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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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gonna fuck mamui
That's my wife
That's my Cowife.
Are you ready for tons of Sacred Coins?
>he fell for the desperation meme
Posted 6 seconds before other one, congrats
Yeah well your wife has nice TITS. Nice, huge, squeezable honkers.
where'd you get this
and is sacred seal forge coming tomo
Goddamnit are we gonna get cucked out of orb rewards again
Kill yourself Raul
No no no no fuck no. I was going to skip this gauntlet because refreshing the game every 30 minutes is fucking cancer.
Fuck this fucking garbage.
Feeling Ike's big meaty cock slide down your throat as you gag for air!
Fuck off Raul.
>Minerva and Maria BHB
So can we talk about how this will now be happening with Infernal-buffed stats
>reinhardt is dead, and autists will differ
Lol, rip
She's going to have 50 fucking res
>sacred seals require weeks of grinding for upgrading spur def 1 to spur def 3
That's so goddamn lame. Also where's the fucking schedule. Gauntlets suck, I'm sick of seasonal units, and I want my Arvis GHB
Jesus Christ this inflation
Is there a link to the apk yet?
>Inigo is S+
(lol Now that Reddithart and Lyn are shit, they look like even more of a joke for sucking off Inigo
I want to assault Maria!
Woah, check out this scandalous picture of Cecilia!
>even cavbuffed bladememes can't handle it
Soren, you must control yourself.
git gud raul
Roy's her boy!
Who /u/ here
>Used goods.
>Neglectful mother (counts as child abuse)
Cuckgero is shit.
>as you gag for air!
>mfw can't understand and refuse to believe people actually enjoy this.
>mfw remember my ex loved when she gagged on my huge dick.
I don't understand. What is so enjoyable about gagging. It always made me feel bad, like I was hurting her or something.
>Kagero actually helped in SA5 against the reinforcement green mage and the reinforcement red cav
Overall wasn't very hard, first 4 maps I beat first try, last one took just a tiny bit of trial and error.
Shut up user
Not /u/ but, she should have been the bisexual option.
So is this the hardest SA yet? I'm not able to try it yet, but judging from the pics everyone's posting it looks pretty damn difficult.
/ss/ is shit, fuck off!
Go back to tumblr you numale.
Also I have discovered the power I wield, and the potential to use it for evil.
hello feg, still continuing my new journey in Heroes, started in August.Overall I'm having a blast while playing it casually
Just got Minerva recently from the Dancer banner while trying to get Azura, but unfortunately she seems to be +spd -atk, any advice how i can make her work or is she better of as a fodder for LaD3?
something tells me that's the new story map instead.
game's dead nerds deal with it
Just keep her, banner soon I suspect. Then you can roll for a better one and merge.
>people think an anti-brave seal will stop Reinhardt
oh wow he can only instantly kill 3/4's of a team now, how terrible. Cavs still dominate because the AI is too dumb to stop them
when will alphonse be the become the fire emblem
Just needed to let him attack into her first but still, I could only 1 shot about half the units there and the last turns were tense
Doujin about 4 roys going around and gangraping FE girls when?
>Already shaking.
It's like one of the most vanilla forms of masochism, not that hard to understand.
Can /y/ join in on the gayposting too?
We can only hope they don't introduce hone infantry like buffs or seals don't allow us to create a similar effect.
Would've been even more popular but IS can't understand why some characters are popular and others aren't. Kinda funny that she's mostly popular with girls.
It opens up more potential Reinhardt counters. Nino will now not need a res buff to counter him. Even /ourBoey/ can live and kill him back.
Stop gayposting.
how to do map 2 without using rein
Azura is garbage, at least post good /u/ shit.
You did get the new Seal, didn't you?
I'm not falling for this one again
it's time
>Voting Gauntlet uses Sacred Seals
>Not flags
aye but that pairing fucking sucks
no way fag
imagine the devastation of armor emblem with full distance counter support. Just press auto to win.
>posts literal whores
Sacred Coins Quests
MID_MISSION_S201710SEIKA01_TITLE: Sacred Coins
MID_MISSION_H_S201710SEIKA01_A1: Defeat an enemy.
MID_MISSION_S201710SEIKA01_A2: KO Foes w/Red
MID_MISSION_H_S201710SEIKA01_A2: Use red-type allies to defeat enemies.
MID_MISSION_S201710SEIKA01_A3: KO Foes w/Blue
MID_MISSION_H_S201710SEIKA01_A3: Use blue-type allies to defeat enemies.
MID_MISSION_S201710SEIKA01_A4: KO Foes w/Green
MID_MISSION_H_S201710SEIKA01_A4: Use green-type allies to defeat enemies.
MID_MISSION_S201710SEIKA01_A5: KO Foes w/Colorless
MID_MISSION_H_S201710SEIKA01_A5: Use colorless-type allies to defeat\nenemies.
MID_MISSION_S201710SEIKA01_A6: KO Foes w/Infantry
MID_MISSION_H_S201710SEIKA01_A6: Use infantry allies to defeat enemies.
MID_MISSION_S201710SEIKA01_A7: KO Foes w/Armored
MID_MISSION_H_S201710SEIKA01_A7: Use armored allies to defeat enemies.
MID_MISSION_S201710SEIKA01_A8: KO Foes w/Cavalry
MID_MISSION_H_S201710SEIKA01_A8: Use cavalry allies to defeat enemies.
MID_MISSION_S201710SEIKA01_A9: KO Foes w/Fliers
MID_MISSION_H_S201710SEIKA01_A9: Use flier allies to defeat enemies.
dead game nerds
2 dancers and a half-decent brave/firesweep bow user
There is a dichotomy between Fates' story characters and its support characters. Story Azura is indeed garbage. Support Azura is great.
>have an IV gimped Leon sitting my barracks
>really want to build Niles with Slaying Bow but Yura's art is shit and makes his skin color look like someone threw bleach all over him
When do we get to fire Yura?
kys Drill
I regret copy pasting that
for what?
Not really.
Wonder how many coins these quests will net
I assume enough to use the new Forge at least once, for new player accessibility
>thinks Rein is kill because of one seal
>thinks Inigo is S+
>tier lists
I agree. She's a good intention-ed, sweet but foolish girl.
and azura's corrin supports are shit
It’s Xenophon. Would you like to use my Odin on team Corrin (male)? I know he’ll be less thicc without summoner support.
Say something nice!
So how much do you guys have to work with?
>Literally every map I face has multiple CYL heroes
>I couldn't get a single one from rolling
I just wanted Roy for fuck's sake.
Best ship
Kill yourself.
everyone look at this cuck who migrated and laugh
You by far the worst dancer on the game and people who defend you argument with their dicks.
>tfw finally getting defenses
Somehow never got shit with Brave Lyn, but I throw this together and it's a success.
The speed boost helps out a lot, Life & Death helps make the attack drop more negligible, especially if you run her on a flier team with Palla or other allies with Goad Fliers gained through skill inheritance.
150. I missed a week a while back and haven't been giving it my all
I'll have 120
Where's your bonus
I hope it's tonight.
Am I... fucked?
Around the same as listed there. For numerous reasons I can't play the game as much as I'd like.
guidance and flier formation if your elincia has it probably throws people off
why is niles so hot
>BoL 3
>BoL 3 seal
>Dancer weapon
21 HP recovery to adjacent allies. RIP healers.