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I want to fuck Saber.
Seriously why do I like this so much?
stop what you are doing now and vote for sophia
Every post bfore and after this is either Drill or the spic.
There is no way this is allowed.
What's in it for me? Huh?
I want porn to be drawn of Ninian dominating everyone she defeats including Sophia
This is the Smol Nino of Good Threads. Actual discussion and no shitposters will come your way but only if you respond with something productive.
>colombus day (read: no school)
>threads are the worst they've ever been
>Tharjaspic will always win and there's nothing you can do to stop him
Just kill me. This general will never be good because it will always be under his thumb.
Unironically kill yourself.
While FE4 is my favorite game in the series I feel as though FE5 is still the best as it allows the player the most options for dealing with poor levels as well as having a very varied cast of useful units that can mostly function differently to each other.
>early threads
>not being a constant thing
>50 dueling crests
>highest score I ever got by far
>still demoted
so should I just hang myself or
user I have 3 minutes
Is there an english version of fates that has all dlcs and no content cuts?
>tfw will never EVER roll a spare Hector
I just want to make a Zephiel.
>B-Belka user is requesting it all himself to make Tharjabro look bad
As if the gay mexican needs help with that. Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?
How many black dicks do you reckon she's taken? She's not a one man girl, I'm thinking at least 4-5 different guys a night.
>can roll into town quietly
>job is to murder the cocks of black men by robbing them of every last drop of semen
And who was the client? Herself.
"This job's for me to enjoy" she muses
Go go my dears Nowifag brothers
>using dancers
Giving Sophia plenty of votes!
>have to do AA again because you just barely got kicked out of 5k tier
fuck off
Porn of Ninian dominating everyone when?
Say something nice about Anna and this new dress that she got
I personally really like Awakening. I know that being a nufag is pretty much a meme at this point, but I like how it doesn't take itself too seriously (or at least I hope that was intentional) and some of the characters were actually pretty well developed. Much better than Fates - although that isn't very hard
How do people normally build Tana?
no i'm not making spending 40k feathers to make a fucking alfonse and run 3 reds against +10 reinhardts
DLC always has to be installed separately
Serika's saabanto
Can i see your Valter's Build?
I always wanted to make some crazy cheese on him with Flier Hone, Cursed Lance with LnD3 + Desperation
advanced growth > inherit skill > give guidance to someone else
Shitposting or not, this is beyond pathetic
pink doesn't suit her sadly, but the hair looks good
A reasonable opinion but for me the maps and gameplay really make it kind of stale on any repeat playthrough making it hard for me to ever get the motivation to do a playthrough getting all the kids.
But yeah I'd still take it over Fates.
Draconic Aura
That's what I use on my +Atk/-Res one anyways. She's basically Cordelia with a Prf so anything that works on Cordelia will work on her though.
>implying I have images up when there's afuckton of porn here and people in my room
god bless 4chanx
firesweep, LaD, Draw Back/Hit and Run
some people use a quadmeme build too
i don't agree with it personally, I like to use Vidofnir, Fury, and Vantage/Desperation to make use of Vidofnir's passive
Don't reply to drills autism.
shitposting or not, don't respond to it
Just use your Catria or a heavily invested Sophia. It'll be great I swear.
well i have cfw so it shouldn't be that difficult
but i'm still searching for an English version with none of the content cuts
It's not crazy at all
I used to run desperation and then some Ryoma one rounded him so then I switched to swordbreaker
I want Ninian to grow a big futa cock and fuck me right up the behind for supporting her so good!
Come on user, just tell us, what's making you so angry? What makes you lash out at us like this?
It's a good thing they gave Lightning a non-brave set so Deflect Missile doesn't hurt her as much
>blue board
>tons of porn
The absolute state of /feg/.
>3 hours left
Am I going to make it?
I need to see this but with Beruka and black cocks.
>Cav memes even in the voting battles
>tfw extra Hector from free roll but all he does is waste barracks space
The dress looks more purple than pink
Deflect Missile doesn't affect falchion users user.
>all this pornposting
What did I miss
A certain someone is a bit mad for some reason.
captcha: Walter City
I love Pieri and so do you!
raul got triggered by beruka again
you might, I won't
>rank 996 with 5032
I could have just let some guys die and get the same coins as you
there should be a restoration patch
Last thread Berukafag admitted he was requesting the blacked stuff because he likes it, pretty sad and embarrassing really. Turns out he was shitposting himself to gain pity and attention.
You didn't miss out on anything.
Lucina never ran a brave set though. At least I hope no one did.
still, I think that white/yellow/light blue would work better for her
I want porn of Ninian raping Peri
Say something nice!
Does Sophia even have a higher offensive rating than PAzura
Trip back on
At least it isn't porn
What's a good A skill for her?
spic if you're gonna post porn can you at least post /ourguy/ thor instead of boris
Mexicans are a contentious people. Gay mexicans are especially vengeful.
I really like the face. Like the artist did a good job getting across how awkward and shy she feels with that half smile
Mine is +Atk/-Def so I've been using a Heavy Blade+ Galeforce combo, which is a lot safer with Brave Lance+ than Vidofnir, especially when running Hit and Run. +Spd is probably the best choice for Firesweep+, while +Def will want to try to do a tanking build with Vidofnir, which works even at -Speed if you can get Quick Riposte onto her.
I'm happy your banner is almost over!
And this
Please user, its still daytime. I can't fap now.
now it's looks all gucchi
>playing Arena
>team of 4 Gray's
>move my Beruka to QR Bonfire tank him
>when the battle scene gets off, she jumps off her wyvern and starts sucking his dick
>all the Grays join in
>they all fuck her, cum inside of her and take turns
>all I can do is jerk off
I'm starting... to like this stuff I think. Maybe these requests are not so bad.
5* healers shouldn't be allowed to exist
How much for a night lil lady?
I got 200 orbs, 100k feathers, and 100 jew coins ready.
Why do people want Ninian to be a rapist?
>4880 is going to get me kicked back into 19 coin tier in the final hour of the season
>AA will be even worse with every team coming with level 3 seals.
Make it stop
I doubt it, but I have enough of her to 4*+10 which shouldn't be too bad to make compared to other ones with all the free ones they gave out. Catria's my flier team lead though, so I went with that.
>days left: 20
not quite
>free roll on the 2nd dragon banner
>somehow only get greens and colorless units
>roll colorless for a chance at DB fodder
>get another fucking 5* mist
it hurts user
>first time I was ever #1 at anything
>know it will be gone in an hour
why do they give bonuses so frequently now :(