Get these fucking kids out of here edition
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Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules:
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DPS calculator and build planner No.2:
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Frames and Modding:
CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
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First for Brick Prime.
th for wfg is just another form of relay/region chat now but with non cuck moderation and images
>discord link
Why? This is literally a general for discussing the game. Why do you need a discord?
damn these kids are entitled as fuq
>expected to bend to my will
i had a request
and people acted retraded
so i called them retards
I didnt expect anyone to do anything- well not true, i expect someone to post the pic or no one would post and that would be that
but then retards like you think that instead of helping, one should just berate someone over posting limitations is a go to... well yea this is the right place for it,
but so is me calling ya retarded for it
i still got another 2h to kill if you want someone to help pointing out how retarded you are
Is there something between a Thunderbolt Zhuge/Attica and a Zarr? Like a faster firing flak cannon type explosive weapon.
>the state of phoneposters
Yes, Concealed Explosives + Cannonade Hikou/Prime
Think you're looking for the drakgoon
I don't have the mirage webbum
because what little discussion is had here usually end in some kind of pissing contest and most of the time when a discussion is tame its only when we are talking about something offtopic or about the games '''''''''lore''''''''''' plot holes
proof me the fuck wrong right now
I'd totally be down with this.
ilu tab-chan
No thanks, I've already stated my point and I know that you're not gonna understand it because this state of Veeky Forums is all you know. I'm going to subject you to the worst punishment imaginable: leaving you to deal with yourself.
>/wfg/ Discord:
>The instant invite is invalid or has expired.
is this worth anything?
>leaving you with yourself
>notifying you about it
what are you, a gril?
i'll buy it for 50 plat :)
That's a good thing, trust me.
does the smiley mean its worth more
No, goy
hills of eidolla
So Astilla is pretty much a slug shotgun with aoe frag at contact?
So I see I am not alone here.
I imagine it would be like UT's Flak Cannon secondary, with less projectile drop.
And self damage.
must be low iq
Arca Plasmor is fun. This is what a gun should be like in a horde game.
Christ dude. It's worth a lot more than that and I don't want it.
I wanna hold hands with Nova
>not a gold brick
C'mon now.
im mentally handicapped sorry
I want to be able to throw it like in Timesplitters 2.
I'm late to the party; how did you guys like A War Within?
no thanks
Eh, it happened. Hyped and delayed for far too long plus really shallow teen angst further hampered by voice 'acting' by DE office staff.
>Those combos
Looks fun
>tfw you can tell someone only half-understands what they're talking about
Your potato is ugly and looks like a mutt
(you) too anons!
I'm getting real sick of DE deciding that my operator is going to be an obstinate little prick who is constantly whiny and ignoring the Lotus.
Also, yeah.. that voice acting.
Orokin bricks would be alabaster white. Gold bits would be decorations stuck on the facings of some, not all.
Still waiting for our Tenno shotgun, which was the first thing we were promised in the first place. Even if it doesn't have the meta-punchthrough of the Plasmor it would be more than great if the damage output was similar.
tell me, /wfg/ how bad is my first riven?
Okay concepts, a lot of shit execution
The hamfisted moral choice system that came out of nowhere was the dumbest part to me, it's really telling that it's only made one more appearance since, in one of the most garbage quests in the game
well now that down syndrome is gone
does any user have a png version of the top gun list?
Orokin "bricks" would be slabs of wall meat that you would get for exorbitant prices from cetus jews
>Ugly ambiguous character creation
>Tons of lore out of nowhere that was never discussed but yet they talk like the player/character has known it all along
>Terrible voice acting
>Not really want anyone wanted the direction of the lore to go
>Moral choices don't matter
>Game makes you choose a school but doesn't let you view them until after you decide
Overall bad score
>that zero effect stats
They would also be filled with horror meat/plasma energy fields.
and a bunch of shit was cut from it
operator mode transfer is p2p server side
energy redial is shit
you are less hp than a fucking tissue paper
kuva fortress only to give the illusion sorties and relics is expanding.
operator form is only used to farm kuva and in the next update kill off weak spots of an edioin so still its fucking nothing
DE wants to focus the game around operators instead of warframes.
might as well change the games title at this point.
