200ms again
Pretty spicy
Why does Eve call Ahri a skank? It's ironic because Eve is probably twice as skanky as Ahri is. Perhaps Eve is jealous of Ahri?
You'd probably get mages in all lanes in a 4v4, with maybe a lane with Jayce/Corki/whatever else that can play as an adc and not instantly die against midlaners.
Riot has used pseudo random since before they removed dodge.
>meta focused on ADCs
>assassins are the ones excelling
Best guy!
Nasus nerfs when?
Posting literal perfection both gameplay and design-wise.
Why doesn't riot fix the underlying problems with support?
you can't farm
you can't dominate your lane
you can't 1v1 ANYONE
you have a very limited pool of viable champs
you have very few build options
If they fix these problems then maybe people will want to play support more. Maybe they should make the jungle even bigger and have camps respawn faster so double jungle can be a thing, fuck anything is better than being a support bitch
>ardent censer made Thresh, the literal king of supports, useless
what a time to live in
Literally anything that can proc thunderlords and use a dash?
She just hasn't met the right man yet!
Here's the true question: Are you one of those degenerates that wants her to cuck you?
It's pretty ironic that someone who hates autofill prefers a system where everyone is forced to queue fill and thinks this somehow has less people being autofilled than the current system
ADC players aren't the ones doing the carrying, it's the team that enables their ADC better (with roams, peel and not inting to the assassins)
ADC is like a tool for the team, yes it's focus like a football is in the game but the players are still what counts not the ball
>boring, predictable, line attacks
>perfect gameplay
>you can't farm
You don't need to with items like coin.
>you can't dominate your lane
>you can't 1v1 ANYONE
>you have a very limited pool of viable champs
>you have very few build options
Have you tried playing the game yet?
>the 50% Q cooldown during ult buff came just before Urf returned
Fun times were had by 5 out of every 10 people.
Support is shit, deal with it.
>Want to get good at Ahri
>Always miss her charm
Being a bronzord is suffering
>Illaoi tentacle has a 1 second delay
>Swain's Nevermove has a 0.875 second delay
>Nevermove is twice the width of a tentacle
>Nevermove is cast on the spot instantly, you can see where a tentacle is coming from because the passive ones auto track you
>Getting hit by Nevermove is basically death if you're a squishy from mid game onwards, tentacles just do moderate damage but are your entire damage output
Why does octobitch have to be so unjustifiably unreliable with huge wind ups? I feel like the 1s wind up on tentacles is purely to accommodate that stupid "tentacles swing twice as fast during ult" retard shit detail. Just remove that entirely and make them swing a little faster at all times.
I watched the first half of the broadcast before going to bed.
I expected EU to lose but I didn't think about how entertaining it would be to watch Soass hard feed again.
Better go watch that game I love watching him flush all of EU hopes and dreams down the toilet.
>no cute squirrel champion
>TPing bot at 200 stacks
They NEVER see it coming.
Is Riot going to increase Shadow evelynn's price after the rework goes live? or is the price going to stay at 520?
Smite has one.
vg vs vg needs 3 more
>smoke of deceit doesn't exist
this is what makes supports bad
>tfw it's impossible to get 1000 stacks on Nasus
>the quote for 500 on infernal nasus is still bugged because of the same reason
Toss her out, I'm not gonna lose my chance at wizard powers for this slut
Good. I approve of you. Welcome to the minority of Ahri posters user.
Just roam dude, you have to be a complete retard to not land an R>E>Q combo on an enemy. But remember to not over stay because you need to still protect mid.
>Perhaps Eve is jealous of Ahri?
Pretty much, yeah.
>be honor level 2 since this shit began
>should have been honor 3 by now
>get chat restricted
>drop an honor rank
More like scaling ability damage means mages don't fall off means mages have to farm means you end up with retarded horseshit where support is a single role and not simply anything that's not a carry.
