/srg/ - Speedrunning General
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Some glitches make any% a bad category. Deal with it.
why didn't you sage?
is cosmo back
yeah, im thinking he's back
Anyone got that pic of cosmo with a screenshot of a comment asking if Americans always pretend to eat burgers when happy?
Anyone got that pic of an /srg/ poster speedrunning?
If I wanna capture N64 directly to my PC, can I just plug [ebay.ca
there's a version of this image that says "in" too.
Goku - god gamer. has a huge love and passion for his craft for the sake of the craft itself. trains efficiently and practices smart, constantly fine tuning and optimizng his ability. frequently learns new techniques and even improves upon them. always looking for new ways to become stronger and jumps at the chance for a new challenge to overcome.
Vegeta - grindmonkey. no passion for what he does outside of beating others. no interest in optimization beyond brute force. mindlessly trains by doing pushups in anti-gravity chamber for 10,000 hours. never learns new techniques, just spams the same shit forever. bonobo howls when things aren't going his way. doesn't understand why goku is, and always will be, better.
good luck streaming from console!!
yeah but you'd have to play using a preview or some shit on your pc which has massive amounts of lag
How could I split the S-Video? Would I need something like this [amazon.com
Why are you putting links in []? Is that reddit formatting?
I'm just used to doing it to make the message look cleaner
skater is going to do it bois
He folded under the pressure, but he's going to do it any day now.
stop resetting
Squid folded under the pressure, but he's going to do it any day now.
when do the agdq cuts get released?
I've picked my game, I've practiced and learned the route, now how can I get a good time without being a "Grind Monkey"?
No Meme answers please
Be consistent or you will grind for a time
>I've practiced
You never stop practicing. You should have equal amounts of practice and attempts at least - preferably more like 80% practice, 20% attempts though.
Really, if you look at the progression of any top runner that has been around for a while, they currently could beat their PBs they grinded hard for years ago every single day, because they got so much better, so attempts really are a waste of time and the most efficient would be to only practice and only grind for the month before you quit, but in all fairness PBs help keep up the motivation, so 20% attempts is a good compromise.
grind monkey is a stupid meaningless meme just speedrun and practice when you suck at something
what will save speedrunning now when esa went full sellout
full runs are SUPER important. they contain factors that will never, ever be available in IL practice or segment practice.
Cosmo Wright's return
t. midx52
like watching the intro?
no, things such as pressure. you clearly do not speedrun and your midx52 post exposing yourself as the obsessed freak just shows how little you know about the art itself.
Aren't full runs the same thing as practice?
why is /srg/, the group of non runners trying to discuss how to speedrun?
>who are adam_753,adam_ak,albrecht84,alphaparticle,ancientpower,arileinx,armaaaa,artanisxp,azorae,backslash,banta546,big_jim_,billnyhilist,bluemorning104,cardsoftheheart,casusby,cfb,chanzeux,chinatsun,chrnothesinner,chucat,ciyon,clipclaptor,kukkiee,cyberdemon531,dactyly,dailysrl,barkbevastation,darkpapo1,devljoe,docflam,doublearmory,dudleyville,newgongue,duke_bilgewater,dvgongve,elementalguard,fareheadcrab,elgu_,ellonija,ezormer,f00tdive,faschz,fieryblizzard,footbigmike,gameruntouch,general_beatrix,geurge,grav,guhbadoo,guywithalightsaber,hardwk,hartweizen,hb-jangbang,hb-naegleria,hb-wallyaldo,heeheex2,heplooner,heyjet,hiddenpower13,i_o_l,inane_,jakuzure_nonon,janeiyli,thenotoriousspeedrunning,jesusftb,jymotion,kaho_tv,kairosfractes,kirua,kukkyee,kulus_,kyutora,lazerlong,qdoe,licensetobill,liquidsquidd_,llaml,lolikush,lurkchan,m1_account,maggara1,malos_,megachikkenrise,meowtain_dew,moephistopheles,molonsha,moofinly,mscad,naegleria,pichi,ninokabi,noobest,noobkillerroof,ontwoplanks,ovendonkey,peaches,pheenoh,pjoxt,pkspeedstream,plumtea_,pvtcb,pyatters,pykn,pyrius,radgecast,ryohta,rename_,roflmastur,rollbuster,seckswrecks,sert64,shrimp__,shunpuk,sixtoo_hd,slayerofbabies,sneaky_canuck,snowfats,sophbutt,solarbowler,someflow,bighonkinburger,srgmarathon,ssbmstuff,stri,succinctandpunchy,ufotekkie,thejmatt,thekotti,thepaprikakiller,theriooo,tolarus,aidoru_king,trineas,tripmind,twocat,tyr_1,unusualcook,verzzzz,wakecold,wallyaldo,werster,wutangclam,xhypah,yashichi,youtl,yvathacal,zastbutt,j_d_h
They provide some amount of practice, if you do no reset runs. How much depends on the game. If you have to do completely different strats, if something goes wrong, doing no reset runs is pretty pointless as you have to waste time learning and doing strats that you would never do in a good run anyway. If it's something like SM64 where you always enter a level in the same state, it's more useful.
