GEMS edition
GEMS edition
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>tfw no qt petite gf
Could you satisfy all 10 Elementalist Lux forms at once, lolg?
Has this game ever been in a more fucked up state than it is now?
Vladfag here I love Taric he's the one thing that makes Demacian men worthy of not being gassed now that they beat Jarvan with the ugly stick
Thanks for fucking nothing.
Reposting because new thread
Okay, honest question. Been wondering about that for a while but could never put it into words. So imagine you play anything except top and mid. So the people you get are random. They can and sometimes will be complete retards. And for some reason, in spite of really not being very good, will make high risk plays and get themselves rekt over and over. Maybe they simply overestimate themselves, maybe they saw some streamer do it, I don't know, but they do it. How do I get them to NOT do that in ranked? I don't need them to completely destroy their lane opponent, I just need them to farm and lane calmly. Shit like them being at 5% hp after 10 secs of actual lane phase or 0/2 by the time I visit their lane the first time infuriates me to no end. Especially if they then have to be le ebin outplayer and go counterjungling when they should be recalling so they don't face their already fed opponent with low life and mana.
How do I convince them to just play carefully? BEFORE they've already fed their opponent I mean. What do I say, what do I ping, what do I do?
>vladfag wn sit on your face
xth for Syndra
damn the white D.blade Talon chroma looks good, Tango TFs new art is nice too
comfy bfs~
Friendly reminder from your favorite sheriff to keep the streets of Piltover clean by disposing of your garbage in designated garbage bins. Let's all do our part to make a better tomorrow, for the city of tomorrow.
Terrible editon
Is there any champion capable of providing as much mind-blasting sexual pleasure as Shvyana's crushingly tight, scorchingly hot, relentlessly milking dragonpussy?
I want to fug Jinx.
Shut the fuck up you retarded piece of shit.
Dragons don't have pussies. They have cloacas
Last thing I'll say for AP top user:
Kennen has no sustain or defensive abilities (Liss has catalyst and the self healing from ult, rumble has his dumbass spam shield).
Wars of attrition (esp with tanks) are difficult with him.
AD Kennen skirts around this with just a botrk, but then you lose out on actually having an AP character to round out your comp.
Be careful of enemy tanks the most I'd say, Sion/Nautilus can whittle kennen down with E spam, maokai/cho can sustain through it and all in you if they land something big, and Galio just shoves Kennen in and bothers the fuck out of him with Q spam.
Enemy ranged tops can be a problem but it mostly comes down to skill. A lot of ranged tops (Lissandra being the other exception, and Ryze but name the last time you saw a Ryze top) don't have hard CC, which you can use to your advantage.
Either all in or just be happy with Q and your passive enhanced auto harass, and try and save your CDs for if they go to trade with you, so you can stun them and end the trade quickly or all in them if they burn something important.
Gnar and jayce will be your toughest matchups (as either rumble or kennen) so if you lose to them at first don't sweat it too much.
Best of luck.
I love Camille
I want Jinx to make me cum without any moving.
I don't think I could satisfy even one ):
You can't make me you fucking wank stain
lies and slander
How does this skin even work
If you can't satisfy them they'll be forced to lock you in their room and use you as a toy for as long as they want
Hello friends.
Is it okay to buy trinity of Fiora?
I feel like an early sheen is really good for pokes, but i often feel like the sheen couldve just been an early tiamat, but then i also feel that an early tiamat will auto push the lane and open me up for ganks.
So which is it?
Okay, trying new approach. New game, immediately got someone chatting who wants to go yasuo. Banned the fucker's fave, the usual qq ensued, let's see how it goes ingame.
When do new missions come out?
I want Sona to be my mommy.
