League of legends general /lolg/
i want all waifu posters to die
>cropped porn
3rd for boys are for corrupting and abusing and anyone who likes edgelords needs to off themself
I want Ahri to be my ADC
xth for Syndra
New PROJECT skins when?
you fucking heard me
Now this is a real surprise
Should I max W first with Cait ? And is Runan still good on her ?
How do I defeat Illaoi in lane?
Without the option of getting a gang.
haha what a funny prank riot
not sure if this is a new glitch or something going around but I got this pop up after a game.
I am not banned and have nothing in my email, also no reason to ban me (high honor level, only play on 1 acc, never been 14 day banned for anything, don't talk much ingame). 100% not banned i just played another game after getting this message.
>place s4 in flex
>get to p5 in 200 games
>accidentally get to p4 playing decay games
>i did it all solo
it was ok. it IS ranked normals, and that's absolutely fine
> playing flex placements, lost a game because of an AFK
> ended up in Silver 1
> tfw could have been Gold
> tfw not actually good enough to climb to Gold from Silver 1
All the PROJECT skins are overrated. We need more GOAT Cosmic skins.
>blitz banned because some shitter quad stack trist player wants to abuse ardent meta
>pick tahm so i can eat people and tank thru the damage
>get in game, lagging my ass off, mid QQing at jungler,, jungler trying to match the j4's roam and failing, top laner getting beat by D cane but manages to solo herald pretty quickly
>team loses fights all over the place and we have to surrender
nice game
Does Syndra like Veeky Forums men?
Are you even Veeky Forums Syndrafag? show me your current body
pick something ranged
dodge his qs and don't get ed
play like a pussy
proceed to outscale
Who doesn't
I'm going to be mad as fuck if they skip out on them just like they did with pool party this year
A few games ago I could navigate through the shop while the game was still loading. Bizzare.
Also send help, I'm having too much fun!
high noon or SKT Jhin?
You pick Yasuo and poke her until she is low enough to be killed
You ignore her after she has 2 items
> pool party skins get released
> "omg riot just wants money"
> pool party skins don't get released
> "wtf you guys skipped pool party gg company"
same with any skin line.
No she likes Veeky Forums men you delusional idiot
speak up nigger what's your masteries and build huh
>complaining about this on a monday when all new skins are revealed on tuesdays
brainlets need to leave
"""anger issues""" aren't real
when did super metroid start duoing with dyrus
I wanna cuddle Jinx
>Does Syndra like Veeky Forums men?
>jungle picks xin
>mid picks talon
>support nami
>enemy locks in nasus, I banned fiora
What the fuck am I supposed to play here
>anyone who likes edgelords needs to off themself
I'm with you, but I'm biased because I love Halloween.
the uninstall wizard
Why not both?
But I'm both
As I expected
What's wrong with Censer?
listen here, Asmodean, you be a good goy and spend more money or you will get banned!
oh man here it comes.
>when all new skins are revealed on tuesdays
That's not always the case. Plenty of skins have been leaked on instagram on Mondays
Varus is an exception seeing as he atleast has a reasonable cause other than "I like killing"
I'm probably more fit than you lmao
It's broken on worlds patch
Put some points into q first. So you have enough damage for lane. Then Max w. Ruunans isn't worth taking unless you need to spread grievous wounds, which you never really need to do
>ctrl+f Veeky Forums
>no results
>check custom games
>not there either
Its fucking up on NA folks, you know the fucking password.
>no proofs
k im out here
real funny user
Why are Illaoi tentacles easier to dodge than a shit ton of mage AoEs like Swain's W or Veigar cage or Syndra E when the tentacles are the entirety of her DPS and the other spells are hard CC that basically guarantee a kill?
>Supports get to buy a damage item for their ADC
>the buff is better itemized than most actual damage items
>it has stats on top of giving the buff
If it didn't give stats it would probably be fine.
Is it because of the on hit damage ?
When's Evelynn come out?
Ionian girls are huge perverts.
>implying I need to post proofs to an imbecile asking me to post pics on a malaysian basket weaving board
get the fuck out and stay
because the entire point of her kit is to be easy to dodge, due to this whole "trial of spirit"
Because Illaoi is also tanky with high sustain, and her pull allows for ridiculously safe dps from her team.
