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can you tame this stabbo crabbo?
lads should i dung on 70 or just do quest till 110?
dungeon until you get the MOP then do quests/treasures
unless you wanna do specific quests why wouldn't you just dungeon spam if your only intent is endgame
dungeon till 90 cause draenor dungeons give shit exp
if your class can't heal or tank you probably have time in between queues to quests but get prepared to drop a lot of quests because you'll outlevel the zones fast but it's still a good way to get exp in-between dps queues
>Illidan becomes the jailer of Sargeras
W-will Maiev stay with him, just to be sure he won't do anything stupid?
>no OP
> celibacy
> mentally ill
> gets into tentacles
> loses themselves in madness and tentacle degeneracy
> an hero
> so beyond redemption can't even be forcibly raised by a dk
Mmmm sounds pretty Chad to me!
t. Shadow Main
what's supposed to be in the OP?
there's nothing that needs to be in there lol
blood thing is useful
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
>want a LFR tier set for mogging
>LFR is set to 10 man personal loot
What is this autism
Now that I have concordance on all my artifact weapons, what do I do with ap?
There are points where it's actually faster to do quests, or in draenor to just fly around looting chests and bonus objectives. Leave all the bonus objectives 1 thing from done, then chug an xp pot and finish as many as possible.
add extra levels to concordance so you can use the memelight crucible.
Pour it all into your primary weapons concordance. The concordance matters little per rank but netherlight crucible on Argus works off of artifact level.
tfw ur first egf is a rogue and u pvp together all day and vanish rez when each other dies in a raid
remember when everything was better
>new raid coming never
Get to 75 on your main for the Netherlight Conten- Crucible.
>new expac has a new personal artifact weapon
>it has a new system tied to relics and artifact levels that allows a class to use skills from other classes
>it's completely randomly chosen/rolled
Absolutely can't wait for this, lads.
its fucking nothing
>when the Mists of Pandaria music starts playing
Who want some trinkets that are 35% of your damage breakdown!!!!!!
>officer of his guild
Best time it plays is when you're doing that mountain climbing with the emperor's ghost
RP. not romance
>tfw game is so dead that you have to wait for half an hour for a dungeon as a tank
I came in here expecting an actual game about crab on crab combat. Instead I'm going to send you all to the principal's office.
Who misses world pvp in vanilla
I miss actually seeing other players running around outside and being reminded there is another faction
>realms are either completely dead or one sided faction jerk off realms
No but he drops a toy which you can you use to give pet crabs the knife
What race should my first (blood) DK be?
ooh ooh ooh
do want
Alliance - Human
Horde - Orc
>it's an arcane mage with stealth/vanish battleground again
I am planning on griefing scrubs in wpvp.
Fem or male human for maximum butthurt?
male human in clown or gay mog.
Go female gnome. Its infuriating
how rude.
>girl gnomes still annoy niggers
cant wait for tame beast on my spriest
this is the dumbest thing I've read in a long time
He meant it's infuriating to pvp with raging boner
What does gnome feet smell Like? Asking for a friend
like any feet you fucking retard
>raid taking place on the Legion homeworld
>Hunter tier is Naga themed
>Shaman tier is Troll themed
>Paladin tier looks like Garithos' armor
>Rogue tier is pirate themed
>Mage tier is Ethereal themed
What did Blizzard mean by this?
Is subtlety rogue good atm? Its fun af to play
That they laid off a lot of people after Nighthold.
Garithos did nothing wrong and was originally a paragon of the light
Was nighthold not so good?
Well guys i'm out. I can't take this game anymore. thank you for reading my blog. I probably will be back for the next expansion and then get pissed off again. In the meantime enjoy playing a game that nobody working there cares about.
is this the same guy every thread
Gee its almost as if this entire expansion has been filled with indirect hints towards what's coming next.
They are really strong but if you don't have the right legendaries it's kind of shitty
Every spec is "good". Unless your a cutting edge mythic raider just pick your poison and play what you find fun
It was ok, but it had both "ok" and consistent design in tier sets and basically everything else.
Then ToS uses HD t6 remakes with some absolute garbage put in for new classes, and ToS uses this jumbled mess of armors.
It's clear they lost their direction hard.
>mythic paladin tier 19 is probably the best paladin set in the entire game
>tier 20 is recolored lightbringer
>tier 21 looks awful on any race other than human
And don't even get me started on the hunter sets. Is it mandatory that hunters have 0 good sets?
