/hg/ - Halo General

#359 - He's Coming for You Edition

Welcome to Halo General. Here we discuss the Halo games, expanded universe, and fan projects. Discussion of general Xbox developments, news, and games is also allowed unless stated otherwise.

>"Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare" is now available
- Can be purchased for $19.99 individually or included with the Halo Wars 2 Complete Edition
- Includes a new campaign where players take control of the Banished and return to High Charity to combat a flood outbreak on the Ark
- Also includes the new flood-themed survival mode Terminus Firefight, as well as new blitz cards and 37 new achievements

>Halo Recruit "VR Experience":

>Latest Halo Community Update

>Important Halo Links and Notes

>Halo 5 Spartan Company
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halo general

>Xbox One clips and screenshots

>>>Halo News

Other urls found in this thread:

i.4cdn.org/f/Beef Stroganoff.swf

Who thought these were a good idea for halo

I make poost

Choke of the century.

No disrespect to dog but holy hell he's gonna carry that weight

Yeah, the weight of his own voice.


*notable /hg/ member* is a shit

>tfw no Halo 5: Master Chief & Friends Superstars Adventures in Dreamland

Hey meme all about it if you want. But I have a lot of respect for him following through with his promise. Plus he has one of the less-irritating voices in /hg/ anyway.
Sucks we didn't get to see the snail though.

Okay but take this anyways.