Cancerous memes edition
Old thread
Cancerous memes edition
Old thread
Other urls found in this thread:
> he survives one xpac, plot is alliance heavy, they are doing really well, reabsorb kultiras
> the only major horde quest line involves the Bank of Orgrimmar instigating a hostile takeover of the bank of Dalaran, the questline is long and tedious and involves doing nothing productive but it's extremely lucrative for rewards
> (((cultists))) destroy orgrimmar zeppelin infrastructure and the horde must import grain from the eastern kingdoms
> suddenly disaster strikes
> (((cultists))) destroy the orgrimmar zeppelin infrastructure
> the horde must now import grain from mulgore via kodo caravan, much is lost to quillboar and centaur raids
> the bedraggled horde is driven closer together by the hard times
> the alliance cuts down elwynn forest for farmland, to export food to Booty Bay where it is shipped to Gadgetzan and on to Orgrimmar
> the Bank of Stormwind pays the Deeprun Tram company to extend the tram line to Booty Bay
> suddenly the mages of dalaran are donated an ancient scroll by an anonymous benefactor
> it contains the secret to summoning permanent food
> Alliance economy implodes, tram line abandoned a day before opening, Bank of Stormwind can't pay deposits, they have to auction the crown jewels,
> bank of dala licences the food spell to the Belves, Undead are barred from practicing the spell by law
> the horde economy has fully transitioned to post agricultural advanced manufacturing / finance with the deregulation of goblin tech and mass raising of wage-free zombies
> Wrathion, Prince Regent of Stormwind after anduins pathetic beta suicide, realises his dream of a united azeroth bends the knee to Gallywix, Warchief of the Horde
I'm posting here, f*ck that porn op.
enjoy the ban for not posting a futanari
>> the alliance cuts down elwynn forest for farmland, to export food to Booty Bay where it is shipped to Gadgetzan and on to Orgrimmar
shittier writing than Metzen's worst fanfiction
> so beyond redemption can't even be forcibly raised by a dk
As a DK main, I'm gonna need a citation on that one, mate.
>> the Bank of Stormwind pays the Deeprun Tram company to extend the tram line to Booty Bay
Just gave me an idea for a new troll raid. Amani invade stormwind and ironforge after digging a big tunnel
StM prevents combat rez.
>tramline digs right through a bustling city of ancient cave trolls
>when they discover their kind survived the elven genocide they rejoin their cousins to take back the land they lost and reclaim azeroth
Posting question in new thread
>reclaiming anything
Oh. I was thinking it was a lore thing. :B
post more lewd
>after defeating Sargeras we return to Suramar to discover the Nightborne turning away from the arcandor
So the Cthun thing that's obviously the 5th raid they've been teasing, and a last bit of fresh daily zone before the post xpac drought.
We just leave that.
Why would they go back to being magic addicted freaks?
>gleaming treasure gives a mount
>its the blue one
Any EU horde bro wanna do Poor unfortunate souls?
>expac ends
>legion is defeated
>next expac reveals old gods and shit plaguing azeroth again
>gul'dan was tortured by sargeras for his failure at the nighthold
>after sargeras was imprisoned and illidan became his jailor gul'dan's essence escaped to azeroth
>crash lands in Silithus
>n'zoth warps him into a monstrosity
>trolls emerge from underground in silithus to gorge on the blood of azeroth in service to n'zoth
>they worship Gul'dan as a god, calling him Zul'dan
>Patch 8.1 The Bloods of Zul'Ithus
>no gnome centered raid with giant and or small gnome bosses and mechanical bosses set inside a set inside a huge hidden gnome city or on a gnomish island
>complete with frogger style factory belt you have to run through(actually kills you if you get hit by it) like in the clone wars
i would like to see a troll aztec xpac
Gadgetzan rework when?
no thanks. I've had my fill of we wuz kangz
Is ilovepandaren Khubbo?
Get that memestone crap out of here.
hearthstone's re-imagining of lore is always great
not gonna lie i'd fuck aya
Can I solo WoD raids with either a warlock or DK? And which ones can I solo?
Panda thread?
get yourself some gear with leech. problem solved
I soloed 10N HFC on a DH the other day with no problem
>americans wake up
>thread quality plummets
like clock work
Can't do mythic WoD raids without specific classes, but N and H you're good
You know, some things just don't look right when you hide them.
8 Picks my new Horde race for a DK
don't be a dork! go orc!