Well, I just now got a key put together and got the last mesa part I needed, hopefully DE stays predictable and PoE comes at the very beginning of next week instead of in the next couple days
Do this
Should I forma Ash's aura for CP? I haven't used Bladestorm in forever and I guess Steel Charge is just being unused
You got the worst possible stats for one of the worst weapons in the game. Have fun.
>Including second dream shit
>Implying shit like the zariman, the grineer queens, etc. weren't talked about and hinted at to death for literal years
Dont, keep it like that, also get Growing Power
sadly i can only save it as a PDF
so that doesnt help much
lol down syndrome is still here
who woulda guessed
Potatoes were a mistake. Why would I want to do the equivalent of a power ranger undoing his transformation back into a civilian form during battle?
Somebody give me Harrow systems.
I am dying here.
Weapona and Frame transmog when?
No? Are your comprehension skills diminished, my good user?
>11% chance for harrow neuroptics from 3rd vault on kuva spy
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Are the vaults as bad as Uranus and Lua?
I have GP, shoot shit and then Fatal Teleport niggas? I mean, the Shuriken is good to strip armor but it's pretty useless otherwise
>that one fag whose every frame is Nezha
Yeah we wish
what is it that I said that was wrong you can do read like 5 versions of the scrapped quest script for yourself
end point DE is pushing operator mode on to us and half the community doesn't like it
focus is mostly popping your operator and using it.
In fact there's less puzzle shit than most regular vaults so they're super easy to cheese with invis
God help you if you can't figure out the shortcut in the vault with the extending bridges though
All of those are easy
is it true they're nerfing Ivara?
Where's the best place to farm Drekar Butchers for Condition Overload? I want to fix up my Saryn with a nice melee build.
>operator form is only used to farm kuva and in the next update kill off weak spots of an edioin so still its fucking nothing
>DE wants to focus the game around operators instead of warframes.
in the transmutation menu.
Uranus, Ophelia
Sit in a corner and farm poly
Yes, I daresay it does indeed seem as if your comprehension skills are quite lacking. Do you often find yourself relaying information to others from an uninformed positioning or do you hear whatever it is that you want to hear and only get it wrong due to your aspie status?
Is there any weapon that hits harder per shot than the Euphona?
I guess I'll try it out, thanks.
Maybe I'll pray to RNG and transmute after I get tired of praying to RNG and grinding.
you are now seeing what happens when two generations play the same shit and the devs try to cather to both.
frames are for old fags that grew up with gatchaman and potatoes are for kids that love Boruto and whant to self insert.
i guess the Boruto fags are he ones with the money because Steverino keeps serving he new shit to them.
Tigris P
A lot of people have gotten it via transmute, myself included so it's worth a shot.
Whoa hold on there, I don't have the credits to buy your Primed Reach
all the focus trees was scrapped in favor of operators now
if that wasnt a bold enough move i guess it will take multiple things. wfg is slow like that
cant be helped
>asked for opinions about tww
>boring rushed and a bunch of shit cut out
>y-y-y-your comprehension skills are quite lacking
Post smooth operators.
inb4 get a haircut
In the end, money wins
So I've heard, I think I'll mix it up farming Uranus and transmuting every so often. RNG hates my guts so I know I'm in for a ride.
I'm assuming they'll introduce another open area for Corpus. Hopefully they'll introduce an area on Mars with ruins from the human civilization that lived there.
Y-y-y-y-y-your comprehension skills ARE quite lacking. You've missed the proverbial nail on the head. I think it's fine to criticize, there's nothing wrong with that, which is why I wasn't addressing that. I think, no matter what this game company does, it will not make you happy. Otherwise you wouldn't anchor your criticisms with falsehoods.
How much can you get for Cleaving Whirlwind?
If I'm not mistaken the next one is Venus and Corpus, a Mars one would be tops, though.
Doom themed or bust
>pink paintjob
>kitty cat suit
20 ducat child whore