/fhg/ - For Honor General

Suicide Is Painless Edition

Haven't answered questions that are key >Season 3 Info:

For Honor v1.14.1 Patch Notes

>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear appearances

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

So is Brawl actually playable and fun again yet, or are the honorfags still slowly killing every game mode?

Yeah, and its surprising how many people seem to fall for it

Could someone please tell me why is nobushi considered top tier in DOM/brawl?

She has pretty good, safe attacks. She's not as strong as she was since her Zone was nerfed, but she's pretty strong when you get good at her. Great revives, too.

Nah Honorfag are still killing every mode except Dominion.

Hopefully when Tribute come they stay away from it too.

so I should go with quick revive over the minion killing perk?

>Implying they don't ruin Tribute by letting the flag carriers get away for Honor

Please user don't jinx it,I don't want to be more dissapointed in this community already.

>Nah Honorfag are still killing every mode except Dominion.
I've seen plenty of honorfags in dominion, it's just not as wide spread as it is in brawl and elim
I'll bet you my left nut that they'll ruin it as well
>Try to run the flag to the drop off
>Get stopped by an enemy
>Teammate shows up and watches the fight instead of helping or taking the flag
I already have nightmares this will happen

Reminder that the devs have already stated that honorfagging isn't against the rules, so if they decide to ruin Tribute with honorfagging Ubisoft won't do a goddamn thing about it

Why don't honourfags just stay in duel mode
Its a mode specifically for them to have their nice 1v1s
Why must they spread their filth

Because honorfags are literally autistic and think they should be able to play however they want in every single game mode, otherwise they'll quit

>finally.... after all these years.... we have become For Honor™ Digital Deluxe Edition + Season Pass
Literally deleted the game at that scene.

>tfw Gold 3

What happens when I reach diamond?

>Fighting someone
>They throw out a 500ms attack
>Comes out literally instantly, zero chance to respond
>I throw out a 500ms light
>They parry it without fail

I guess that's the price I pay having some of the best internet available in my country and having fiber optic cables when every other subhuman fucking bogan on this rock has copper wires with an upload rate of 30kb/s, huh?


What are Raider's best feats?

Someone needs to post the same on Ubi forums

Tireless is really good because having extra stamina as Raider is invaluable. Your best combos and attacks use heaps of stamina. Some people prefer Body Count because it lets you heal, but you should have points to stand on to heal anyway. Rush sucks.

Bear trap is a free kill, basically. Marked for Death sucks, Inspire is okay for team fights.

Fury is really good for ensuring a high chance of winning any fight you're in. Second Wind is for pussies and Battlecry is okay if you have a premade group you stick with a lot.

Fire Flask is great for clearing out the middle and keeping it cleared, or just finishing up team fights. Stalwart Banner isn't very good at at all, and neither is Slippery.

foot fags were a mistake

The ubi forums are exclusively for autism

If only it wasn't for honorfaggots and turtling shitheads in duels it would be the comfiest mode to play


Why did they decide to buff warlord back to top tier right after they nerfed him?
I understand that it's easier to revert nerfs instead of working on a way to buff an underpowered class, so I won't bring up that there were more deserving heroes in need of a buff.
But the nerfs to warlord didn't seem like that they were that bad in the first place, he still seemed like a solid pick.
I admit that I never played warlord so I don't really know for sure, but his kit still seemed solid, probably stronger than the majority of the cast.
Now he just seems to completely overshadow almost every other character instead of having a defined role.
Why nerf someone from top tier to high-mid, and then almost immediately buff him back to top tier?

Gladiator can't use dodge against valkyrie no matter what

>Warlord is top tier in every mode, the best heavy character by a mile
>Nerf him
>He's not as strong in 1v1 situations, but is still incredibly strong in team fights and great at holding points
>Buff him again back to his old level
>Only even stronger because of a bug


What's the point of doing tournaments anyway

>Playing LB
>Super close match
>Both teams are breaking
>Chasing down a very obnoxious, very good Gladiator
>Pin the fucker against a wall with skewer
>About to hit her with a top heavy for a kill
>Just as my attack is about to collide, a friendly Gladiator fucking hits me with a jump attack
>Enemy Gladiator starts to run away
>Panic, spam heavies
>Get super lucky and get the kill

I was ready to fucking throw the game if that fucker had made me lose that kill. Why the fuck would you jump attack your ally's ass when they have an enemy against the wall, anyway?