And the 1000 gold worth of attack speed on a braindead easy method of activation
Can they at least remove the stupid "tentacles swing faster during ult" condition and just make them a little bit faster than they are currently but slower than during her ult currently at all times?
Woops posted a single instead of the Album
Don't worry I'll post it for you
So what the hell is Evelynn's relation to Jhin in the lore?
They aren't making him the target dummy in Eve's teaser, abilities and champion spotlight vids for the hell of it.
It can't be related to the Evelynn short story that was released last year either, because Riot supposedly retconned that already.
>see 3 weeaboo names in select champ
what do?
Have you met your goals yet user?
I just finished my climb to diamond in about 200 Camille games with a 62% winrate on her.
Want to get that border? Maybe the victorious skin? Are you playing TT for the chroma? Or just playing to have fun?
Either way you can do it user! You gotta believe in yourself!
Getting a duo is not a shame since he can dodge when you are in a promo.
>this projection
holy fucking shit get help
who do i pick mid
We have to fix this timeline. The timeline where riot unfairly nerfed Caitlyn out of worlds and deprived her of a victorious skin and continues to keep her winrate below 50%
Eve then?
Average tightness compared to the other forms. A solid combination of warmth and softness. The texture feels like it's trying to lovingly hug and caress you. Will usually make the rest of your body go limp when you first penetrate her.
Very tight and very warm. The insides are extremely active, constantly assaulting you with different sensations. Will tire you out quickly but doesn't stop until everything is expended. Overall a very intense experience.
Not as tight but soaking wet and slightly warmer than average. The insides squeeze in a slow, methodical rhythm, with the total intensity rising and falling like waves on a beach. Her hips move in a similar fashion, always keeping you fully inserted.
Slightly tighter than average with powerful contracts when you cum inside her. It slowly nurtures your orgasm from start to finish in one long continuous buildup. She does slow, long thrusts that slightly gain speed over time.
Average tightness but undoubtedly the softest of them all with an amazing texture. Provides constant gentle and light squeezes and caresses. Her hip movements are the most graceful of any of the forms.
xth for breast metal waifu
>Dominance gets swapped at the end
It was so close to good but they ruined it
these guys always try so hard to be funny
Holy fucking shit.
Veeky Forums has more free time to waste than a Yasuo main
Meta still favours mages.
Was hoping for Sona to get the mino cock though. Bull and cow.
One of the tightest forms and the most active internal muscles. Similar to air, but with the increased intensity befitting a powerful storm. Still very soft but with a more noticeable texture, and the second wettest after water.
Less tight than Fire but a lot warmer, almost to the point of scorching. Faster and more intense movements than Nature, with a much longer buildup and a more powerful climax. Also very wet, with viscous fluids, increasing the feeling of heat.
Very tight, but her insides are much less active and typically squeeze as hard as possible. Less warm the the other forms, but in a surprisingly pleasureable way. She moves in very small, methodical motions and maintains a cold, controlled appearance the entire time.
One of the tightest forms. Her insides are a complete wildcard and will constantly change the pattern of squeezing and rippling. The texture and sensation of being inside her make it hard to focus on anything else, leaving you in a dreamlike reality. Her playful and mischevious attitude makes it almost impossible to predict what she will do
By far the tightest of them all, with above average warmth and texture. Her insides are constantly massaging you, raising and lowering in intensity to keep you close to cumming. Her hip movements are beaten only by Air, and she knows how to expertly edge someone over and over again. Will tease you nonstop until you beg for her to let you release. Always takes your entire length in when you climax.
Don't worry, we accept you.
hurr durr janna
hurr durr meta
hurr durr silver balancing team
there ya go your (You)s.
Also Alistair never fucks sona which is where I thought it was going
>Games are decided on adcs
>And better ardent support
>Other roles just support them
Whats a good strategy for the money maker mission?
I'm thinking AP Nasus farm the whole game
>Syndra has FIVE skins
>only her classic reveals her feet
Thiswas created by a 170cm tall guy as hardcore damage control.
Posting that only proves you are retarded
How do I stop being so good at this game
what about just play the game
have a last (You) my friend, you gave me a good laugh today.