>>americans wake up
>almost 5:30pm in america
>replying to australians
Panda thread!
How do I do that? Isn't it random?
Any other tips/specs to do them with? I also have a paladin, all of the three classes are not that good geared, around 920.
now you're a league of legends character gz
how do i meme?
It is a bit on the random side but it really helps. Just hold onto leech gear and use it for a solo raid set.
I don't know every single fight but I know specifically Heart of the Mountain in M BRF requires a Priest for MC
I fr**cking love panders
can i cum inside this panda?
I played this game for literally like a decade as a tank (main tankin mythic/old heroic)... Then this expansion came and I just can't handle the pressure of being a tank anymore. I get performance anxiety hella bad.
What happened to me? :'(
First you must swim through a frozen lake, dig into hot coals, lift up three big bells, fight a tiger and a snake, and then kill yourself.
as long as i get to cum inside before i kill myself
Just afraid of making mistakes/looking bad/embarrassing myself.
Has me on edge the whole time I am raiding.
Never been like this before.
im wondering if i even should submit 925 ilvl follower quest
How do you play a pandaren on a PVP server without everyone wanting to gank you? I would imagine someone thinking, gross a panda! Time for it to die!
I feel you. I can't handle the zerg rush.
This is a master of undeath, pestilence and decay. Say something nice about her!
You don't.
I've always felt that way about tanking, which is why I never do it. Tanking is more for leaders that know the fights and know where to go in every dungeon or raid.
dranny tranny die
How much % do you gain from 1000 leech?
I'm not sure I can do mythic, are all H WoD raids possible to solo? How hard are they?
>using the plastic sword
just use baseline, the pvp one or mog it into something that doesn't look idiotic.
Is tomtom bugged or why doesn't it work on this patch? What do yo guys use?
I recently started playing melee dps after playing nothing but healer for most of the expansion
Healing has been very stressful in a lot of fights because there's so much unavoidable damage and stuff that can go wrong, but playing melee I sometimes just die because I literally can't tell what is going on anymore
probably somewhere around 8%? idk if it varies by class.
>Plate class draenei
Not being able to use helmets is pretty shitty.
Yah the H WoD raids are, having based leech helps a ton.
well why not?!?
So will we be getting a new race, new class, or more character customization?
hopefully next xpac
it'll be their excuse for few new content but at least we'll have that
subraces would be so low effort and highly request we might be getting those
>D) None of the above
Sorry, heroes!
>can finally RP a WoD Orc
pls respond
Fel orcs, highmountain tauren, highborne elves, zandalar trolls, mechagnomes etc etc
Happens all the time
How do we fix Havoc?
it's actually boggling my mind how easy it would be to do and yet they still don't
like, the amount of effort involved in new haircuts or facial expressions, or even brown orcs, and yet they still don't do it
a fucking 12 yo modder could do it jesus fuck
might be because of your name mate
new draenei subrace
redeemed eredar
it'd be so dumb they might actually do it
Well hello there, my Unholy sister!
... How 'bout that Torment the Weak, eh? EH!?
>next expac will most likely be oldgod/void themed
>not giving us pre-curseofflesh gnomes and dwarves
>add a few haircuts, maybe some tattoos or whatever
>call it ""subraces"""
there ya go goys and dont forget to buy the collector's edition
fuck yeah they'd add it if there were subraces
stone dwarves, undead gheist variant, brown orcs, high elves, human-elf hybrid (that one would be SUCH a cashcow)
be better as taunka instead of the highmountain group, they're actually part of the horde
same true of mag'har over fel orcs
for what purpose? and how do you plan to integrate them in any way?
here's a stone dwarf. he starts in anvilmar too.
and this here's a mechagnome. he also woke up in gnomeregan for some reason.
or do you expect blizzard to make starting zones and stories for every subrace?
Give it the ret resource system.
Fingers crossed for customization!
Subraces I don't care too much about but a weight and height slider would be cool. I'd like to roll a smoll male draenei mage but there is no such thing as a smoll male draenei as of this post.
Please no ret is trash.
Yes and we can raise ghouls too! Lots of ghouls and sludge thingies and make them spread green goo everywhere!
WoW has enough races, I don't want them to add something fucking gay like Nagas or Ogres or Ethereals and pander to those minorities.
If they did, I would legitimately sell my account from 2004 with countless grandfathered items for a few thousand USD.
The day they add high elves to alliance is the day that the horde playerbase ceases to exist.