>You will never be kidnapped and forced to become a bed slave to dragon queen zyra and shyvana for the rest of your life
What about her butt
>Making a niche rework so well that it pushes the brainlets who could only EQQQ away from the character
I love it. Bravo, Team Alpha.
yeah if the enemy team has no bruisers trinity is fine
>implying they would even want you
How do I go on
Unironically it gets better
Silver is full of this shit, its infuriating and you just have to spam a champ you're good at that can carry
Either by having a huge GO button so your team knows what the fuck to do or someone who can end the game FAST
Gold's been a lot easier with this, people doing less retarded shit and dying for no reason, especially if you say something to them. The only time this happens is when someones already tilted and don't give a fuck and lose sight of actually winning the game. The only thing you can do in this case is not tilt yourself and hope you can make some plays that restore the tilted teammates faith in the game.
People are also a lot more responsive to pings in gold than silver.
Plats another animal entirely because people get "I NEED TO BE THE CARRY ALL FARM IS MINE REEEEE" and get into that 1v9 i need to be the star mentality
which makes them tilt harder, I don't always know what to say to snap people out of it
but people leaving because they absolutely HAVE to pick up that tiny wave bot to keep their ebin cs lead rather than help with baron or "i can outplay if the enemy k6 shows up" happens way more in plat
Trinity is fine if you have a last whisper or they have no tanks or juggernauts
sheen's really fucking good at helping her kill squishys and the extra movespeed over Cleaver is nothing to sniff at.
Now that months have passed, whats the general verdict on kayns E (the ability where he walks through walls). Is it as busted as everyone thought it will be? Or is it fine? I think its top 10 abilities in the game desu.
how many times a day do you think they would make you cum inside them?
>Make a Rework so useless it's never used even less than the one before.
Pretty good 4v5 combo on Jarvan with Xayah
Also reminder that Jarvan can just ignore Thresh as a champion entirely with properly timed EQ's
Botrk or Cleaver on Xin in the jungle now?
I'm getting warrior every game but i'm not sure what to build after that
is the CDR too good to pass up or do I need that extra AS
Cleaver // CDR
You have AS steroid in kit and an auto reset
As a biologist this picture makes me cringe because whoever wrote it does not know the term "Dominant and Recessive genes" at all.
If her base form is her human form than that means that the genes that cause human anatomy are dominant over the Dragon genes and as such unless she turns into her dragon for her body is almost indistinguishable from that of another female's body as far as anatomy goes, let alone something as crucial and necessary to life as the reproductive organs which would have an even more strict Dominant over Recessive nature.
If you want to use science to determine the biology of a character then do so. Do not just throw shit on the wall and claim it's scientific so you can get your dick hard.
Cleaver is generally better, bork works if you're dueling tanks and/or your team doesn't benefit from the armor shred that much.
xth for Cute Ashe
xth for breast metal waifu
You may get a break to sleep a couple hours.
>my wikipedia scholarship applies to MAGICAL FUCKING BEINGS FROM A MAGICAL FANTASY LAND
you cannot. accept this fact and you will find inner peace
Only bullies play Fiora.
A-are you a bully Akarin?
>I cant play him, so hes useless
Brainlet detected
Well eventually you'd straight up pass out from exhaustion. That might not stop them, but...
There actually isn't enough information present to determine which is recessive or dominant
The entire post is baseless conjecture on how Shyvana's anatomy would be like by trying to use psuedo-science logic. In all honesty the picture itself literally makes no fucking sense.
/lolg/ I'm a hardstuck aram babby should I bother with ranked this season?
>Land everythng on a person
>Do no damage anyway
>Hope your team can proc your R.
Who buy?
>He only plays ARAM
Holy shit user, how the fuck do you obtain this level of autism? I thought that people that only played draft and blind where autistic, but only ARAM? thats a new one.
What's next? someone that only plays vs. bots?
>I skipped Black Cleaver: The Post
>our rammus pings that xin is coming top and that he's going to counter gank
>walks into lane and does nothing
>spends the rest of the game farming saying im blind
>xin is 4/0/3 and rammus is 0/1/0
>leave game
And reading a Wikipedia article doesn't give you enough knowledge to know how the genetics of a human and a magical dragon would interact, so your post is just as worthless. Furthermore:
> body is almost indistinguishable from that of another female's body as far as anatomy goes
Except the part where she has scales and blue skin and horns, right?