You get hats. I haven't found any tournaments in ages, but I want them hats. Some of the hats are really nice, most... are not.

You lose your ability to play ranked. Literally can't find a game.
t. calibrated platinum 3, then when ubi decided to shake up the brackets got moved to diamond 3. Haven't been able to find a game ever since.

Jesus. Honorfag genocide when?

so, I just watched a video from August that said Ubisoft were planning to add dedicated servers to For Honor.
did they actually do it?
did it fix connection issues?
is it even possible for someone who has 40 hours to jump back into the game or will I just be obliterated by players who have 400 hours and much better loot?

>Jumped back into the game after a 6 months hiatus.
>Played for 3-4 days
>Already bored as fuck
All the issues this game had at launch is still there. People disconnecting, game crashes, fucked character balancing. They removed ledges, enviromental hazards thanks to ubiforum crybabies.
This game is a steaming pile of shit, nothing can save it.
nope, it's still as it was when you left

Servers arent here yet, connection issues have been improved somewhat though
with 40 hours it shouldnt be difficult for you to get back into the groove of things and do well, the new characters will probably trip you up for a while but thats to be expected

noted, thanks

>nothing can save it.
anime waifus could save it, they can save anything
just add in a feature that turns all the characters into anime girls, get a nice boost of fans and thered be plenty more OC to keep the community going

That would get a community back to the game but it wouldn't be a good community.

play the story again at realistic

It's incredibly frustrating. Honorfagging is slowly going to every fucking game mode
>Just played dominion with a Highlander on my team
>We're losing
>Trying to take a point from a turtling Conq, he's just watching me
>Signal for help
>He does nothing
>Does nothing but 1v1 the entire match
I'm going to quit the game if this becomes every single game mode

Its already awash with honourfags and other such cunts, I doubt weaboos could make the community much worse

>Be Honorfag
>Grab Elimination by the throat and bend her over
>Fuck her until she can't walk
>Anyone else would have stopped by now, but you don't
>Keep going
>People watch in horror as you literally fuck Elimination to death, then keep going
>Still hard, though
>Wipe the rotten blood off your cock and look around
>Notice Brawl
>She tries to run away
>Grab her and slit her throat, then fuck the corpse
>Quickly goes cold
>Still hard, still horny
>Spot Dominion

I hate Honorfags.

I'm gonna go have a shower


Notice Dominion and Skirmish are the only game modes where the entire team spawns together. There has also never been a widespread notion about unwritten honour rules in those modes......

Really makes you think........

Brawl is included in that now, but even before the patch people would play the Forest map by having two people go upstairs for a 1v1 and two people stay downstairs for a 1v1. I imagine the newly changed brawl maps are still honorfag central.

I always had mixed feelings about Forest. One the one hand it was the only Brawl map that allowed for proper 2v2s, on the other hand it was a shit map and I hated it.

And the shitty thing is that ubisoft has already set a precedent by not stopping honorfags in elimination, despite people complaining about teammates literally throwing the game if you don't abide by their made up rules. So at this point they can't do anything even if they wanted to, because they've already said that playing with """honor""" is okay

I really wish there was 2 different options for each gamemode, "Honour" Mode and "Dishonourable" mode
Then we can all play with our own kind, honourfags are happy and the rest of us get to be free of their cancer

>I imagine the newly changed brawl maps are still honorfag central.
They are. Even though we spawned together, my teammate threw a tantrum and actually let me get killed because I didn't play with honor
>Round 1, we spawn together
>Kill off my guy and then to to double team the enemy
>Honorfag stands back and watches, win anyway
>Final round barely manage to beat my guy
>As I deal the final blow I get impaled by the Lawbringer and executed off the wall bang
>My teammate spams thanks and they emote before they do their autistic duel
These faggots will literally team up with the enemy to spite you if you don't play along with their roleplay shit

That would only work if they handed out temp bans for playing "honorably" in the non honor mode. Because honorfags would join the other mode just to spite people

We'll finally win a season, right knightfellas?

My kinda guy , kek.

I guess, but it feels kind of pathetic being the last faction to win a round. Almost as if the other factions feel sorry for us and let us win the last round.

