/dg/ Destiny General

Lead the Way Edition

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Fuck yoy

The lighting here is pretty neat.

Side note, a blueberry followed me here and by god does it look easier to do the jumps with Warlock glide. People who say the Warlock jump is trash are objectively wrong.

Never forget.

What's everyone's favorite IB set so far?

Warlock jumps have always been decent. Slow, but perfectly apt. It's just shitters that couldn't understand that you travel in the direction you were moving as you start the double, so you had people trying to jump like Hunters or Titans.

my 1 mobility warlock will jump higher and farther than my hunter at 8 mobility with higher jump. just another reason hunters got the shaft

>Sentinel's best exotic looks like absolute dogshit
Is there anyone on the planet who actually think Doomfang looks even remotely appealing

It takes some getting used to, but when you realize its a slow blink things get easier. It still is the worst feeling jump, it's just super good for platforming.

It's not shit because of distance or utility, it's shit because it's slow af and boring to use.