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IQ edition
footfag pls go and stay go

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Weapon recoil overhaul
Patch Y2S3.1 deployed on all platforms on Tuesday, September 19th.

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have they made the bearing 9 weaker?

Help they made the Bearing 9 only stronger

What is a bearing 9? Help!

remninder that the bearing 9 is better than the smug-11

So I went through a phase where I just put lasers on all my weapons. People say that it can reveal you but you can easily account for that. After playing a long time I realise that I don't rush around or roam a lot. Most of the time I am ads so I don't get the benefits of lasers. So I just removed all the lasers for now.

Can this be a general rule for lasers? For operators that move around a lot, attackers and roamers, lasers can be a plus. For close objective roamers and anchors who ads a lot no lasers.

All shield users get lasers and maybe all pistols in general as a oh shit I'm out of ammo switch to my panic gun.

For shotguns it depends maybe? If you use it to kill use a laser but if you want to use it as a utility tool no laser? This stems from smoke's shotgun. Is it better to use a laser or not?

I bought frost, did i make a mistake? I had a friend who couldve roamed that i could help with the echo drone

>did i make a mistake?
just place you're mats at common place the enemy insurgents enter and hope they fall for it

Well you can do the buddy system? Your traps are just place them and forget. And while you are out there roaming with your friend, you can place your traps on high trafic areas also if you want.

but i coudlve roamed with a drone and helping a bro out

i put lasers on secondaries, because it's your last ditch effort, and at that point it shouldnt matter if the enemy sees a light because they already know where you are
shotguns need lasers, because the bonus is just too good to pass up, and you shouldnt be aiming far enough where being spotted is an issue
they're both different operators, you can't really compare the two. frost just sets things down, but echo requires you to be actively on your drone
frost's traps not being electric helps out a ton, and even when you're dead, you can still be useful with them. not only can echo's drone get fucked by multiple things, but once it is, you're pretty much useless with the arsenal you have, minus the boost the bearing 9 gives

smokey the bear's main weapon is the smug11, not the shotgun. It's there just for the rotation/killholes
if you play an operator who doesnt have a machine pistol then you need the shotty to be a more reliable killer, so slap a laser on it
although you see lasers on pro league for some reason, so maybe the autists there have found some obscure angle to it

I don't think he is compring the operators per say. I think he is somewhat talking about the opportunity cost of being able to go buddy buddy with his roamer friend. It's why I mention frost can plave her shit. And leave to do the buddy system with his friend.

So having no laser confirmed makes bigger holes right? But when things turn dicey and cqc starts to happen, having a shotgun with a laser can be helpful right? Is that what you mean with the pros?

frost is the tits mate, echo gets old real fast and that drone gets killed by a strong breeze. Lemme give you a top tip with frost traps, put them under a ceiling breach point, all the wood n stuff falls directly down and hides the trap nearly 100%, try it in the elevator and vault on bank and you'll see


just because im in an emotinal disarray doesnt make me gay

All you have to so is grind your way to unlock him. You can do it, I believe in you. Until then play and learn to love the sound of your trap going thunk when you get someone. Hell if you place your traps right, your roamer friend will thank you for it. Especially cav.

I played 3 games and i put the traps under the windows on the objective and never gotten a single trapped person where am i supposed to put them honestly

>prep phase
>hide in a corner, dont get droned
>chances of enemies falling into your traps go up by 300%

I mean that I've seen a twitch use laser with the FAMAS, so I dont know what the hell
maybe it's personal preference
pro league doesn't really use shotguns beyond smoke and mira/jackal secondary shotguns, which are just for holes

Speaking of smg/shotgun combos, some pro teams run smoke and echo for great bomb denial plants. Is one utility shotgun good enough for the team? Echo can run a similar setup but he loses out on one of the very few weapons that can use an acog.

nice advice thanks ill do that

If there are deployable shields place them behind them. Even obscure corners that attackers like to retreat and hide in. They don't really have to kill. Just the presence of a frost can slow the attackers down because they have to watch their step. Some pro teams are using her again. Even if the attackers flick down to shoot the trap guess what, they are looking down and not where you are.

it depends on the site
if a site needs to be defended from above, then two shotguns are useful for creating holes both on site and above
ACOG is good, but not really essential, since echo should be on the drone denying plants anyway


acog on shotguns when?
acog on the gsg shotgun would be spicy

when they add slug rounds to basically make pump action dmrs/snipers

I remember doing that back in Battlefield 3, it was super fun. Especially compared to how weak the actual snipers were.

cant wait

>toggling in casual

>Its another faggot complains about someone playing good in a casual match

1911 for IQ when
870 for IQ when

Reposting so these ideas never die.

