dad jokes edition
dad jokes edition
supportbabs ww@
post em
>tfw no Jinx daughter
Dad azir is my favourite
>tfw Riot will never cash in by releasing Fast Food Manager Azir and Delivery Girl Sivir on Father's day.
Incubus Vlad WHEN
xth for breast metal waifu
There isn't enough Dad Zed or Dad Yasuo.
I want more Dad Zed and Dad Yasuo.
xth for Syndra
I seriously hope you're rooting for the Meme Dream Team
>not succubus(male) vlad
I would still love my daughter even when she would kill and destroy buildings
Why is cow sona so cute?
>extremely large playerbase
>still not even 50 good lewds of the most lewd girls in the game
desu i liked the Longzhu skin concepts that were posted here some time ago
want them to win because of that
Hello the club of pic related men called they want you back
you really expect me to spam the thread with lewds just so you can get your daily dosis of virgin?
>make a roleplaying account on tumblr
>try to be friendly and communicative
>people take forever to respond
>nobody actually roleplays, they post art and fanfiction and A E S T H E T I C S
i'm not sure i understand what you're implying.
are you me?
>ur husbando is fuccboi lel
>bothering with online roleplay at all
Only the popular accounts get any real roleplay anyway.
i might be
buff cait pls
Is Tobito getting married or is his chat meming?
I clearly know where to find the lewds, I'm just confused why there are so few good ones. And the good ones only exist for the most lewd girls. Sona, Ahri, Annie, Ashe, Lulu and a few others I'm sure. Absolutely nothing for the rest, it feels like a conspiracy.
Is there a role I can play where I dont depend on anyone to not be retarded?
someone put up a vg vs vg lobby on NA
>on tumblr
You are better off roleplaying on fucking myspace
>yas is a nonfactor and doesn't roam or push
>corki is free to use package bot every time it's up sicne his lane is a nonfactor
>mao is free to use ult bot every time it's up since mid is a nonfactor
We're not quitting though lads. Let's run it back for round two
Which champion pisses you off the most? For me, it's Gangplank.
He might as well be since he took divorce with his ability to cs
You wake up in a room with a gun in your hand and Lulu, Adolf hitler and Stalin are in the same room. The gun is empty. Who do you cuddle first?
>It's another "waaah my team didn't carry me" episode
Why don't you play learn to play a carry then you braindead 60 IQ support main
Nice try Lulu fag
I was unranked and I wanted to get the season rewards, so I was going to try to get gold in both ranked queues(solo and flex).
But I asked and you guys said flex was easier? Now I finished my placements 6:4 and I'm silver 2 T_T
I will get to gold but flex is definitely harder
Going back to dicord senpaitachi. Tumblr was a mistake
you should just go spellthief -> frostfang -> censer -> ATHENE'S and take matters into your own hands
Ok, so hear me out for a moment here.
Riot has been pointing out in every new relevant lore from Demacia that the king isn't actually hereditary, but it's chosen by council. It just so happens that every single time so far it's been a Jarvan being chosen. And apparently they've been poking at the idea that J3 might die soon.
Anyone else feel like they're gonna make the eventual Demacian event about J3 dying, and J4 actually NOT being chosen? Maybe it's a plot from Swain who secretly manipulates the council (for once actually living up to his title of Master Tactician), maybe the nobility doesn't like J4's tendency to accept non-human, magical and non-demacian people into his service, and even worse, as personal friends.
And then either it's about J4 and his circle of personal friends in Demacia (which as of right now is basically every fucking champion but specially Shyvana and Xin Zhao) or he actually likes the idea of not having to be the king so he can enjoy life more freely like he did in that village with Shyvana in his new lore.
And probably it would have Garen and Lux being in conflict there as well. Garen, as a Crownguard, would be obligated by oath to defend the new king, no matter who it is. It's his fucking surname. But that would mean going against his friend J4. And Lux could possibly support J4 because he's not anti-magic and would allow her to live freely in Demacia without having to hide her powers, but that would mean going against Garen.
Well either that or Burch draws a silly comic in which Jarvan makes cringy jokes and one liners while dunking noxians and they call it a day.
>he cant win the game with items that literally inject gold into your veins
>not going to f-list and just making a popular character so you get all of the attention
Its like you can't even roleplay league champions properly
So when are they going to gut these champs?
Cuddle Adolf and Stalin and throw Lulu out the window.
You never told me the limits of the room, so there's bound to be a window.
The gun.
I cuddle and protect the Lulu and leave the other two dudes to their gay adventures!
can you imagine a world where for best-of-x series, a contested champ is unpickable in subsequent games? think of the forced variety!
