/ddg/ - Dragon's Dogma General

Julien Edition

>Tips for new players
You can change vocations at level 10 at the Gran Soren inn or BBI.
Character appearance can be changed later on.
Don’t miss your sidequests: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Side_Quest_Progression
Further info on "Must Do" sidequests: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qS9A47duONEwozGu8A6_oX_HyCxgBwbquGmlZqEQqqg/edit?usp=sharing
Understanding the romance system: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Beloved
Hard Mode doesn't change enemy AI, it adds higher Stagger/ Knockdown resistances and increases Stamina consumption and Health damage recieved. More info about it in the wiki. Recommended for NG+

>Wiki you lazy shit


>/ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Stat Growths

>RC Calculator

>In-depth Beginner/Advanced Player Guide and FAQ

>Character Creator Sliders

>Mods available

>Hotkey Script for PC Players

>Modding on console and old pawns

>Guide to get DDO

>DDO Beginners Guide

>Screenshot Guide

>Make webms

Old Bread

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to make love to my pawn.

Fuck you all.
This is now Dear Death General.

Post pawn so I can see if I want too

You don't want to see that, my pawn is male.

What's a recommended level for a class that has blast arrows to take on death?

it's against the fucking law you idiot


any level really if you're stacking periapts you can mow him down. try and pick up 2 sets of barbed nails, i think you can buy them from madeleine in post game. it makes stunlocking him way easier

Would you use/hire a Ranger pawn? Was wondering if they're actually worth it

>tfw you get called boring waifu shit

Well I guess that just makes me a rebellious law breaking pawn fucker. On my tombstone write that I was either a good boy who dindu nuffin or a lone wolf


He was told it twas the law
concerning pawns, don't leer and paw
Away your sword from hot pawn twat
They said non, but he thought he aught


> My pawn is a quiet, timid/meek pretty man trying his hardest to be the absolute MVP.

>Friend's pawn is a short and stout angry tank who just can't say a nice thing once in his life.

>Hired pawn is a cute, mean sorceress girl. "What else would you expect" etc

Gee it's like the ingame parties have character in them. It's like D&D without awkward friends who don't have a "character"

I love this game SO much

>have day off and nothing to do
>wake up and make omelette, hash and coffee after good sleep
>finally got nice and cold outside this morning
>gonna get through bbi 2.0 with my favorites while watching the thread for pawns to rent
what a good fucking day





I know you're posting a reaction image, and I know nu-/ddg/ hasn't reached that point in the game yet, but please don't dress your pawns like this. It's the laziest, trashiest shit ever.

Someone at the capcom offices thought that a helmet with a shit-eating grin demon face was a good idea. Why are BBI Lvl3 armors look so shit, all of them

When you feel like supplying them with Blast Arrows and the only Bow Skill they have is Tenfold Flurry, I hear they can be be bretty good.

I like simul-casting too much to ever hire anything but Sorcerers, myself.

Carrion and Grave stuff looks good. Except for the head gear.
>""Demon"" face
>modesty veil
Literally why. Also I miss the user who used to change the endgame trash into early game or less stupid looking stuff. Like bitter end to the two hander, or grave veil to the apollo mask.


>If you do Sky Rapture at point-blank, the jump will launch enemies
Wow, only took me five years to figure that out.

>tfw you get both perseverance rings without dying

Unrelated but shows you why that skill is so worth it

Anyone on PS4 want their pawn hired? I'm tired of sifting through princess gown wearing rift sluts with no equipped skills at level fucking 81, my PSN is TORGOoOo if you want to return the favor.



Dude how did you just figure this out?
Just wait until you start using it to launch Gobbos off cliffs. It's a bold move but it pays off. The key is to have some good distance between your starting point and the edge so you don't join them in the abyss.

>TFW I never even got this deep down into BBI.
Fuck me, theres so much more of the game for me to get through. I'm one of those people who played the shit out of the main game multiple time but every time I've gotten to BBI I get to roughly the undead deacon and his dickhead dragon and stop playing. I think this time will prove different on PS4 though, theres no other games I'm playing at the moment except EDF 4.1 and even that's only when I'm with a friend.

Inb4 Capcom inexplicably picked the best possible time for this rerelease, with nothing else even resembling an RPG on the horizon.

Eh, they look okay. Too bad that, starting at level 100 or so, every blue pawn will be wearing that shit (just like they don the princess gown early on) and if you want interesting or unique looking characters for you party, you'll find yourself spending a lot of time in the Rift.

>pawn encounters a wooden box in the wild while in a fight
>box becomes a fruit cart in a chase scene, tripping everyone in a five mile radius
>i climb on a box in town to try and get somewhere
>pawn has a huge vendetta against boxes, gotta smash em all now

>tfw the grass is always greener on the other side
>have successful pawn
>still want to change its vocation to a new one where I have zero equipment for


"Most punchable face" award recipient

He looks great actually


>running through Gran Soren
>heading down the street to the Black Cat
>suddenly, my Arisen does that stumble gesture as if he reached the edge of a cliff, despite being in the middle of the damn street
>back up and move forward again to test it out
>no stumble this time
the fuck?

That cloak is comfy and had great stats and I like that helmet so like fuck you man.

