/owg/ - overwatch general

Symmetra is best girl and also best vampire edition

>The HALLOWEEN TERROR event is returning on OCTOBER 10TH
>new skins for McCree, Reaper, Mei, Zenyatta and Symmetra so far
>the Junkenstein story will go further into the castle


>Junkertown is Overwatch's newest map

>Latest cinematic

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/21013135
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>D.va playguide



when's the last time you bought lootboxes /owg/ ?


I have never bought lootboxes but I will this time.

I almost bought lootboxes during uprising and summer games 2017.

summer games
why would you ever buy boxes outside of events?

We should all buy as many lootboxes as we can during this event to show Blizzard that this game is still alive.

I want an otokonoko healslut!

$20 per event. I have every item in the game now.

None yet, I'd only buy lootboxes if Bastion gets another blizzcon-tier skin. Null Sector maybe, but I didn't own the game then so I was late for it.

I spot an UWA!

I bought 20-something at the end of the 2016 summer event to get the D.va Taegukgi skin but I felt so much remorse I'm unlikely to do it again

got any of them leaks


Bloo on the front page

>heiling a race traitor

Reminder that Mercy canonically removed genji's dick and deactivates his body, hangs him on a wall and forces him to watch Mcree pound her puffy Swiss love chute.

>it's pretty early
>but he kept all of the useful links and the image isn't troll shit

That's why he made it early. This time is when the tranny poster prowls the general.

>Disgusting whore walks up to the curb
>Drops panties and squats down
>Completely expressionless as she drops a turd in the street
>Doesn't wipe
>Stands up
>Walks off and disappears into the crowd like hannibal lecter at the end of silence of the lambs.

>McCree being able to do anything
Don't kid yourself. That heal slut's suffering from yellow fever.

why is overwatch dying?

Jesse's been rendered impotent by years of alcohol abuse

why would i ever
what have they done that has been worth money at this point

yellow fever is when white men want to fuck asian women tho

Mercy will fuck anyone anywhere.
She wears a god damned handlebar on her head ffs

all the dialogue in game subtlety implies mcree has bedded the entire female cast.

>being this mad the true goddess graces the op image

you mean chemically castrated by the state for being dangerously autistic

wrong, mercy fucking hates genji.
pic related.

remember that note genji wrote to Angela in the xmas comic
it said I need healing


wrong reply

No it doesn't. The only one that remotely implies anything would be D.va's. And maybe Ana.

Nice shop, m8.

>Ana you were always a charmer
>Hey Dva where did you learn to shot like that
>Hey pharah where did you learn to shoot like that
>Hey Widow where did you learn to shoot like that
>Hey Mcree if that is your real name
>I have faith you can fix me up doc
>I thought I liked cowboys until I met you.

>detachable handlebar
I mean, if you want handlebars, you'd think twin tails would be more effective handlebars.

>Be in a match with three and four man teams who won't join team chat
>Lose game

Solo Que Comp when?

>>Hey pharah where did you learn to shoot like that
>>Hey Widow where did you learn to shoot like that
He doesn't say any of this.
>>Hey Mcree if that is your real name
He tells her that whatever rumors about his "real name" is aren't true.
>>I have faith you can fix me up doc
After she tells him that smoking's bad for his health. It's not implying anything.
>>I thought I liked cowboys until I met you.
They're talking about cowboy movies and you're telling me he fucked with Jack?

Literally the only ones are Ana and D.va.

man, mccree's pick up lines center heavily around aiming huh?

she still has a pony tail, now you have options for how to control her head with maximum force.

Was this game ever good? I've been playing since open beta and I literally can't remember how it felt to play at the beginning.

Move, I'm gay.

Overtime is one of the most cancerous things ever added to online games

Its not just overwatch either

Twin tails let you apply more force and control, though.

Does Fareeha secretly want to get fucked in the pile driver position by Reinhardt?

Your whole post is wrong.

a handle bar has more control...
otherwise they would put twin tails on motorcycles...

are all mercy mains cock hungry sluts

he says for Dva where did you learn to shoot like that.
Then Pharah says where did you learn to shoot.
it implies Mcree uses it as a pickup line on the female cast. On top of that he makes a double entendre bout fucking Ana. who calls him a charmer.
If he kills Widow he says a line that indicates they had a relationship.
If Sombra is around she expresses her pleasure at "working" with him again.
Mercy expresses concern he is smoking and he replies he's confidant in her care.
Mcree is one smooth criminal.

Pure truth.
It takes one to play one.

also forgot.
>Mei you know what time it is?
God damn Mcree Mei?!

>another game lost because people can't focus 1 target
I don't know how much more of this I can take lads

the point about Jack is he thought cowboys were cool until he met Jesse which implies Jesse has a boozey, sleazy side.

mei wants him to unload six shots into her while junkrat watches helplessly frozen in place


can best girl finally have a good leggo now?

Mercy was not meant to be cucked like this...
but she would probably enjoy it on some level anyway.

100% degeneracy at its finest.