Nigger who cares about that diginity shit. We will finally win and won't be known as the faction who never won! It will finally be over and I'll never have to fucking care about the faction war ever again.

Too bad the reward is going to be shit. Season 1 had the best reward, season 2 was meh, and season three is going to be meaningless

I actually care about the faction war, and still pick the territory I wish to deploy assets after every matches.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's well made, but it's just lacking.
How would you go on on making that shit actually fun and important, /fhg/?

More feedback regarding individual impact. When all that happens is an abstract sword falling from the sky that adds "points", and you might already have stopped playing and gone to do other things by the time the faction map updates, it becomes incredibly difficult to give a shit.

>in a game with a bunch of rep 0s, two rep 1s
actually the most fun iv had in a while in this game, no honourfags among them, no cheese strats, just a bunch of clusterfuck 4v4 fights

Faction lock teams.

I care until we win. Call me a bad knigger all you want, but this fucking faction hasn't won shit besides pre-release builds. I just want to win once, so that staying with souls fags, /pol/ rejects and realism fags was worth it to win one season.


I want this so bad, but at the same time I'd hate it.

I feel like there should be another dominion mode that gives some extra XP and extra steel gain (thus making it more popular), but it's composed of 3 teams and each of the 3 is the faction's teams. It'd need new maps to support it however, and the queues might take longer, but it'd be pretty fucking awesome to have a 3way fight with the 3 factions.

add a "squad" feature

With this feature you can create and customise a squad of minion soldiers, perhaps a couple of captains sprinkled in too
You can customise them with paint, symbols and equipment which is acquired the same as hero equipment
Then you can deploy this squad to a territory and they will fight other players squads and you can view the results
Maybe add a feat to the game that lets you summon your squad captain to your side in the 4v4 modes

Or some shit like that, im just spit-balling here

>File name isn't "Bamboozeled"
One job

How long until Season 4?

Literally starts November 13th
We only have 1 round left and A 2 week off-season


>Enemy runs out of stamina when I am playing Glad
>Can't use my toe stab until they are back at full stamina

I get what they were going for, but I am pretty sure it's physically impossible to land a toe stab on an OOS enemy, even if they are distracted.

>what is OOS punishes
>what is tricking them to parry for a knockdown.
When they are OOS, you become a knight raider. Having many ways to fool them,(unless they are a autistic duel kiddie) and get the slow as shit toe stab. Or do it near a wall/corner

Part of me feels like the toe stab might actually be there as an option for when you grab an OOS enemy, since they probably didn't think people would figure out the jumping light into heavy combo off an OOS throw for 50 damage. In that context, it makes pretty good sense since it sets up a mix up on an OOS enemy.

>Toe stab for an extra 10 damage
>Heavy into skewer

Landing the raw toe stab is as hard as landing a raw Lawbringer heavy off a feint or something, it just never happens.

>Centurion has enough stamina to nonstop attack, feint, and put pressure on you long after you've been exhausted
Seriously, why the fuck is his stamina pool like three times the size of everyone elses?

Yeah. Soon as he came out for meme pass holders I followed the rule of never doing it out of neutral. It's just dumb to do when it's a chain finisher and seems faster when used in a chain

That's what you get when you fuck underage boys for a major part of your life

Are you dumb? You can just feint into a toe stab

Feinting into toe stab against an OOS enemy is objectively worse, though. Gladiator gets two confirmed heavies off an OOS parry, whereas you get a toe stab and one heavy off an OOS toe stab. There's no point doing it.

Because it's his job

>Low damage heavies
>Extremely telegraphed lights with large parry windows
>Extremely telegraphed kick that can be massively punished by anyone with a dodge attack, even if you do the heavy afterwards you're setting yourself up to get parried
>Punches no longer confirmed after a heavy, no longer wall splat, extremely easily punished and barely worth doing since they only confirm 12 damage

I dunno, his pool is mostly useless since his whole playstyle is turtling now.

