/dg/ - Destiny General
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First for new monarchy titan
first for ded game
Is there a glitch? I keep doing heroic nessus events and only getting 1 token
Post titans right now
bonus points for female titans
oh boy, more worms
how creative
Who is a good streamer?
>Crucible so boring that I'd be better off just playing Marathon again
I hope the Iron Boner has some good weapons to go for.
What do you guys think of ready player one?
I'm getting the book delivered Friday.
Warlocks are for _____
can't wait for PC release. just imagine the shitstorm it's gonna cause with the lack of endgame content I really really hope luke smith necks himself
Now witness the true power of the Xbox One.
What exactly is going on here though? This happen throughout the raid.
>Not shoving midas down peoples throats in the name of marathon
Boi u rampant
I know a girl my brother used to be friends with has a role in the movie. Otherwse, I do not care or have a clue what it's about
I was gonna say move it to the power slot and give it max radius and velocity but the DO GL is already like that
and asking for a larger radius with it still a energy primary would be OP
if they can make it do high damage to shields, like the EMP from Reach, but little damage when shields are stripped (both modes), it could be the best scattering shit
I get it in PvP sometimes, but it's red and not green.
what the fuck is this
>tfw no Holliday gf
literally never happened to me
guy looks jewish
Never heard of it before your post. Not really interested in it after seeing the trailer
>max radius on one banger
That's probably concussion rounds which suck dong
>Implying that I havent been doing that since I read the MIDA lore
Frog blast the vent core, my nigga
>still no MIDA Magnum handcannon
Any suggestions on places to read lore and stuff?
>/dg/ is this uncultured.
I guess it's true, we will become the lost generation.
Looks like generic hollywood trash
Anal rape
Do we have a Discord?
How did they fuck up Crucible so fucking badly.
What even makes Antiope D good, again? None of its perks seem great.
What the fuck is wrong with your titan
RR and highest zoom
I don't think a movie about video games is really high in culture.
i like my titan
It's also the only 600 rpm legendary kinetic smg
dood weed lmao
I like it too, user.
nice colors
There's just under 60 of us in this one
hello ikrana
You win.
who cares about the other planets, why don't we reclaim earth first?
and I men an actual relevant part of earth and not the eastern bloc?
lets make our last stand the literal shittiest place on the planet!
Are you talking about the EDZ or wherever the last city is (Chile?)?
after a little over a month of playing this game, I'd rather start D1 over again with no xur or special events
I can't imagine them fixing crucible or adding content that doesn't dry up after a week in the next dlc, what with how dumbed down everything is now
Guys I really enjoy this game and I don't know why
>tfw D2 Crucible is shot shit you're thinking of skipping Iron Banner
>The only thing that I haven't got as a drop that I got from xur was vigilance wing
>he doesn't like factions
>queue for trials
>join random against a 4 stack
>two teammates leave when they see
>wait about a minute, no one gets filled in, leave
>this happens 5 out of 8 matches
You can only queue for trials as a 4-man
>2018's expansion pack will see Eris Morn help the Hive strike back against the Traveler
Crucible is by far the biggest offender. How do you MASSIVELY fuck up Crucible this badly. I am legitimately disgusted and angry at Bungie for fucking it up this badly. Like how, how the fuck do you do this. FUCKING. HOW.
Competitive isn't trials.
the last city is in russia, and the EDZ is close by
Trials doesn't have matchmaking?
There needs to be matchmaking for trials
Rasputin first.
I wonder if we'll get a TTK style large expansion next year
I thought there was something about the shadows that proved the last city is in the southern hemisphere, although it's likely bungo wouldn't put in that much effort.
>6v6 even on the smaller maps
>Supers charge 2x faster
>All ability charge 2x faster
>Heavy ammo spawns more frequently, instant pick-up
>Kills on users with heavy ammo drop heavy ammo bricks
Would you play it?
I can't tell if this is fashionable or not
Why does your face look graphically worse in 2?
>Company known for autistic level of hidden details
>wouldn't put in that much effort.
overall yes, but i would prefer if the small maps stay 4v4. fine with the medium and large maps getting 6v6 though
bright ass lighting? dunno
the earth patrol zone in the first game is right outside the walls and the refugee camp and EDZ are a 4 day walk from the last city
its all frozen waste land
Top tree or bottom tree for skullfort?
new game engine, different lighting engine, not quite a 1:1 port unfortunately
yes that means they spent resources on making the old character creator work with the new engine rather than making a new cc
No, all they had to do was take Destiny 1 Crucible and tweak it slightly. These fucking shit maps are not built for 6v6, Heavy ammo being up so frequently is terrible compared to how it was handled in D1, these shit maps weren't designed for anything other than Pulses and Scout rifles with this samey ass map design of hallways into central hubs into more connecting hallways.
For fucks sake, you can't even select what game type you want to fucking play. I thought Overwatch was the fucking bottom of the barrel in terms of FPS, then Destiny 2's Crucible showed it's deformed face.
their attempts at combatting elitism just serve to coddle retards, and solo players get the fun police
>mfw I want to raid and trials but my mic broke and the xbox adapter I bought doesn't connect to any of my 3rd party mics
Anyone wanna End the Arms Dealer with me?
Wanna finally get this thing done.
That or if anyone needs the first parts of the Rat King quest, hit me up.
just go buy a new one
But Destiny 2 Crucible is not combating elitism, if anything Destiny 2 Crucible is "no fun allowed, final destination" type dogshit. Destiny 2 is a bunch of backwards and contradictory decisions that at the end of the day please fucking nobody.
Do you have a desktop? You can use a mic through the xbox app.
I can't tell which is more BTFOd, you, discordfags, or /dg/ as a whole
k/d =/= """""efficiency"""""
It's KA/D, everyone knows this. Overwatch did the same thing so Bungie copied them.
Friends and I just had an epiphany
>playing in quickplay to unwind
>not even trying, just having fun
>get matched up against another 4-man premade
>they are so goddamn sweaty it's not even funny
>they all have MIDA and Uriel's on, the two hunters are using quickfang
>they were kitted out for Trials but in Quickplay
>Literally the least amount of fun we've ever had in the quickplay queue
>one of us wonders why we don't just play D1 Cru
>we all think that'd be fun
>none of us still have D1 on our PS4s
>don't want to spend the night Dling however many GB it is now
>we quit and play fortnite instead
I don't think I'm going to buy the first expansion unless it gives us D1 rules for quickplay crucible.
Legit looks like "References: The Movie" I can't imagine having fun watching a movie where its only
sticking point is recognizing pop culture figures
dude wreck it ralph but without any charm lmao
Need one for Nightfall
6/4/4 is roundabout the least shit Hunter spread that can be expected, right?
that's what I got. I actually liked my mobility up at 7 a little more. Definitely feel the difference
Why is elitism bad again?
Can't hunters get 6 in either rec or res with mods?
>not winning the actual endgame by having friends
I'm already using one recov mod on my boots. Everything else is filled up with gunplay mods. 2 Kinetic Recoil / 1 Kinetic Reload / 1 Energy Handling.
Its exclusionary and when people are excluded it hurts their fee fees so it's badwrong
Do you think Bungie can save Crucible?
Can they? Yes.
Will they? No.
They WANT that E-SportZ crowd.