Tell her to show dick or gtfo
>no cock
Eve is pure but is shy of her lack of sexual experience, sho she hides behind a slutty facade.
my example wasnt the best but back in the day everyone would type out their preffered role in chat so you knew if a top main was gonna be stuck supporting you could intervene. in this new system nobody says a word in pregame chat so you dont even know if your support is a toplane main who figures nobody is gonna swap with him so he doesnt even bother asking (this happens) and then you've started the game with a disadvantage that you didn't even know existed where in the previous system maybe you could have picked up on it and offered to swap.
and then the person who was like im not supporting fuck you would dodge or someone else would dodge because they didn't want to sit in a 40 minute aids fest now the person who is autofill cucked either dodges themselves and the autofilled position gets put on the next random shitter or sits through the pain and everyone else is forced to sit through it too because they didn't know before the game started and you lose 40 minutes of your time when you could have just dodged in the old system
nugraves could always do that
enjoy your 0 free mr
Ornn Support is actually pretty strong. Keep poking with Q and the moment someone go nears the pillar E-W-AA them for half their health.
Because if you don't kill the ADC in less than 2 seconds he's going to hit you a hundred times for 3 gorillion damage, lifesteal half his life back and then proceed to dumpster your team after he's done with you.
The only reason assassins are trash in competitive right now is because these fucking cancerballs known as healsluts can keep a Twitch/Kog/Trist alive even with half your team jumping on them.
My next season roaster is
>Ahri mid
>Eve jungle
>Sona support
if you got chat restricted is because you are an autistic brainlet that can't stop insulting other people just because they had a bad game or worse, you actually fall for other people's bait and start insulting them.
also, I'm currently honor 4 and 90% of the games I tend to just write /mute all at the start of the match and only when the game is like 20 v 2 I will un-mute so I can bant a bit with team and earn good goy points.
/mute all has been the biggest improvement to my gameplay
should have done this sooner
>Makoto Nanaya
Comfy yandere gfs!
+ competitive mids know how to not die to assassins preventing them from snowballing in the first place
Well except LB of course
nasus was already busted in urf though
you build full ap with gblade and just mash buttons through every lane and end up with 9000 magic damage and 700 stacks by 25 mins
nothing stops you from asking if a guy is autofilled or from people saying they are autofilled and they'd prefer something else. i often do the latter and ask if i can x, but i'll just go with what i got if x doesn't want to swap.
and currently i've been spamming normals (queueing as fill actually) and some people will hover random shit like yasuo support. and i ask them if they actually want to support (if they want to yasuo support go ahead idc) or i can support instead. you know, converse with your teammates like human beans.
yes. the old system is literally EVERYONE IS AUTOFILLED, now it's most people aren't autofilled and some are autofilled. it's objectively better for everyone involved.
>ywn pop Eve's cherry as you take her first kiss on your wedding night
Thanks for reminding me asshole.
chat restricted for swearing in reports :^)
it wasnt even in a match. it was exclusively in the report section.
E is slow and clunky W is hard to aim and you can't reposition it midcast against any good adc you are completely useless outside of your ultimate and weak+mana expensive poke
>you can't 1v1 ANYONE
You can 1v1 ADCs provided you don't get kited and they haven't hit a major power spike.
I think the most glaring issue with the support role lies with support champions themselves; they're designed around low APM, presumably so the support player can focus more on macro and vision - but in the end they just look and feel rather boring and/or unrewarding to play compared to other classes in the roster.
>My next season roaster is
>>Ahri mid
>>Eve jungle
>>Sona support
How do you roast them? Medium Rare?
Also I'll be using pic related as my next season roster...except Gangplank. I don't really play him anymore unless Im bored.
illaoi should have just been ad zyra but le juggernugget meme at release time forced her to be a tanky piece of shit with 0 cc
Nah I miss R > E all the time. I swear I have my mouse cursor right over the target but it always skews a little to the left or right. I think it's because of the perspective of the camera
I did not know that could happen, good thing I don't type much
looks good
no see im not trying to be the teamplayer. i want someone who is good at support to offer to fill for the other player FOR me. or have the other player dodge. either way in the old system i still got my role and didn't have to deal with autofill bullshit so no matter how you look at it it's genuinely worse experience.