Does anyone on PC need some riftbux ? I will restart soon and doing one last BBI 2.0 run. Just post pawn info, i'm already 200
I did that

>face that haunts dreams
Yeah okay sure thing pal

It's unique
i dunno if anyone remembers but way way back on Xbox i think someone made a whole team of jet black skinned elongated distorted faced pawns wearing rags, they were both the creepiest and the best shit ever

>he likes princess gown 2.0
How's it like having garbage taste?

As soon as im home i'll send you a friend request.
Psn is Lordpsycho3

Okay that's fair. It is unique, I'll give you that.


>had to spent 10 minutes to kill the first gorecyclop by attacking its knees because he always ohko when i climb him

Feels like not giving a fuck what some animu poster thinks/10 :^)

I too remember the lankmen, I remember being sad I couldn't rent any of them out because I was on PS3.

lank and plank, yeah that's it
good shit. There were a lot of really unique pawns out there, I wonder if any of them came back

>pawn has 84% possession resistance
>gets grabbed by firedrake, seize control routine goes uninterrupted, but he isn't possessed
So they don't need 100% resistance? That's neat. I hope Death's lantern and sleep resistance work the same way. Is 72% enough, I wonder?


Not able to find your pawn, says there's none listed under that name.


wow what a fag

He looks like Brock Lesnar's retarded younger brother.

well, yea, they don't NEED 100%
not every attempt at a status ailment will take hold
that's kinda how percentages work, user
however, if you want to make complete sure they are never bothered by it, then you can go to 100%

status effects work the same way as it does on Dark Souls, they fill a bar and once the bar is full the status effect is applied. Drake's possession attempt wasn't enough to fill the bar as you had 84% resistence.

>tfw you know this picture a little too intimately

Don't you talk shit about best boy.

No shit. I figured one would need complete immunity against Possession and Sleep in particular though, considering who the BBI monsters that inflict them are. Being able to resist the very first attempt is what I need, so I'm really interested in knowing what the minimum amount of res% to brush off these things is.

I'm generic/10

>I'm really interested in knowing what the minimum amount of res% to brush off these things is.

What the user was trying to tell you is that whether or not you get afflicted with something is percent-based. When you get exposed to a status attack, Harpy's Sleep for instance, you can see it by your character changing color or recoiling for a moment, and the game rolls to see if you get afflicted. Your resistance is literally the % chance you roll safe. There is no minimum req or something.

It's still miles better than every '6"3 white male with long brown hair and a 5'o clock shadow. Your arisen at least looks like been through some shit.

>clear quinas quest and give her arisens bond
>beloved is reynard


Your beloved is the last person you talk to with max affinity before finishing Deny Salvation.

grigori knows what's best for you user just relax and QUITE THE FIGHTER

Oh for fuc

does anyone have that comic with Fournival ?

So all the female charcters who i maxed that left the story are gone then. Fucking great

Is that how it really works? Got a source?

Eliminator gangbang huh?

Guess ill go chat to twintails a bit before the final battle. Damnit. Wanted that hot fisherwoman puss

Now that I have Ascalon I ran replace the holy buff on mystic knight assuming my pawns don't need/want it either right

seconding but I'd just like to throw out there that I am going to unironically romance fivenival next playthrough
nothing is worse than waiting for his fat ass to waddle to the black cat every day at fucking 2 pm

>Got a source?
Years and years of playing the game.



what if my Arisen is a 6'3" tanned male with short blonde hair and a full wizard beard?

Oh christ, that reminds me about the Fallen City 2.0 and how much fun that was. I remember having two wizard drakes slinging exequey everywhere while damn near 12 eliminators chased my ass around the streets

Post fashion

My riftslut could use a hire. Ranger in the upper 70s. PSN is in the name field.

I'll grab your pawn for some BBI later tonight.

So what's the easiest way to farm phase 2 Daimon? Blast arrows + 4xconqueror's?

either that or go holy buffed sorcerer, 4xmage's, and spamming the charged light attack
it's kinda unfair how strong that shit is

Anyone else modify their arisen + pawn for NG+ this way:

Arisen takes on the form of former pawn (aka it's the pawn that's now the arisen)
New Pawn is a completely new character

is this awesome y/n ?

Is your arisen have wrinkles and looks old enough to warrant such a beard? If so, you're in the clear. If your arisen has the skin of a 21-year-old, rethink your life.

>implying anyone would make a wizard without making them look old enough to fit the title
Though, it kinda makes the whole "Quina being your foster sister" thing really weird when your arisen is like 50+, while she's like barely 20

>if you break both cyclops free at once in bbi the second one gets treated as still being in chains
wow fuck that glitch.

*Does your arisen

Fuck me, I need some sleep

Does Demonswrath stack with the Riposte skills or do they cancel eachother out?

Loli Arisen confirmed canon.

They cancel each other out.

Are the people in Gransys very pious? Why do they always tell me to pray?

The overwhelming majority of ye olde peasants were, without religion to guide them a whole shitload of humans would still be gibbering apes throwing fecal matter at each other. But yes, in-game the Faith seems like it would have been a major player assuming they didn't cut all kinds of content out of the game.

>find a cool gear that i cant use
>changes my vocations to use it

>full sets

I have put all the proper augments on my pawn, together with good inclinations and skills, yet no one hires her. Is my level too high at this point (PS4 release, level is in the 80s)? Anyways, I'll power level her to 100 and then whore her out as a sorceror, those cladly clothed bitches get all the rents. Might even make her a loli to boot