Operator Ideas suggested since launch
>Motion sensor operator gadget who throws cams like Valk, that automatically mark all attackers in line of sight of gadget
>Defender who can "patch up" walls or windows in some way from a distance after they have been opened up
>Defender who can throw a gadget that deploys sticky foam - acts like barbed wire and slows movement for short period even after attackers leave it - can't be meleed, only destroyed explosively
>Attacker who can throw concussion nades that act like an Ela / Echo blast, can also detonate drones for similar effect (auto activates on drone being destroyed for any reason)
>Attacker with a Dazzler unit on weapon - defenders looking directly at unit causes flash blindness similar to Flashbangs or Ying blast
>Ladder operator who would probably not work as stated in r6g but the idea of an attacker who can breach upwards from hatches would be awesome
>Attacker who can punch murder hole sized holes in reinforced walls, but can't reasonably make a suitable entry holes
>Attacking Medic because lol whatever
>the fucking dog operator

why, in the pro league, ar ethey suddenly all using 1x scopes instead of acogs?

>remote barricade
>place device above window
>push button
>rolls down
>not nailed in
>can vault through it but a bit harder to break down

any good?

>mfw blowing away mother fuckers with the SAS shotgun

why are agents so expensives?



I think you mean "Toons" friend

scrap tachanka turret and just give him an RPD or w/e with high penetration and 'splash' for remodelling. doesnt even have to be that good. no idea about special ability


>guy runs outside and gets epin spawnpeek murderkill
>leaves after dying 30 seconds later
just having fun bro

if i do better on 60 FOV than 75 does that make me more autistic?

How long does it take for the weekly challenges to change after they have changed?

webm or didnt happen

Weekly challenges change change Tuesdays at noon UTC, which is Tuesday morning for North & South America. Daily challenges get a new one (if you have a free slot) at midnight UTC, or the evening in the Americas.

If you're going to post meme stories at least post a WebM or gif

>although you see lasers on pro league for some reason, so maybe the autists there have found some obscure angle to it
Pro players have such good communication, practice, and experience, that they have a good idea of where every enemy is most of the time. Meaning, you can't give away your position with a laser, if the enemy probably knows your position already.

Remember to add wildlands to your account and briefly start the download so you can get the dank jackal skin

but then i have to buy it


Yeah because not being a literal white knight faggot in the absolute sense of the word equates to whining about gamergate.

A new low for niGGer posters.

thatcher with shotgun is for true patricians

Two birthday charm challenges this week, play 7 rounds as Pulse / Montagne. There's a total of seven operator birthdays in October, so we'll probably get two per week for the next few weeks

My idea for an operator is Pizza delivery Boy. He’s a 3 speed defender that can call in a pizza to be delivered outside the building where the attackers spawn once every minute. After he calls in 30 seconds a pizza delivery boy will deliver a pizza and he can run and grab it and bring it back to obj. Once back in obj he screams “PIZZA TIME!” And everyone drops guns to chow down.

*holds up spork* heyyy my names ela ;3

i want to lick IQ's soles!

Iq already has 3 unique guns she doesn't need more.

What Bearing 9 skin should i get?

It's not like you have much to choose from. There's Japanese flag, steel, and orange robot, and then the universals. I'd go with the second one, the black steel thing.

is there a reason why golds are completely retarded?

Remove her Pistol
Remove the G8 or Aug (or both)

Yes, it's called the Dunning-Kruger effect

oh is it just a gun skin??

>Saving my pictures
I know its you fag

For the OP pastebin, who wrote the operator guides? They're next to useless, especially for the DLC ones
I can write more detailed ones anonymously. High plat on PC btw

Then do it faggot

>I can write more detailed ones anonymously. High plat on PC btw
go ahead

>boosted faggot weeb guide
>"play rook and hope that jager main carries you ~uguuu"
yeah nah

make a new booru too that doesnt have any crap in it please

how can we buff our thicc lord?


do any jews here main ash just because shes a jew?