Best girl
I have a question for you /lolg/
How is the game now? The last time I played was when they introduced Bard.
I would like to know if it is fun, at least on a non-competitive level. Hots is too easy and I read that dota 2 is now bad
pic for attention
>won a ranked
>i missclicked
>it was flex
>still no Magma chamber
>champion deals no damage
>"better get this nodamage item"
vg on euw when???
>pic for attention
>in a spoiler
The game post-worlds patch is less of an issue, but it's about to get hectic with preseason changes (post november-7th). I think the new runes will be a good addition to the game, but there'll be a lot of fuckery before it's balanced.
Is Evenlynn this week or post-worlds?
what if I get both
and then a maw
too much AD?
Do I need to limit myself to 2 damage items or can I use my ult to block damage so I dont get btfo
I used to play dominion exclusively
Jarvan ult just combos with any aoe, that's not really a secret.
>or can U use my ult to block damage
Ult is for self-peeling additional enemies that try to intervene. If you're close enough to hurt a champion they can also hurt you.
>Reading a Wikipedia article.
Try more along the lines of about 6 biology based classes.
>Except the part where she has scales and blue skin and horns, right?
The only part of those two things you mentioned that are related to anatomy were the horns and scales and even then if you went ahead and read my post then you'd realize I said that if her base form is actually human in anatomy then that means that the genes that give us our anatomy is dominant over the dragon genes. Humans do not have scales nor do we have horns furthermore we have literally nothing saying we can't and in-fact we even have genes to grow tails however they are dormant. In the scenario where there are two genes one which said that nothing is to grow or happen and the other says otherwise then the later will become a dominant gene by nature. This is how weird as mutations in the animal kingdom are produced naturally most of the time.
Shyvana is a half-breed and half-breeds are notorious for having weird ass mutations and similarities that only belong to one side of their parent's. Speaking of which, since Shyvana is a half-breed, assuming that dragons even have a vagina in the same anatomical sense that humans do, then it'd be entirely out of whack and she'd be infertile.
I fucked up , I'm sorry
Well , I guess I will download it and wait for the changes.
Ayu senpai are you a biologist and are you on EUW? I love biology
Holy shit you're retarded.
What is the most freelo champ?
is liandry's good now? I remember people saying it should be avoided but that was a long time ago, I assume it's because of the stats and not the %current health damage
dota 2 is fine. esports are over for the year and player count drops accordingly
League keeps going downhill, it's not quite to the point of casualization that HOTs started at, but theyve removed alot of what would have been making the game fun for you back then. items are 110% dummyproof because theres hardly any options left, jungling is autopilot and braindead(but that wouldve been happening in full force by the time part was on his way out) and overall esports has had 100% solidified that there is a single way to play the game. there is no meme lanes, there is no tricky suprises, there is no roaming, there is no unique situational item build, the dynamic part of the game is which 10 heroes are picked and nothing else.
t. quit when jinx was new and came back for a month or so when map got reworked up from worse-than-wc3 graphics, then quit because i remembered that i'd already done everything there is to do and all that was left was grinding new heroes to do the same exact shit with. i can only assume it's gotten irredeemably bad since then and survives on it's esports tenure more than appeasing the common plebeians
trist or twitch
The penetrator
you had 10 days to quit being a sissy bitch and find a group
xth for Cute Sona
>Dropped 3 divisions in 2 days
feel like ending it all desu
It still boogles my mind that Riot literally forced lane roles down people's throats and still have not found a way to balance ranged champs vs Melee champs.
You're also forgetting that this is a MAGICAL FANTASY. just fyi.
also you should realize nobody cares about what "credentials" you have on here, no matter what all you've done is read wikipedia
t. I'm an Aerospace Engineer and since I can't prove shit to people about it I'm not going to use it in an argument.
>tfw gained 6 divisions in 2 days
Feels good man
>still have not found a way to balance ranged champs vs Melee champs.
Literally all they have to do is stop babying ranged champs and make minion aggro actually do something.
>used to get instant feedback instantly
>never get it anymore
what happened?
This week
why is poppy's winrate so low?