>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
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Don't look!
>mamui is winning
o-oh no, I looked owo
>team Sophia
>barely spent any flags
>rank 1,000
For the first time in a gauntlet, I get to metagame feathers and vote for my favorite
Also is there a spreadsheet for this gauntlet yet?
Say something nice!
Kill yourself.
I'm glad her banner's ending soon!
Which FE girl would /feg/ force to show you their panties?
Stop posting lewds, you faggots. I'm sick and don't have the energy to fap
Hopefully this will end the dragon boobs vs dragon lolis debate once and for all.
But I'm sure it won't.
Kys drill
Last thread
Ctrl+F docs
Let's go, Chickun
Imagine how easy it would be to pull down that dress and rape her
When's Jugdral?
I'm working on a picture for a feh x pokemon fanbook, and I'm stuck on the damned background.
Can't wait to be finished. I like how it's looking.
Alright Y Tiki bros, add me.
You'll get a very angry Neph as an ally!
>Not fapping when you have a cold to raise your body temperature
It'll never end as long as degenerates on both sides do everything in their power to justify their stance. Also all this Ninian bandwagoning annoys me for some reason and I usually don't care about that sort of crap. At least she's interesting from a gameplay perspective in Heroes now.
I'll add you. I could use more blues.
It looks pretty good. Keep it up user.
This is a waste of time. I'm bored of this game. I just kill everything with Reinhardt and BLyn. Maybe I'll stop playing.
I like it, but I didn't expect Articuno to be THAT tiny.
Let my soul be free! Free to impregnate Sanaki!
Can you kill a Raven/TA/Bowbreaker F!Robin?
What IVs?
Ninian has a very fuckable ass
Lucina is a big girl
>>The support is the same for both Kamui.
Kamui: Ah, please look over there for a second, big brother. It looks like an animal family of some kind.
Marx: You are right. I have never seen that kind of animal in Nohr.
Kamui: Ah, and that bird over there is such a lovely color. Hehe, isn’t it cute?
>Articuno that small
You're retarded
Jesus I hope I never have to use her again.
Some post "Eat rocks... I'm pretty clever"
Thanks. It definitely isn't supposed to be that tiny, but I went for it anyway because it looked better with the pose I wanted.
Thanks, this is time consuming but I'm having a lot of fun.
Create or enhance? What is a good order of importance for seals?
>42 def
>+1 seal
>+6 steady stance/Armored blow
>+6 in fortify armor
>+9 spur
>+2 spur seal
>+4 assuming 40+10
>+4 from SS support
>72 def
>+58 damage in Ignis
>+10 with wo dao
>+10 with wrath
>+78 damage in total
I'm done with you.
It's pretty lazy. They don't even acknowledge the MU they've always known for years is suddenly a different gender.
Yes with Xander. Even easier now that I can upgrade my Distant Def seal.
Enhance DD, deflects are a meme
It's Eat ROCK, you unsophisticated plebian. Humor this complex doesn't grow on trees.
Draug is Guard spelled backward.
Is that Zephiel moaning or BK talking regularly?
>Virtual capsule prize machines that give you freebies once in a while
>Full-price, full-length video game but you have to pay for the cheat codes if you want to use them, and the game most likely has some degree of features that are balanced around tempting players to buy those cheat codes as per the industry standard
And you know, at least gacha games are honest when they try to jew me and their devs don't pretend like they understand the struggles of the common working class and that shit boxes are just an "alternative" while rubbing their hands under the table.
t. Reinhardt/Olwen/Elincia/BB+ BLyn user
I hadn't considered guard. Good idea.
Do we know how much Deflect Magic reduces damage by when fully upgraded? I'm gonna guess 50% or 80%.
Regardless, I will make this meme work no matter what
Also I typo'd and meant distant defense. But if the former can work too, then even better.
People seem to say Distant Def > Panic Ploy =Speed +3 > Deflect Magic > Others
It really depends on the seals you rely on the most. If you're super worried, wait until tomorrow or later to see what others have done.
>Draug is Guard spelled backward.
I might be slow
Doga is A god spelled backwards
>The Binding Blade
Why did they cuck all these weapons?
Any chicken posters here? Wanna hang? I have tanks to offer
It's so very lonely on team chicken
>>+10 with wo dao
>>+10 with wrath
>>+78 damage in total
Doga is A god spelled backward
Take advantage of the distracting chemical release in your brain from fapping for some temporary cold relief.
They were released too early.
>I'm gonna guess 50% or 80%.
tier 2 is 50%, so 70%
Make a webm of this
read the fucking billboard
Actually it's Guard backwards in Japanese too. Recall nips use syllables instead of letters
Excalibur kills an entire move type, BB is good for DC and Roy's stats
Tyrfing is situational but a unique and interesting effect.
Problem with deflect melee is that ranged can't use it.
I have a feeling we're getting an armored mage soon.
Holy shit.
Why is this bitch so thirsty
>Binding Blade
>Literally a stronger weapon for killing dragons than the 8 legendary dragon killing weapons
>doesn't have effective against dragons
suicide is painless
Weak waving
THIS is how you wave a flag
>Excalibur isn't a sword
>Mjolnir isnt' a hammer
Explain this fucking bullshit
Please add me Y Tiki friends. I'm lonely.
That's why I got rid of her. Can't abide by dick-hungry children.
sliding scale of power creep had them on the wrong end. They need a re-release with a meme prefix like Durandal to be better.
I'll add ya.
>From time immemorial. however, the Nohrians have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited... One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Nohrians for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He (Yukimura) called the Nohrians "The Great Masters of Lies". Those who do not realise the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.
Is Ninian barefoot under her dress?
It represents the current metal state of Fae fags, too deep for you.
Pretty sure the datamine read 80%, which would match up with Urvans' Deflect All effect.
Unrelated, but Hardy Bearing 2 also has a typo making it look like the first upgrade does nothing, the JP version says the condition cost goes down to 50% HP.
I prefer this one:
but can you go faster with this flag of yours?
That's the dork with glasses, ain't it?
I'll add ya lad. We aren't making it past round one, but I'm glad to fight for my favorite character before inevitably jumping ship.
bravo memehouse
Is she trying to fly with the flags? too cute!
not /ourgirl/
Kill yourself.