What, here? Sure I'll start with Sledge

Section on attachments:
Vertical grips are mandatory on every gun that can take it, with one or two exceptions. As a new player, you should learn the maps and engagement angles so you can use the ACOG sooner, but don't force yourself to use the ACOG if you don't know the maps well. Individually, the 1x optics are preference, but the holographic/reflex are generally viewed as the better choices. The ACOG is objectively the best, the sooner you use them the better.

2 Armor / 2 Speed
Recommended primary: L85 w/ compensator
Recommended secondary: SMG-11 w/ compensator or flash hider

The spicy sledge. You breach quietest out of all the operators, but you aren't going to surprise anyone within medium range nearby. You can open up routes or sight lines to the objective, but bear in mind that you're vulnerable when doing this during the animation and for about 1.5s~ after. The best use for Sledge opening up the floor above the objective, as the truly crucial walls are highly likely to be reinforced. If Castle is on the enemy team, it's your sole purpose to stay alive long enough to break them. Yes, you can kill people with the sledgehammer - this is the only operator who gets extra points for DBNO executions so make sure you do it at every opportunity. Also has frag grenades - you can cook them for up to four seconds, which is highly useful for blowing people up through hot floors or ceilings.

Highly recommended for new players.

Pretty bad man

>That entire reddit tier description

Opinion discarded

Not that redditor but I use Comp on the school shooter, bearing 9, and the skorpion

does it still work in terrorist hunt or is it mp only now?

>school shooter
Stop your memein

I don't want to clog up the thread which is why I initially offered to contact him or something. Skipping Thatcher for now because I don't think new players reading the guide know which doorways are likely to have Grzots or Gu. If you're a new player, don't play Thatcher.

1 Armor / 3 Speed

Primary: R4-C w/ flash hider
Secondary: M45, but if you want to go pro feel free to take the 5.7 USG

Her primary is S Tier, one of the two best Attacker ARs in the game. High firerate, highly controllable, and deals 41 damage per shot

The speedy jew. She is rather broken at high levels, because she's a 3 speed character with the smallest head hitbox in the game, very good guns, and a gadget that allows her to breach unreinforced walls/barricades or destroy barbed wire from afar, making her a force to be reckoned with in the right hands. If you want to carry your team in Ranked, pick Ash. Peek quickly and aggressively, don't be afraid to prefire common spots with your laser beam gun and 210 reserve bullets. If you peek while crouch as Ash, you should save the enemy some time and shoot yourself. Best uses for your Ash charges are for barbed wire and shields - shoot just before the doorway so it doesn't get gobbled up by Jaeger's ADS.

Not recommended for new players, but if you're warming up to the game there's no reason not to try her out.

I didn't want to discard completely what the guy wrote, so I added onto it

>he doesn't know about L85's sight misalignment
The thing has no recoil, might as well take the compensator to tighten up the spread you cannot control by 20%

post best girl

Sadly this autism never went to anything good


so which one of the 3 new ops is the best?

On the contrary I think Thatcher is a great operator for beginners.
As soon as you're in the general vicinity of the objective all you have to do is throw a couple EMPs inside or in the direction of the objective, and you're likely to have made good use of his ability.
Besides, by destroying equipment you get visual feedback in the form of points, from which you can incur which pathways are most often trapped.
Add to that his good guns and breaching charges and I don't see why noobs should keep away from him



Are you fucking retarded

are you?

I guess? He only has three EMPs, which makes it hard to learn from if you throw them willy nilly. When I play casual and see a new player throw them at nothing, they don't learn anything. Before BO it was fine, but there's two trap operators now and you can't waste them.

Ubisoft club down for anyone else?


Whats a good operator to survive hurricanes with

What a lie that niggers still dead

It may be due to maintenance for the whole ghost war deal in Wildlands

>Be shield dude
>See Cav in the hallway
>Turn to her
>Instantly downed by her

can't find the artist's page, I only get cheese cake pics user

>Be german shield dude
>flash Cav
>instantly downed by her