Competent devs edition
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>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
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/wfg/ Discord:
Buying and Selling items:
Farming Prime parts:
Droptables by DE (probably rigged):
WF news:
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Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules:
DPS calculator and weapon build planner:
DPS calculator and build planner No.2:
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Frames and Modding:
CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Why is this game such a clusterfuck of blinding, bright effects everywhere? I can't tell what the fuck's even going on in multiplayer games.
nezha a shit
just disable alot of the settings and youll be fine. At first this game gave me motion sickness but disable the fancy crap fixed that for me Like i fucking doubt people actually use that motion blurr dumbshit
>tfw no more mystery
>only potatoes
I wish I never started this game.
Because Warframe is a game about space wizards, not space ninjas
turn off bloom HUNTER
Lower of turn off the Bloom and you'll be fine
>Turn off Bloom
>Corpus is still eye cancer
>he still has bloom enabled
At some point you develop a precognitive abilities and the light show stops bothering you.
That's the reason why we know something is shit even before it's released.
There's still plenty of mystery
Which is why we're getting The Sacrifice
Please don't bring Limbos into my game.
>turn of effects and whatnot
Warframe needs some kind of ban system that prevents us getting matched to certain warframes
how does the plat discount reward work?
is it like a coupon I can use whenever? or does it have a limited time where it works or something?
What's on your to-do list ingame today, /wfg/?
I'm trying to
>farm Nidus
>farm a few prime parts I need
>sell some other stuff for plat so I can buy more slots
It's been a slow day so far. Just need that Nidus chassis though, and I can scratch that off my list.
Not like it's going to make potatoes go away. I'd be fine with sealing mine in that chair-thing on the orbiter, I muted her away.
Limited time offer! Buy Plat now or regret it for the
rest of your life, goy!
i think it is 3 days
>buying plat
>enabling DE
what are you nerds cooking up?
>log in
>maybe start forma
>log out
it works with steambucks and everything right?
Why doesn't DE just make it so players can shoot through snow globes? It would solve every problem with pub frosts.
It's 48 hours and yes, the purchases are through steam.
So your literal only problem is that the potatoes exist. Why try to make it seem like you're complaining about other things, then?
Say what you actually mean you fucking woman
Farming focus again because de doesn't like us having nice things.
Claim and start some pizzas, do sortie (pizzas between mission), start some pizzas. MR24 is boring.
Knowing DE it's probably some dumb mechanical bullshit
So... Anyone actually read the new Warframe comic?
So what exactly happened to Niggus?
>the purchases are through steam
Unless I'm missing something, plat purchases are through their website
The only things they have available to purchase through steam are the "i'm a big fucking idiot" packs, of which the least expensive is 20 dollaridoos and only comes with 300 plat
I think the gay sex scene was a little out of place. But as a whole it wasn't that bad.
Like, change that one thing and next thing you know everyone and everything can short through terrain? Seems likely. And sleek.
I'm blowing through fissures to get prime junk to convert into ducats, and also credits. Plus mastering random weapons to close a 12,000 point gap between me and MR 16.
some kind soul would explain me why after scoring the required index points i have to wait like 3 minutes before the missions ends?
Endurance runs for Prodman
Because of the time scoring mechanics
Don't score past what's necessary and let them score on you to bring the time down you idiot
>I think the gay sex scene was a little out of place
fucking leafs
When you use the in game market steam pops up.
That's the way they decided to do it.
When you score it's +10 secs
When they scores it's -10 secs
Games over when the time runs out.
Just score what you need and then feed them points.
what do you even do then?
i know that you stupid faggot but is still fucking shit i kill niggers i score the required points no more no less and then afk till the end but shit take too much time still
Log in, get daily rewards and log out. There's nothing to do.
Unless that only pops up when you get a discount coupon, the only plat-related stuff in the market is prime access, which is sold on steam but the in-game link takes you to their site
Not much
>Go into the market
>Get Platinum
>"The platinum store will open in your web browser"
>Select the amount you want
Takes you to that screen.
The update comes out on Wednesday right?
>>plat purchases are through their website
>get coupon on log in
>decide to buy space shekles
>buy plat in game link goes to DE web site
>website has different options to pay
>one of them is steam wallet
>link takes you to steam
>click click wallet click done
>feel shame
>wash shame away buying shit with plat
that's more or less how it works. It's smart on DE to have a steam link for all sales being people already have/trust their credit card info over there. People buy off steam wallet that might not want to put their info in at DE's site.
Oh yeah I forgot about that
Nice try though, that goes to their site too, not steam
fucking stop afking in excavations im tired of fucking seeing the last two digits not be 00
Why is it that everytime I whisper someone I found on warframe market they never respond? What are these fuckers even doing?
Late th for best boy
>whisper someone that is labeled online
>this player is currently offline
>Nice try
The fuck are you on about, it opens their site in steams web browser and then takes you back to steam to pay for it.
Jesus dude, that's a hair-pulling lot of forma.
>These plat prices
What the actual fuck
It's like they converted the prices to australian and then just changed the currency symbol back to dollars
>being this optimistic
>It's like they converted the prices to australian and then just changed the currency symbol back to dollars
Australians use the dollar symbol too
That's hwy everyone waits for 75% off
I didn't go that far because I don't want to buy that shit
take note of dat 100 in his list
>join a clan
>notice their dojo is shit
>contact CL, offer help
>he agrees
>remake half of the dojo with my own resources
>log off for a few weeks
>kicked, said CL removed me from friends
Well, what I meant is understood, so at least the analogy works
thats what you get for caring about clans
Gameplay 2.0 when?
You forgot the part where the CL claims he did it all himself and that no one appreciates him.
>Investing in a clan with randos
Ive spent some time with them, long enough to gain some kinda-high rank.
>regret it for the rest of your life
I met a MR 24 once. He tried to show off in that infested sortie interception and left in the first minute because no one cared.
Should have just made a solo clan
Are you that Dex Sybaris guy?
What did you expect in a clan wiht rnados for a shitty free to play grindfest
Is anyone at all excited for PoE? The actual content of the update looks like dogshit or something you put an hour into and then get bored, plus they're actively making the game worse by killing zenurik.
There's nothing I'm looking forward to.
I'm curious of new content, but also prepared for the very likely massive disappointment.
I'm excited to see how bad the writing/voice acting is especially when fighting Hentai Prime
They're making Open-Nothing-World , will you be able to interact with some NPC other than shoppers?
Probably NOT.
>plus they're actively making the game worse by killing zenurik.
Spotted energy spamming shitter.
My god fix your shit build and do some raids, maybe you'll learn to appreciate gitting gud.
The only discounts that matter are the 75%
And that rate is complete bullshit luck, I'm up to 60 days and I've never gotten one.
Why the fuck, after all these years, we don't have proper lobbys and party browsers for recruiting and an auction house for trading?
Why is 50% of end game spend torpedo jumping around your liset, finding people to party up or trade with? Now I remember why I uninstalled this game
are they removing shadowstep with the focus rework?
I'm hyped for the nerfs because they'll break a lot of meta shit, but other than that I dun care.
i got a day left on my ivara cooking whats a good bow for her cause imma instapotato
Of course, and I can't wait.
im looking forward to more content and the fact that its mixing things up with something isnt just corridors and the occasional large room sounds good to me.
Me, until I comb the entire map.
Sucks to be you :^)
well, fuck
that was the thing that made me download the game... I'm still far from that shit
closing in on 300 days and I don't think I've ever had one of these
Oh and by the way that's not all of them, I missed capping some.