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disappointed lads i go to sleep and you let the thread die
Geralt and Triss OTP
If you romance Shani (give her a ring) in TW1 and import that savefile to TW2, how do they explain why Geralt is with Triss and not her?
Journal entry says how Shani realized she's not happy with Geralt and how he is more interested in doing wither stuff than her so they agreed to part ways. Then Geralt found comfort with Triss.
to be a Shanifag is to have a sad life
merge with gwt when
I'm pretty sure they're the ones that do not want us.
oh ok that makes sense
They call us outcasts... freaks...
they say they hate waifufagging
why are there no lewds of the male chars in this game.
because it would be homo
Not gay :(
Het is so boring desu.
I'd rather see Shani and Triss fucking.
Why is she rubbing her hands?
She's impressed.
Heh that's funny
How cheap will it be if I buy a few bottles worth of lilac perfume with the intention of using it?
She's warming them up, Geralt doesn't tolerate cold hands on his dick.
for what purpose?
cheap of a trick*
for everyday usage
you hope to meet Geralt in real life one day and that the lilac scent will make him attracted to you?
No, I really fucking like lilacs. Spent the last hour sniffing a lilac soap like a junkie, was wondering how much of a cheap faggot wearing lilac perfume will turn me into.
do not do this user
do not do this
I don't know how this even sounds good in your head
listen to the voice of reason
Why though? Smells really fucking good, I'm starting to understand Geralt's infatuation with the smell.
Gee, I wonder why.
Don't listen to him user. Be the little flower faggot you've always dreamed of being.
Thanks, user. I really needed this.
She's so cute
Too cute to exist
They're both too cute.
majority of /wtc/ posters must be burgers, those threads are so dead during yurotimes
Here is better version
that butt will save the world
I worship that butt
it's euros with degenerate sleep schedules
fix your shit yuros
Triss is a jewish plant, Yennefer is superior and actually C A N O N.
y*nnefer is disgusting goyish scum
you nerds arguing over who is the better waifu between triss and yenn is pathetic. so much anger over such a small nonissue that doesn't need to be discussed at all since yenn is obviously superior.
Didn't Dorregaray confirm Yennefer was heavily invested into the precious stones trade in the Villentretenmerth story? Doesn't sound very goyish if you ask me.
On another note, how do sorcerer advisors earn money? Do they live at court? Does the position come with full coverage of all expenses they might have?
>Yennefer of (((Vengerberg)))
Hopefully final user gut report, saw the surgeon and he almost immediately said it was an inclusion cyst. Didn't do anything about it yet since he said it would be best to wait until a few weeks after I finish the antibiotics to scoop it out to minimize risk of infection, though he'll do it immediately if it starts getting bad again. Mildly annoying that I'll have to head back yet again but glad to hear it's something so simple. Not sure if the lack of a fever is what threw my regular doctor for a loop or what.
I wonder if Cerys is still virgin.
Fever indicates inflammation, same as swelling, redness and pain. Your first doc did good to send you to a surgeon and prescribe you cephs even if he wasn't sure what could be the cause. Otherwise, what's up with US doctors and their reluctance to utilise any means for scanning? Ultrasound is cheap as fuck and there's literally no downsides for you as a patient. Glad to hear it's something so easily manageable though!
I like to think Ciri is the closest Cerys will ever come to banging Geralt. Nice pairing.
I'm gonna go with
[X] doubt
What is objectively the best city of the Witcher world to live in?
Don't use low res tumblr shots, here's the normal version Ciri Cerys pics I made. I don't ship them at all but I made these on request.
cheers Trissbro
No idea. Was talking about it with a buddy who works in the hospital but nothing directly health related (Admin for all the radiology computers and such) and he seemed to think it was something along the lines of doctors being squeamish about having ultrasounds at hand in their offices because they feel the need to charge for everything they do, so rather than keeping one around for common use they use them sparingly. He mentioned ultrasound just like you and said it makes no sense that they don't use it more since it's so quick and easy to use and you can get so much good information from it. He said that apparently the emergency room uses it to check for internal bleeding (Or something) quickly but for whatever reason the regular doctors avoid using 'em. All speculation on his part though, he works there but since he's a computer weenie it's just what he picks up from talking.
Ye gods. I've said it before and I'll say it again, waifuing isn't my cup of tea but you're really goddamn good at making those pictures user.
Glad you like them anons :3
my boy dijkstra!
Those are brilliant. You should consider coming back to us, Trissanon - if you ever get bored, that is. I'm still at a loss what we are gonna do without you.
It would've made differentiating between a lipoma and a cyst much easier and less time-consuming, to put it simply. What's weirder is that every rotation I've done up until now there's been US available even for outpatient care, but then again, I'm an EUcuck and we love scanning everything even if there's no need.
this is a general for a 4 year old game that is technically dead. what did you expect?
Am I the only one to play TW1 on hard, complete fucking everything including ravens armour only for it to be fucking terrible armour in TW2?
As a complete outsider it sounds reasonable to me unless it's prohibitively expensive, which it sounds like ultrasound absolutely isn't. I would think being scan-happy would be preferable since it should give better information than just feeling and at worst it would just take a little bit more time for patients. It's interesting to hear how it differs overseas though. Come to think of it I don't think I've ever had an ultrasound used on me. Hell, the last couple years I went in for an annual checkup they didn't even do any bloodwork. Just got weighed, temperature, blood pressure, and pulse from a nurse and then the doctor walks in for 10 minutes or so and says "Ah yes I see you don't smoke and you don't drink very much, is there anything wrong with you? No? Ok then keep doing that" and wanders off and leaves me a $200 bill. Didn't go this year since I figured to hell with it.
I see your shitty Ciri pictures and I raise you a Johnny
Combine the two, user! Just like two under-populated generals on Veeky Forums!
Anyone know where I can buy a good quality Wolf medallion? I swear all I see are crappy chinese ones and 3d printings that don't even have a metallic finish.
/gwt/ died
This is the gwent thread now, waifufags leave
What's the best NR deck to craft right now?
Interested in this as well. I have the SE medallion, but am looking to get a hollow silver one.
Make your own thread. Need to complain about the absolute state of restore SK somewhere pls.
Not surprising, even all the streamers don't care anymore.
Welcome fellow gwtards
>Interested in this as well. I have the SE medallion, but am looking to get a hollow silver one.
You would think Etsy or some shit had them, or at least an official one was sold at a decent price. Witcher is popular enough. I had the pre order keychain snap on me so I converted it to a necklace. Looks good but it's a bit flat obviously in comparison to say a cosplay one.
you fucking retards how the fuck you lost our general?
I've seen filled versions on either amazon or ebay, but holy shit, that's probably gonna snap my neck. The SE one looks decent enough, but as you said, no shine.
Hope you lads got 200 to spare
>Shipping from Israel
Yes, yes, I do.
time to merge, we'll blend the content discussed on gwt with the autistic waifu bumpers on wtc, providing a general with both content and bumpers, each of which is missing on the generals alone
/gwt/ Lives
Good luck keeping it alive, remember we'll still be here friends
I found my poison. I'm done, lads. Now I only need her necklace and the fag fanfares will never stop resounding in my head.