Goblin cum
do you guys think VVC has been around the block?
Hunter t19 is fairly ok.
what went wrong?
people playing HS: 30 million
people playing OW: 30 million
people playing WoW: slightly ahead WoD (3-4 million)
Got a free boost to 100 and i want to make a DK.
Do i need to complete the starting zone to boost said DK?
No. Boosted and 100 trial characters start in a skippable training scenario then go right to Broken Isles.
gee i wonder how can you check this.
forgot to circle the other guy too
Community managers don't really count as anything.
he's part of the guys who ignore the players though
>thanks for the feedback! we always care about our players
>*doesn't give a shit*
>*removes flying* *scales mobs to ilvl*
>being a flycuck
Yeah they fucked up.
But my favourite moment was when those shiteaters claimed Blizzard has it's own sims and data.
Which is a crock of bull shit of biblical proportions.
>he fell for Ions garbage
>he doesn't even get paid for it
nice one retard
t. wrathbabby
pretty insane how they don't give two shit about lying
>walking is fun because Ion Holokostas told me so!
good goy, now go open your free legendary overwatch chest
Will blizzard ever fix the way characters hold two-hand weapons?
Is it me or Argent Dawn EU's is kinda empty and unfriendly? (no "game is dead" memes intended")
>need some mats for Tailoring
>only got high-level mats but my prof level is too low
>need items low level mats, but too lazy to run around and farm it from low end mobs in start zones
>got enough gold to buy some good shit
>went to AH
>searching for mats
>AH is fucking empty
>wrote down some WTB shitposts to Trade chat
>almost nobody answers
Seriously, where are the jews when I need them?
How do you know they really dont have these?
Doesn't sound unbelievable desu.
AD is not awake until 3 pm
>scales mobs to ilvl
is this really a thing?
ilvl is literally just fucking player levels
why do characters even have levels anymore?
wow is literally a fucking themepark mmo but with each new expansion they build new rides but they build it further back in the park
as you go into the park you see the first couple rides are still around, the tiny rollercoaster with a hump, the carousel.
they don't have many riders but they're still active
past that it's just old themepark rides that are barely functioning and you have to ride them one by one until you make it to the actual active themepark all the way at the back of the park
>is this really a thing?
They wanted to implement it at some point during Legion, no? I was not playing then, only heard it casually and it's an incredibly retarded idea.
Ok, when everyone talks about scaling, do you mean level scaling or ilvl scaling? I couldn't give less of a shit about the latter one. The other prevents you from soloing content which is a no for me in terms of being subbed.
P.S. anime image so you notice my post.
Is AH often empty like that?
wh-what if I find exploration fun? Did I fall for the jews plot?
Draenei qt monk y/n?
ilvl scaling
it was a thing for a few days when broken shore opened
They implemented it
people SHIT on them incredibly hard because it's a fucking retarded idea in an MMO
they then pretended to revert it so people would stop talking about it but it's still there
>This is why the Orcs turned them into baby factories
It's fairly simple. Let us assume that no class is getting boned out of "spite" and no class is kept op by dev fiat.
And then you can look at the glaring discrepancies in performance and especially during Legion launch.
For a game this "big", there had to be quite a lot of inside testing and QA. This includes the use of sims to evaluate how each class goes in raids and dungeons. Meanwhile, people on the forums and basically everywhere brought to light mathematical evidence that spec X will spiral out of control by the end of the first raid tier and spec Y doesn't scale at all and it's damage is simply inadequate. All this was dismissed. Eventually both the sims and actual kill data comes up, and we see exactly what the forum posters predicted.
And this continues on and on, with every "fix" being a bandaid - +10% damage here, -15% damage there and so on.
If they simmed it Legion wouldn't launch as it did and there wouldn't be inane decisions like nerfing a class that's already struggling.
So in the end you can tell that either they have sims and internal data, but can't use it worth shit, or they don't have any of this and they just wing it.
I don't get it
If you hate WoW and blizzard
That's fine. At worst you can have two sets of items and use them according to your needs of challenge. Also I hope they don't make instances scale.
what the fuck else am i supposed to do
>pretened to revert it
uh no sweaty the enemies are just a bit tougher than the other legion zones and that's fine
>t. Elemental Shaman
I love WoW and I wish I could have fun playing it
Close, but no cigar. Destro Warlock.