>tfw no quality yandere eroge
>will also never play a yandere netori game
Imagine being this autistic, thinking a literal sex demon is a virgin just to preserve your waifu fantasy.
Pretty hopeful that Nasus gets picked more. Maybe it'll make people more reluctant to pick boring shit like Mao/Cho.
>not appreciating a simple but efficient kit that has withstood the test of time and isn't as overloaded as newer champion kits and reworks
Does Rod of Ages exist anymore? I never see anyone build it except on like Chogath
vg vs vg
needs 2 more
pass is vidya
you're right because she's been banged by me and only me
How fucking stupid do you have to be to swear on a report that will be seen by a fucking moderator?
Can riot do something about these minion wave clearing champs? It's not fun when I can't even hit a turret because my minion wave is obliterated before it even gets into range. They should buff minions or something
Name ONE support that's not an obnoxious piece of shit to play against.
Besides Braum.
every ability being a telegraphed skill shot doesnt help either
they could just make champs with good intial numbers but shit scaling supports, but they dont.
Literally no one has read reports in years, ever since the automated system got introduced.
The text box in reports is a placebo just like the old "unskilled player" was
>Imagine being this autistic
>still no Xayah cuckqueen porn
>His waifu isn't 10 waifus
explain yourselves
>can't even see face
Are you retarded?
>lz also used the fnc janna skin
kek these guys
>i want someone who is good at support to offer to fill for the other player FOR me
>"if anyone here is autofilled or didn't get their role please say what you prefer"
wow that was hard
>either way in the old system i still got my role and didn't have to deal with autofill bullshit
gosh darn you're last pick and whatever role you really wanted was already taken. you can dodge or troll (can do both at the same time by "forcing" someone else to dodge) or suck it up buttercup.
there is no situation where the old system is better than the current one because everything "good" the old system did you can still do in the new one because the chat box is still here. and the new one does things better than the old one by arranging AHEAD of time to have less duplicate roles (not NO duplicate roles, just less) and less autofills (again, not NO autofills, just less autofills).
Honestly melee AD Zyra is the exact phrase that led me to believe her Q should spawn a tentacle where you're standing.
I thought E was gimmicked retarded autism at first, but the more I thought about it the more sense it made. Illaoi's entire kit revolves around additional units attacking using linear AoEs. She augments her damage output in 2 ways. 1) multiple units hit an enemy. Easy enough, you attack enemies when they stand in areas where tentacles overlap each other. The other is 2) when a single unit hits an enemy and a proxy of the enemy that also takes damage. So her kit's two plays are many friendly units hit an enemy unit, and a friendly unit hits many enemy units. So her kit revolves around aligning yourself between a friendly and both enemies, or standing where the spirit will be pulled to multiple tentacles etc. It actually makes playing her mid engaging because of it's superior tentacle placement. I'm fine with that.
But she absolutely needs a way to place at least a few of them manually.
Your next season roster is retarded, no matter what champions you put in right now. They're not even done with the runes, don't pick a roster so far before we know the patch.
That said, pretty OK but we also don't know how strong Eve will be and Ahri isn't that good of a midlaner right now.
Cassio, Ryze, TF, Kassadin can build it. It's not a bad item, but Morello (mainly because of Lost Chapter) is so much free mana and cdr that most end up building that.
>simple but efficient kit that has withstood the test of time and isn't as overloaded as newer champions
>three dashes
>amalgamation of mage/assassin hybrid
>has had damage between spells retuned multiple times because riot doesn't know what the fuck to do with her kit
ahri has always been cancer for this game and so is every champion like her
Which top laner would you want Khan to play next?