>press w on sona
>give entire team 35% AS and clear objectives at the speed of light
Thank you, Ardent Censer.
Caitlyn should be in there
They'll introduce an apprentice, much like how Kayn is now Zed's apprentice and that's it.
League's universe is akin to capeshit - AKA they're too chickenshit to kill off a champion. They might make them go through shit that could change their apperance, lore or form (such as Gangplank) but they won't have the balls to kill anyone off on account of fan outrage.
*feeds all game*
*its ok because i have 6k worth of gold built into my kit and can still 1v1 you*
To be fair imagine killing off Soraka.
After preseason.
Finally people see the value in my ad LeBlanc build! With ardent it's a waste to just have it on one person.
>league of legends 2 is released
>your main was killed by yasuo
>if you main is yasuo he killed himself
how does this make you feel
No really post 1 (ONE) good sivir lewd. Doesn't exist. I've looked.
no cure for fools :^)
I didn't really imply any deaths though.
In that scenario, obviously Garen would decide to turn against the new king who is just some nobody of the variety they've been introducing lately whenever they need some one to die and kill him, earning him the title Kingslayer because gotta cash in on them GoT reference points.
Not even the splash arts look good
champions should just be killed in lore, the GP stuff was Riot being extremely retarded as usual
hell, the game itself stopped being canon a long time ago
do you guys just
take the time to make the math to shitpost to the exact point
or just make up stats
Pretty enraged, which is why they'll never do it.
They'll get the Gangplank treatment or the ascension/Shadow Isles undead/Void corrupted/demon-turned and etc treatment at most.
Pantheon is basically dead...
>those pits
>yi, azir, and trist
Say goodbye to your towers, friend.
Shyvana 9/0/5
You gonna lose the game
>vladfag wn sit on your face
Kindred revert fucking when?
the changes were a fucking terrible idea and riot should be ashamed.
People weren't pissed because Gangplank was dead in lore. People were pissed because he was diabled in game for being dead in the lore. That was absolutely retarded. Not that many people care about the lore believe or not.
Finally, somebody else with the good taste of the pits.
Am I gonna see this stupid image every thread now
How could you possibly imply that a shyvana will be useful?
Alright NA fags answer me this
Who gets more egirl pussy?
A korean challenger 1v5ing with Darius
or a korean challenger 1v5ing with Yasuo?
>lane ezreal
yasuo obviously
All memes aside. Which champion makes you go oh fuck when you see mastery 7 in loading screen. And when they can actually play the champion.
For me its Vayne or Leona.
These fuckers can single handedly carry the entire game in the hands of the good player.
How many people actually wanted to play old Gangplank? Probably people just bitching to bitch
i want to press my dick against that moist tongue
Tankplank best plank
Yasuo gets the most pussy out of any champion in the game
But user new gp is nothing like old gp old gp was goofy and fun and his kit was balanced to the point where he wouldn't see pro play that's a great kit not this pussy lul edgy pirate shit haha xd I hate riot their silver balance team and I hate this game
Any outdated meme champ or poor winrate champ like Mordekaiser, Ryze, Urgot, Nunu and etc.
>spend 20$ on rp
>buy some skins i like
dammit why does it feel so good riot this game was supposed to be free
This is not a viable city. For starters, that is not a stable bedrock -- that mountain between the waterfalls was carved by the very waterfalls surrounding it, meaning it will also erode the city eventually. Secondly, the sheer noise from the waterfalls would render living in that city virtually unbearable. One would probably be unable to so much as hold a conversation, let alone sleep, and eventually it would simply result in permanent hearing loss. To say nothing of the sheer humidity originating from the mist being constantly produced by the waterfall, which would spread mold to the living environment as well as inducing severe lung problems.
By the looks of it was more like 'wow nice husbando he's hot I want to fug him too' but... Okay.
That's not LITERALLY Azir.
Azir LITERALLY had harems of women at his feet.
lmao, i recognize that. its from punisher max. did you make this?
>get new skin for champ
>feel new enjoyment and want to play them more
i don't get it
It would be LeBlanc, not Swain.
You don't ever disable a champion, no matter who it is, for retarded story reasons. There are always some people who would want to play him and old GP wasn't even bottom 20 back then,
no i saved it a long time ago
>implying Taric wasn't Lux's first love and kiss
>implying they won't end up together when him and Garen become best bros again
>implying Garen wouldn't approve eventually because Taric is his best bro
Panth is different because of his lore you can replace him with anyone.
A kid picked the spear there your new Pantheon
> wasn't even bottom 20
Bottom 21?