Pulsefire Caitlyn edition
OT: eyonsongive.us
Pulsefire Caitlyn edition
OT: eyonsongive.us
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>ywn help Irelia awaken her inner submissive slut
This Golem has just came into your lane and actually landed a hook
What do you do?
I still haven't decided what to commission with nuEve
I can't decide whether I want Eve seducing a futa girl (probably MF) or futa Eve taking advantage of a girl (probably Vayne for extra kinkiness)
Help me decide here
>You can't Q Towers as GP
Uh... lolbabs?
>tfw worlds will be a repeat of season 3 with Uzi unable to carry his team through the finals vs SKT
I dont think my heart can take it
xth for Syndra
5 melee? EUW
Pickling Sivir
I'm a Renekton one trick but looking for a new champ to spice things up, any tips?
Is he Chad? He's probably fucking Sjokz right?
This is your support for today.
Between LoL and Blazblue I have become a lolicon and I hate every moment of my existence for it.
I'm so excited for this years spooky skins and i don't even know what they are.
Nu-Eve doing this to a bound SG Ahri with Ahri's mascara leaking from crying danbooru.donmai.us
Apply morg's shield
There are no lolis in blazblue
hes a few tiers above sjokz
singed is fucking scary now that his W grounds you too, I don't even know when they made that change
A third of Platinum.
Noel (5 years old)
Nu (5 years old)
Mu (Is Noel)
Lambda (Even younger than Nu)
Technically Izanami
and I think Taokaka by human standards.
This is Lux. Say something nice to her!
Guys I haven't beaten the 5 me lee mission... If I go to bed now by the time I wake up it'll be expired. I won't get the worlds orb. But I'm so tired what do I do
Umm, she makes people want to eat her brains?
Why procastinate? It takes around 30 minutes to win a match, just pick strong cheesy champs and champs like mundo to make up for lack of range
>tfw you do something stupid late into the game and team gets wiped because of it and you lose the game
That is one of the worst feels, shit stays with you
>But everyone blames the support and not you
Quinn would've been more fun as a melee carry like they originally intended her to be, before IronFaggot ruined her.
>people who int in silver
Fuck you
Fuck your brother
Fuck your dog
Fuck your sister
Fuck your ancestors in their cold, shallow graves
Thank him for the gap closer
skip it? at the end of the day these are cosmetics no need to stress over getting it
>The blitz who pulls in the Ali
>Or the mumu
>Or the ulting fiddles
>enemy has cho sejuani twitch
>auto lose and nothing you can do about it unless they afk
haha wow great meta
She has a nice skirt
>Leona uses her E after you flash because Blitz pulled her right up to you
She was a good fucktoy last morning.
Butts? I got a spicy butt.
Why is the league community like 90% nostalgiafags now?
It was 7 years ago, not 20. Stop acting like the entire world has changed.
I swear you can barely get any conversation started without some guy going WELL BACK IN SEASON 2, THAT WAS THE REAL LEAGUE OF LEGENDS.
>inb4 newfag
Been playing since beta. You guys just keep living in the past.
so i got fired lolg
applied to tons of places
any money in boosting at this point? its the end of the season so I was thinking I might be able to squeeze something out taking people up to plat or something
also any suggestions for shit i can do from home for $$s??
I wish jinx was real and was my girlfriend and she would let me have sex with her
Does the sheet is made of metal and Syndra's boobs have magnetic properties?
>implying there's anything wrong with her trying to be dominant
It just turns things into a cute, loving fight every time you're in bed together. Surely you're man enough for that.
why do western teams insist on keeping deadweight players lmao
LZ coach literally said they won LCK because they have no bad players
Newfag detected
Play HIM. There. Now ornn't you glad you came to us for a second opinion?
This is absolutely fine. Absolutely better than the LeBlanc support that was in my game. Honestly, it could've worked out but they were way too gutsy.
Why is a girl so cute such a massive edgelord in her judgment?
A modest-chested Leona is nice too. Saved, but more for the pose.
I legit don't know why some of these people even play the game. Like if you're going to bitch all game, and troll because you're bad and you don't like your teammates like what the fuck is your purpose? I get 4 team mates that literally refuse to play the game. I'm beyond fed on Trist, I just need one good 5v5 and we can win but nope, warwick and cass go splitpushing all game and get caught out and die over and over meanwhile I'm trying to 1v9 but I literally have no one helping me. Like god what the fuck are these players even? I can't even call them kids cuz apparently the cass was 23 yo? Like holy fuck, kids and adult alike, there are a lot of stupid people that play this game.
Nah he/she's probably one of those supports that fuck up your last hit by aa minions, shield after you take poke and uses auto fill as an excuse
darius, J4, rumble are fun top
Still have the retail box at my parent's house.
Try again.
Punny. What can I say? Swords and trauma, mate. Swords and trauma. I don't know if she has PTSD, probably not. Hopefully not. I'd deal with it though.
Annoying as that is, it's still possible to do well. Being cocky can be far more detrimental, like that LeBlanc support. Mistakes are different from a fundamentally flawed pick.
I'd be an edgelord too if I knew that I got my job taken by a frenchie and some bitch with bladelegs.
>need 2 more keyfragments
>get a 1-drop after leaving lobby
Oh how I feared this would happen.
The new Halloween skins are due to be teased within the hour
Who do you want them for?
sup rekkles
> I can't even call them kids cuz apparently the cass was 23 yo?
we call em man children
>legit don't know why some of these people even play the game
do it for victorious graves !
At least one Jax skin I beg. Like Jax-O-lantern or something like that
Come on, user, she's not a toy. She's a lovable human with real feelings and emotions just like you.
viktor and illaoi are the two who still need the skins from the blog, maybe rumble as well. Jayce cause i main him.
[generic post revealing my negative outlook on life and this game]
>give up hope of playing anything but tanks top
>enemy picks tryn with ignite
>jungler refuses to gank a toplaner with no tp
>he just wins
i actually feel like crying
this game is not worth the pain it brings
>not banning twitch
what do you even ban ?
tryndamere ?
>She's a lovable human with real feelings and emotions just like you.
Doesn't matter to Syndra, she'll make anyone her toy if she's interested in them. See SG Ahri.
how do you deal with your top, mid or bot dying before you even hit your second or third camp as a jungler?
>have no items
>team mate asks why I do no damage
season ending soon
who wants a boost in eu ;3?
why you think so? I want to know.
the three i mentioned have gone longer without skins and also have higher demand (cept illaoi maybe). i think camille feels niche enough that riot wouldn't jump on her for skins just yet
have a go then
Get to your important level (whatever makes a gank easy) then go gank.
It really depends on what jg you're playing. If it's like Yi gl lol
>play nothing but cardstone for two weeks
>come back to gookpress and feed
Which hero is the closest to Razakus Priest?
euw? Just a few games~
Lol. What if like this?
(I feel embarrassed and dont know why)
>who wants a boost
>in eu
I wat to hold hands with giraffes!
o-ok where can we talk ;3
Silver 2 babyyyyyyyyyy
I want to play Counterstrike with Brogana!
But... Giraffes don't have hands...
Like voice?
(I dont like voice stuff :c)
bee singed when
Wrong, silver 2 senpai, sorry.
>people fighting you between two tentalcles as illaoi
Why do people do this even in diamond they do it every time
my support just blew their flash 2 seconds into game
nah just gimme ur ign ill add u ;3
or skype and we can chat there