>Then Pharah says where did you learn to shoot.
Pharah fangirls about Overwatch characters. It has nothing to do with him picking anyone up with the lines.
>If he kills Widow he says a line that indicates they had a relationship.
There's nothing that implies it.
>If Sombra is around she expresses her pleasure at "working" with him again.
She only says working with him, not "again". And then she takes a jab at his name not being Jesse McCree.
>Mercy expresses concern he is smoking and he replies he's confidant in her care.
She just does the matter-of-factly "doctor's warning" about smoking. That's not implying anything else.
>>Mei you know what time it is?
And Mei's making fun of his "High Noon" phrase.

Again, the only ones implied anything are Ana and D.va.

The twin tails would have more control. The only reason you use a handle bar on a bike is for safety reasons.

Mercy never got cucked. Tumblr lied to you again.

I just bought 100 in preparation for the Halloween event.

McCree is like a less interesting version of John Marston


>I just bought 100 in preparation for the Halloween event.
Please be bait. Actually, I'm hoping you were dumb enough to do it.

It's my money and I want the new skins, I wont have time to earn them normally since I have a job and can't play all the time.

>Genji and Mercy have the most ridiculously overpowered amazing kits in the game which never get nerfed

>Genji and Mercy are the least-skilled most-braindead heroes of their respective classes

>Genji and Mercy are the most played heroes by their respective sexes

>Genji and Mercy get among the most skins in the game in order to make their large fanbases buy boxes

>Genji and Mercy are about to be a canon couple in the game's story

What else will this unholy cancerous union spawn?

What's the skill ceiling on this game?


you can't be this fucking dense

>entire enemy team is on point
>my team is respawning from being wiped
>I go in alone and kill four by ulting then die
>team loses the 5v2

why do i even try

A half breed time traveling ninja healer?

About, like, six.

>Doomfist punch hitbox on release
>goes through walls and pins people not even in his FOV

>Doomfist punch hitbox now
>easily evaded by jumping

Holy shit Blizzard genuinely doesn't have a clue what they're doing, do they?

if it took you this long to figure that out your not much better

lootbox loot is generated when you get the box, not when you open them. you will get nothing for the event because they aren't event loot boxes

You'll do anything for (You)'s won't you? Sick bastard

>place 2520
>play 28 matches
>win 16, lose 12

I feel #blessed to be part of this amazing Blizzard™ experience.

>when your teammate talks shit to you because "you suck dude"
>start spamming 'Thanks!' as they're whining about you in mic
>spam 'Thanks!' after getting multiple double kills
>get a quad with ult and spam 'Thanks!' for the rest of the round

As a lurker who's somewhat interested in FPS's, I think this game has a solid skill ceiling for the DPS characters. It seems like a game of strategy at the highest levels, where composition and teamwork is the most important. However, the skills of the DPS'ers is crucial to kill fast. Actual players can correct me if I'm wrong.
On a level, I think this game is a lot about taking turns and respecting whether the other team has ultimates up or not. I think this game is closer to a MOBA because of that. I might be totally wrong though.

Roadhog seems like he can one shot people again. Why is no one talking about this?

Hi plat

This is a good answer, thanks for that.

do you feel good about that post?

>I think this game has a solid skill ceiling for the DPS characters

Lurk more fag.

>our players are so toxic that we can't even improve the game

Ask me how i know Blizzard is the worst & greediest developer on the planet.

Not even EA blames their customers for failures.

He never lost the ability to oneshot people what are you talking about? Shit hog players did, because now it takes some actual mechanical work to do it consistently, but good hogs are even more deadly because of breather buff. It's pretty damn insane

>ninja healer
already a thing

>Dota 2 throws them into low prio
>LoL just bans people for the most minor of offenses

This is pretty pathetic, when MOBA's have a better control on their player base

Servers are dead

A good one.

When will Sombra and McCree fuck?

OW dev team is pretty incompetent which was proven times and times again since pretty much the release.
A fine example of how to ruin a good enjoyable game with post-release development direction.

Fuck you. I was literally 5s away from winning a game I literally carried. Couldn't log in again, exiting battle.net and restarting didn't work. Fucking bullshit too since I getting really close to GM.

I'm not gonna lose SR for this, right?

I was in the middle of a fucking match, I don't want to lose 50 SR just because the fucking servers kicked me out of the game...

>decide to dust off OW
>players keep leaving games
>unexpected server error

Wow and I thought PUBG was a piece of shit. You guys competing?

You will

So pissed I forgot to post pic/explain. Random as fuck server error and I can't do anyhting about

Yea, I'm I just got back on the game and it seems like it isn't gonna dock me points or anything.

It's still a fucking shame though, we were winning that match too...

overwatch is so clueless they couldn't even think of a proper business model for generating money after initial purchase.
credits from dups have always been enough for me to buy all the skins i want if i dont win them before the event is over.

this wouldnt be a problem for them if they actually made more skins but that would require work and liberal commie scum dont believe in hard work

Guys if you guys weren't so toxic the servers wouldn't be kicking you off, now apologize and buy at least 20 lootcrates.