/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2205

>Recent News
Magnafest with half free quest, story, extra xp & rp, except for coop because fuck you slimeblaster
McDonalds SkyCompass Collab - Eat burgers in Japan, get damascus crystals and a sunlight stone
Fourth Crew Skill - Available if you have 21+ members
CCS Collab - Dark Unknown Staff, Sakura is the loyalty character

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for October:
9/30 - 10/9 - Violet Violence
10/10 - 10/24 - Sakura and the Mysterious Sky Journey
10/25 - 10/30 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
10/31 - 11/8 - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Crew Pastebin

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Is that Helnar on the right?

It was a fun 2204 threads, but I think we're officially dead now.


BOXDAISUKI is recruiting!

Requirements: play the game; have fun without causing others to not have fun; don't AFK during GW; and like box.


More than happy to have people in who need help with farming grids, I always have free vice MVP slots when I do my magnas anyway.
Please do contact me in discord so I know who you are. Hope to hear from you soon!



reminder we are getting monthly magnafests that last for 2 weeks every month now
suptix in roughly 60 days on dec 10
scamgacha tomorrow with weapon rate ups

>biggest and most popular mobage ever
>dead thread

Why are we bringing kancolle into this discussion


idiot haven't you heard the news bonus xp doesn't fucking apply to coop

>suptix in roughly 60 days on dec 10

Urgh. I was hoping a bit earlier.

Why are you talking about PaD?

What triggers the halo transformation again
weapon in grid or character in party?


Holy fuck, seriously bro? Fucking dead man, it's fucking dead

>4 month toontix
I love kmr tix.....

good man, I see you're preparing yourself for the collab already

I think you mean FGO.

Both kancolle and gbf were designed to be played on the PC.

Was nice playing with you all...

Character in party.

>if it's not magfest it's dead
explain yourselves

It's nice to see some Cogbros in this tainted world

they won't, they're idiots

>bawwwwwwwwww, I can't slime for 6 hours every day
Actual autism.

dead serious, idk how it happened bro but going 2 weeks without magfest and now kmr isn't even giving coop xp... wtf I used to like this game...

magnas already cost no bp and ap to host, the anima requirement was also lowered
no reason you shouldn't farm just in magnafest when everyone will be leeching

24 days of shit events
and non coop magfest
the game is fucking dead this month

Wtf man

shut yer fucking trap

Being unable to interpret social situations is a sign of autism, user.

Took your time, fucker.

shit kids nostalgia fags normie collab that I don't care about
no half ap coop
already done with my 3 5* gw characters

I'd rather play chinkole until kmr decides to put double pendant cap and half ap coop back, literally nothing to do.

Obsessive, repetitive behavior and routines are also a part of the spectrum. People that are assblasted about having such a repetitive behaviour taken away from them are definitely on there.

just do coop

Are you actually autistic or do you not realizing we're making fun of those people?

>don't notice me including myself in "we" senpai, "we're" making fun of autists now

>He thinks "wtf bro"posters are dead serious
Whatever happened to that epic lurk more maymay

Y-yeah. I got to rank 200 naturally. Uh, fucking autists.

>he thinks there aren't actual retards in thread

>All this crying
While KMR is a bitch for not including coop this magnafest, it's not even that bad.

You can still run angel halo for exp and loot, while getting nightmare proc for relic.

no I can't
because rotb isnt for 2 fucking weeks

Fuck off

I'm rank 119 after like 10 months. People doing the bros meme are clearly making fun of the drama queens who are crying about no coop. I have literally no clue what point you're trying to make

But I need rotb first to get the bar

Why not just give everyone maxed out magna grids, they're shit anyway

>Already lost the patience for its shit excuse for drops
>-1BPfest means cycling more dead before attack raids to empty it
>Can't even level new characters more efficiently now
>Muh sunk cost fallacy is bigger than yours dick comparisons
Magfest is also dead to me, I just don't care.

give me my free swords

This is what you cucks get for Baalfest LMAO


Wew no double pendants or coop. Did they forget older players exist?

Who here relaxing this magnafest? Just going to casually do my daily magnas+sakura event for the next 2 weeks until rotb

Y'all need to chill, go do something else.

Well, I would like a few 10 free rolls.

>all those mad people for no 1/2 co-op
Just gain exp naturally just by binge MVPing magna raids desu, you get tons of balm from red box and bunch of SSR fodder on top of that

Older players are playing boats though.

Has magnafest started? I'm brand new and I really want to make my wind grid.

>all these slimeblasting tears

The games dead bro we have to coop at full fucjing price

Are you rank 30


Fuck KMR seriously

Rank 53.


how could we let this happen bros...............

Finally the event is over. It really was too long for what it offered.

When was the last time we even got a double pendant cap? I really don't remember.




What are you farming bros this magnafest?





Jesus the music is so bad

Materials. It's going to be ultra boring.

I want to puke

That's how bad the game's state is. There's nothing new. Always the same fucking event format. Rigged shit for no purpose. To break the routine and give a false sense freshness they release a powercreeped weapon/character/summon. The only thing people look forward to is magnafest since they can improve the tedious grind. Practically the reason why so many old players are quitting.

Sakura soon boys

I wanted half ap coop so I could level Okto and Sarasa to 100, since that isn't happening, I will just play chinkboats

>tfw still no Akagi

This is awful

Movie 2 > Movie 1

I haven't watched the second, should probably get around to it

>X hours on a plane with Sakura in an enclosed space
I want to sniff her socks!

Just do Angel Halo.

>CLAMP shit
2 weeks of nothing

I can't believe it bros...
Not like this

>no 1/2 coop
>didn't grind corow mats for my class weapon last magfest
Welp. Is joining random coop rooms with rotating hosts my best bet if i want to save pots?

It's a great ending to a great show. Too bad the new anime pretty much retconned the 2nd movie and went with the first manga's ending.


there'll still be a ton of rooms, user, it's not unlikely there won't be people farming for their own ccw

Wow it sounds like the very essence of a fucking grindlord mobage

glad I didn't spend money on this game

Everyone should have an alt exactly for this purpose. Accumulates potts and makes the host at times of necessity.

I already did enough for 2 5* jewtenshu, it's not time efficient to keep doing it just for exp.

Yeah me too user, i was considering buying the startdash and next upcomming suptix but after reading this thread and all the drama with chinkships ill stay safe and not spend money on a game that no one here will play in 3 months


I was thinking about making a alt just for things like this. Do they ban me if I play with 2 accounts at the same time? Seems really worthwhile, but I don't want to be banned.

In fact they're trying to slow you down because you're too fast. Why do you think there is a limit for the pendents you can find per week?