Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Cartoon girls can't touch you and cuddle you at night.
neither can real ones
So if Sakura coming out in s3, should i play Ruy to get prepared??
can we have a good thread this time
she doesn't play like a shoto, just play some frametrap rushdown character like cammy or whoever else jive has that fills that archetype
when is her turn?
they would if you made an effort
yes but she might become another rushdown character
probably not
ALL CPT TOURNEYS WINNERS (not just premiers)
8 Karin (6 Punk 2 Justin Wong)
8 Necalli (5 Brolynho, 2 Haitani, 1 Phenom)
7 Ibuki (Xian, Yukadon)
7 Guile (1 Caba 3 Nuckledu 3 Daigo)
5 Balrog (1 Smug 1 PR Balrog 1 RASS 1 LexC 1 Brian F) 4 Online Tourneys
5 R. Mika (3 Nuckledu 2 Luffy)
4 Birdie (1 Sunmate, 1 Problem X, 2 Mena RD)
4 Ken (2 Momochi 1 ChrisT 1 Large Poultry)
4 Bison (Problem X)
3 Laura (2 Idom 1 801 Strider)
3 Nash (Bonchan)
2 Cammy (1 Stunner 1 Kazunoko)
2 Rashid (1 Moke, 1 Oil King)
1 FANG (Mono)
1 Vega (Doomsnake)
1 Juri (Infiltration)
1 Urien (Dogura)
1 Zangief (Snake Eyez)
1 Akuma (Tokido)
streaming some BW after ~10 min handwarmers in osu if anyone is bored
fuck off koaster
my neighbor can though. just wish she could suck dick without bending it.
what words do you say to the girls
I feel like I start to run out after a while
like within a week
This is kind of misleading because the only decent event balrog won was the smug one.
lmao a bit of bend is good though
literally anything, they can talk about the most mundane shit, don't talk about fighting games though. girls dont really care about your own interests
the fuck you mean with become
>8 Necalli (5 Brolynho, 2 Haitani, 1 Phenom)
>they would if you made an effort
That's probably true but I have Aspergers and I really haven't been attracted to anyone male or female since 2nd year of high school.
capcom needs to reduce the LATAM events and add more to asia
LATAM is a fuckign joke territory that americans go to for free points
My wife is the cutest!
a bit, yeah. but not a lot from her not being able to deepthroat and scraping her teeth the whole time.
No one cares about brolynhue winning his favela tournaments though.
why r u upset
how long do I have to act like I care about their interests before I can get in their pants
also so they dig the bend? cool
>i flight to event with my own money
>i went to vacation with my own money
>i spend my own money to this game for you guys
is combo timing strict in mvci?
give ruby for sfv s3
not really
nice joke dude i read it on twitch chat and kappa, very funny +1
any br at those tournaments would 10-0 your sorry silver ass free bitch nigga
It's hard to generalise but girls are more open to hook up culture with tinder being mainstream and such now, also you don't have much to lose by being up front because some girls really like it. If you're talking about having a curvy dick then yeah apparently it's more pleasurable to them, go put it to good use.
mahvel btfo
ignore bottom right watermark
prrrrrroblem x is amazing
>silver ass free bitch nigga
lmao im gold, the absolute state of
based gold rashid
what's with effeminate but famous yougoober males and owning small retarded dog breeds?
>waving around point count epeens
>not even playing
what did us grandpas say about online points, again?
good taste
So is UNIEL just french bread taking that shiki sweep meme seriously?
Unist is great fun aside from Phonon she was a mistake.
who the fuck wants another cinematic story
I thought this and melty blood were the same game, there's way too many anime games.
What fighting games are alive right now on PC/PS4?
Jive n tekken
Injustice 2 on ps4.
>Jive really does melt brains
Im sorry for your loss.
Fightcade, Ultra, anything you want to emulate
nothing that wouldn't play better on another system, like PC, which has every fighting game that's currently alive for PS4
killer shitstink (currently dying on steam anyway because they stupidly decided against having the same model as the win10 version)
everything else is really dead on pc
I ultrasonically do, sf lore is corny but I love it.
based brcade 09er refusing to acknowledge jive, lets all go to brcade and fight wifiBR1352 in some dead kusoge and save fighting games
Ultra is alive on PC? Are you telling porky pies?
I need my Balrog and Ed storyline closure
>*unironically* IMPLYING more people should play on a system made so garbage that it can't even properly run a game as butt ugly as Street Fighter V
you niggers can't be serious
Do you not remember when everyone was shitting their pants over no story mode?
It was the dumbest case of 'vocal minority' we've seen. Story mode is so dumb and unnecessary for fighting games and we as a community let Capcom believe thats what we wanted. Of all the things we needed and wanted and we let Capcom flush who knows how much money working on something they've never done before, that we've never needed before, in a FG to appease.. some one I guess.
We really should come together and tell devs to stop spending time and money on this shit when it could be better spent on characters, stages, music, netcode, artstyle and graphics, etc etc.
all the shitters who can't comprehend internet are on *hot new releases* because they're oblivious. SF4 is safe.
yeah. I get games on Ranked whenever I feel like and there are online communities where people are filling up lobbies left and right. this is fact.
Not him but I don't have trouble finding matches and I don't use the discord
question: did capcom tweak SFV's netcode since launch?
I live in bumfuck nowhere and every match was lagging out like shit for me, but in SFIV & fightcade I had little to no problems in this department
>low rank jiveer trying to git gud, tilting hard vs the sea of shotos that are around my level
Fuck it, who's a braindead unga that's still kinda fun that I can use 'til I get okay at this game?
Thinking of jumping on the bonita train
I hope you have a good time playing/watching/discussing fighting games today /fgg/!!!
Do you not remember the outcry at release? Do you not remember the no arcade mode memes?
I know right? Why would anyone play SFV on Pee-C? Doesn't make sense.
this but unironically
haha no
>It was the dumbest case of 'vocal minority' we've seen.
the story mode patch gave the game the biggest push of concurrent players its ever had
>he doesn't know
Question for PC jive players, do you play more PC players or PS4 players? Just wondering if they're more likely to match you with your own kind.
You know what probably would've helped as much or more?
Releasing the "We fucked up and were sorry edition" with an arcade mode for the casuals and much more time & money spent on characters, stages, music, netcode, artstyle and graphics
they don't give a shit about the game or the players dude. they're happy as long as people buy dlc crap and attend or streamape majors
Who is top and who is bottom?
>7 Ibuki (Xian, Yukadon)
how does that work
Like you dont already know, stop it user.
What do you mean? Yukadon won 4 events and xian won 3.
guess he's saying that cause its the only one where the numbers per player werent listed
>recall how jive players talked mad shit about players picking PC because cheaters
>JUST recalled there's crossplay
it's embarrassing really
they dont want to admit there's way more players on ps4
why would they not want to admit that
Could you stop arguing
you cant escape from crossing fate
Man, what are the chances that DBZF is gonna get a Cha-la head cha-la by Daisuke and Naoki?