But to build msucle memory, you have to do one thing many times and not switch from oen thing to the next like in a full run.
Literally 95% of these people were NEVER speedrunners and 100% of them no longer post here.
Now that hitbox is dead, what streaming platform is the official meme streamer? I'm gonna update speedrun.tv soon
Why do you keep making these threads and replying to yourself?
Ambien makes me forget what post is mine
No, full runs don't really grant you an opportunity to iron out subtle optimizations. You also end up practicing the easy stuff as much as you practice the hard stuff, which is imbalanced and inefficient.
Full runs are really only good for practice if your game is piss easy or if you already do everything in the optimal way and need to build more consistency.
100% wrong stop posting freak you dont know anything as proven by the multiple times youve been btfo
No, it's 100% correct. That's why SM64 runners who only spam runs have shitty times on any given star individually.
K i'll work on adding that
How many people use speedrun.tv?
stop posting freak you are wrong every time you post and have no experience in speedrunning stop posting
It hovers between 30,000 and 50,000 impressions per month
>there is only one freak
*bird laughs*
I'll give you an impression
stop posting freak
Goku - god gamer. has a huge love and passion for his craft for the sake of the craft itself. trains efficiently and practices smart, constantly fine tuning and optimizng his ability. frequently learns new techniques and even improves upon them. always looking for new ways to become stronger and jumps at the chance for a new challenge to overcome.
Vegeta - grindmonkey. no passion for what he does outside of beating others. no interest in optimization beyond brute force. mindlessly trains by doing pushups in anti-gravity chamber for 10,000 hours. never learns new techniques, just spams the same shit forever. bonobo howls when things aren't going his way. doesn't understand why goku is, and always will be, better.
your site needs more promotion, it's the best and so few use it compared to SRL
stop posting freak
btw squid still has a far better time than all the people you were pitting him against because he got a good time for his time he spent with the game and it still holds lmao
Birds can laugh.
Bonobos can howl.
Toastrider can 1:39.
Sometimes runners do wrong movement for no reason.
Monkeyposting is funny as FUCK and is directly related to speedrunning.
Meme game runners cannot play SM64 competently.
The obsessed freak won.
Squid has a mid 52.
thank you for the list of completely incorrect things that you spout to yourself on a daily basis to convince yourself it is true
>mid 52 after 3 years of 18 hours a day of grinding
*bird laughs*
it was a few months and it still holds up against them dude lmao
All of those statements are correct. Quit bonobo howling and sort out your life.
they are all incorrect and you spout them to yourself daily to convince yourself which is why you keep posting them. stop posting freak. boring, false spam daily.
*banshee screeches*
>serg is slowly dying
>dram married THIS
*meaningless post after getting btfo as always further showing how little knowledge you have on everything you claim to know about*
stop posting
52:1X is a low 52
the freak knows this
I don't really want it to be flooded with people (even though it can handle it -- I pay for a dedicated server through SRL actually [sluipy])
It's pretty comfy right now
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
Anyone know why the PS2 version of KH1FM is 6h and the PS3/PS4 version runs are 3h/2.5h? I get the 30min load time difference for PS3/PS4 but why's PS2 so much slower?
We had a poll and it decided by 2/3 majority that it needs to be below 52:15 to be considered low.
/srg/ and you samefagging the pol to obviously fit your agenda do not make for credible sources
stop posting freak
stop posting
*bonobo howls*
*meaningless post after getting btfo as always further showing how little knowledge you have on everything you claim to know about*
stop posting you freak
so boring
stop posting
cutscene skips
>credible sources
lmao like you need a credible source for something that's almost completely subjective anyway
your little poll results tailored for your autistic agenda do not mean shit, freak. its not hard to understand
Forgot about that, thank you.
Should be added now. You can test it out here speedrun.tv
Use prefix sm-. Works when adding streams, too. Was a pain in the dick to get working because there is no public API and they block external calls to their server
the MHC is basically the Big Jon Money Farming Clique now. Sad.
is it a money laundering conspiracy, though?
what about being too smart to play sm64?
Reminder sm64posting is equivalent to "bump"
wtf i love sm64 posters now
Cheese dire dire docks puncayshun 52 grinding IL 120
where the fuck did I leave my decoder ring
what's the next marathon
made the list !!
you're right, who are those people?
next marathon when
bertin - a known loli lover/pedo
shadowjacky - went full blown gay and probably has aids now
dss - doesn't understand how to sell out properly but finally hit his 250 sub goal that he was after for a couple years
trihex - looks like an actual gorilla and lost all his fame. he is back down to viewer numbers before mario maker. has a succubus of a gf that leeched all his mario maker profits.
werster - an actual cuck. raising some other guys kid.
bigjon - cries about not having enough money to go to events while he gambles at the casino every other weekend. he has a pity party at least every week to get more pity donations. does large giveaways but programmed the code himself so his alts can win the big prizes while the smaller giveaways are given to actual viewers to make it seem legit.
the mhc is about as pathetic as all the other speed cliques out there.
you forgot that bigjon is a gay feeder in denial
he's not in denial. he just says that so people will still pay for his fetish.
Is simple flips /our guy/?