Doesn't change that it's horribly unbalanced design. He drains stamina while having the stamina of a goddamn horse

That's his fucking point user
Refer to thisThanks to the turtle meta, why bother and why even do any of this shit on PC. None of that movelist his mentions even fuckin works on a non-brain dead player who's above rep 23. Why attack in the first place if has a light parry(that will go away in season 4). By the games own fight system flaw, centurion, is rendered useless since barely any of his moves offensively are turtle opener moves. He nothing but a shitter killer

I don't think Cent is OP, but badly designed.
He was obviously meant to be a turtle breaker with his given tool, but that didn't worked out so well and he just became Gankmaster.
Then people complained and he got neutered, and ironically he became a great turtle himself because of his massive punish if he got a light parry or a guardbreak with a wall nearby, and concidering how fucking claustrophobic the maps are in this game it's a given.
Now he's been neutered AGAIN and I don't even know what to think of him anymore.

I don't think the majority of the community will ever find him entertaining or challenging to fight, as far as I'm concerned he's a fucking nuisance because everything he do is a cutscene that make me die of old age before he's done, from his moves to his fucking executions.

Nowhere in that image does it say that he has higher stamina than anyone else, nor why he has it.

Centurion is basically just a massive cunt for ganking and nothing else. Pretty much nobody even plays him now that his kicks don't stun and he can't wall splat with punches, at least in my region. He's been relegated to the "ganking master" tier, which makes him basically useless when Raider, Shugoki, Warlord, and Shinobi are all better at it.

>Now he's been neutered AGAIN
Why do people keep saying this? Literally nothing changed except for his corner pseudo-infinite. He plays the exact same as he did pre-patch if you're not cornering your enemy.

He just took number changes across the board from that also. Not having your punches wall splat also makes a big difference, because in certain situations you used to be able to land a heavy on someone, punch them for a wall splat, charged heavy, then jump attack them for 90 points of damage or something.

People just suck at blocking user. Why bother

His punches doesn't wallsplat anymore, which was a big thing since, as this user said , people are fucking awful at blocking somehow.

While I did mentionned his cutscene potiential, I forgot to say that it's what I think is fucking wrong with him, no character should ever lock you up from the game, ever, doesn't matter if you can stop it by a simple block or parry, no character should ever be able to lock you out of the game for a long period of time like he do.
I can understand Stampede charge, I can understand demon embrace, while they do lock you up from the game they're short as hell so it's tolerable, Centurion takes fucking EONS, first pinning you down, then punching you, then jumping on you like a nigger on a blonde bimbo in detroit.
Again, it's not about being able to counter it or not, it's about it existing in the first place because it's just not fucking fun

Don't forget that it's Centurion's one single gimmick. Literally everything a Centurion player does is trying to lead up to the INCREDIBILIS INFIRMUS ETIAM cutscene. There's zero variety. Playing against a Centurion is always the exact same regardless of who plays it.

I'm not saying FH has a deep and varied combat system, but the only other hero as one-dimensional as Cent is Conqueror. And that's saying something. And Conq only has the one move, so you can't even blame him.

>Stampede charge
>Short as hell

If you get carried the max distance and shoved into a wall, it's at least as long as Centurion's cutscene.

That's exactly why the wall splat on punch was removed. It was unbelievably broken

You're right, it's true.
However unless it's a gank I don't eat up to 90 damages in the process, and if it IS a gank then at max distance you actually have a chance to recover to block the three incoming top heavy since the Raider's ally have to close up too.

>I'm complaining about cutscenes
>shugs is 8 seconds
>same as fucking Cent
>heals him too
Ok user.
Yeah every player is the same user. Every hero has a gimmick
Shoulder bash or just block top and do top lights
Zone and light spam with the occasional GB slide
Shove on block or light parry
Stunning tap to OOS punishes
Spam headbutt or get armored heavies in
Faint or deflect
You get what I'm saying. Forhonors combat isn't deep and nobody has the end all or be all moveset.

>for honor general players have no honor and complain about those who do

Sounds about right.

Gonna have to try harder then that sweetie

What do I do when fighting a centurion that stays near a wall?
All it takes is one mistake and I die

What’s the need for effort? Bunch of shitters who can’t 1v1

Don't play duel user.

1) Don't play duel, you dumb cunt. It's all Centurions and Shinobis now.

2) Land a single attack on him if you can, then run away and turtle yourself.

awww, an honorfag got lost. Poor thing.

>this kills the 1v1 fag
Enjoy your soulcalibur 6 experience user heh

>Literally the only counter to a turtling Cent is to pray you can land a single light on him and then run away to wait out the clock, forcing him to attack
Wow this sounds like so much fun and this hero definitely isn't broken as shit!