Old thread! eyosongive.us
Happy b-day Jinx!! edition
Old thread! eyosongive.us
Happy b-day Jinx!! edition
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I'm gonna make Vladfag cosplay female Vlad for me.
>matchmaking gave mid priority to this abomination and i had to carry it
Why can't I give jinx a birthday creampie
the jinx r34 on paheal is great
>play Camille for 200 games
>48% winrate
Kill me
Hey /lolg/, because this is Jinx's b-day, please make sure to post lots of cool pics of her the whole day today~
PS she's LITERALLY a 10/10 girl!
I'm going to do it anyway. Gonna be female Bloodlord, get a skinny grill to be my Vayne and make out with her all the time at some LCS event.
>mfw I'm a pale skinny east eu
vlad is probably the only cosplay that I could do
xth for Syndra
>downies typically have a fissured tongue
>she's either smoked a lot or has done drugs
>or she's always had it
It's benign and doesn't mean anything but it's pretty gross yeah.
But real talk, she cute?
Also, Darius Emote. Looks like he's just seen your bulge.
>Syndra currently has FIVE skins
>none of them reveal her feet
When playing Xin Zhao, when do I use my W? Do I use it before, during or after Q? Also what Items are considered core?
well Azir counters Yasuo pretty well
or was him shit anyway?
what do you think
All hail the Queen
>have 90% kill participation as jungle
>mid has like 5% as 0/5/1
>top flames me for one missplay
>ask him if he's duoing with this nigg ekko chimping out in mid
>''WOW ur reported''
>14 day suspension
It was a smurf but jesus.
>enemy jungler picks ivern
>rushes ardent censer
>doesnt gank bot once, so his adc falls 60 cs behind our adc
nice strategy, mate.
>tfw going full autism mode and writing up a huge document of how Magma Chamber would differ from Summoner's Rift
Rate my icon
>team is retarded
>ask them to stop it
>team says "youre reported"
>hit with a 10 game chat restriction
th-thanks riot
Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!
give me one reason to play this shit game if I'm not gonna get an S
>open chest
>150 golden essence
>summoner icon
i sense a different champion in your future
>making out with grill Vayne cosplayer
>not making out with ripped Jayce cosplayer
>golden essence
holy shit, I've never got that, must be rare as fuck
During Q.
First you Q and than you either W if you do not need to gap close or E.
If you dash with E than after 0.5 seconds you go W.
If you max E and you E first at the beggining of a gank you can have another E at the end if you auto attack enough during Q.
>get xin jungle
>this nigger builds attack speed
>keeps saying "Float like a Butterfly. Sting like a Bee."
>This nigger is definitely stinging like a bee and floating like a sack of shite
>10 damage autos
>flash under towers
>wasting R
>zero damage items
>full attack speed
>post-game lobby
>"Float like a Butterfly. Sting like a Bee."
I got inted on, didn't I?
Does anyone know how accurate OP.gg's MMR prediction is
Jayce aint my type desu
Past 20 games are taken in to a account. It's a rough amalgamation of the players in those games ranks and the rough mmr of that rank, added and divided, giving you a rough estimation on your mmr.
It's about 70% accurate.
I want to abuse ezreal!
Nobody likes Jayce. He and his mains are cunts.
Thx, would you recommend maxing E first? After the rework I've always maxed it last.
go on, he is free elo if you stomp early
>die once
>can't get s
>no reason to play
great reward system
Lulu skin when????
don't die
>tfw jinx will never impregnate you
Is it because he's not a fucboi?
Didn't play enough Xin games since the change.
According to wikia you should max Q.
Since new E is 12 seconds cooldown at all levels.
I love Sona!
Get your ugliness and andropause out of my sight
solo queue for one tricking
flex for learning champs and getting S ranks
this is gonna be my method from now on
That image is less than meaningless
>team doesn't call ss
>nobody buys wards except me
yeah I'll just carry harder while not dying a single time while everyone are suiciding to steal my farm
Jayce could buy you a full build at lvl1. Just saying...
Why are they so busty?
So can my current bf :^)
Vladfag, what's the deal with you moving between Finland, Balkans and London? Is it for work?
Do you speak any language other than English and Greek?
You can craft victorious skins with it, dont tell anybody though
I love Lissandra!
how tall is this cunt
Any tips for AD Twisted Fate?
Aren't you from England though? The land of cucks and bad sex/
just watch the mini map
Because they were made in season 1 and Riot needed something to convert the dota fags. League of Legends was built on those tiddies.
I'm a balkanite who works in uk and family is in spurdoland
Wouldn't it be really unfair if they unbanned Tyler1?
Like, couldn't any banned player then make the argument that they too have reformed , but don't have the massive public platform he has to display it?
It seems odd.
Also the best thing he could do is get unbanned then after a few weeks just start flaming the fuck out of people and go out in a blaze of glory
Speaking of vlad, how do you kill this skilless homo with Yasuo? The laning phase is bullshit
Remember to ALWAYS celebrate the good!
Remember to ALWAYS improve!
the CLIMB is almost over anons, have you found your peace?
>calling ss
>in 2017
Just look at the minimap
Name terrible champion gameplay designs. I'll start.
Wait, but which languages do you speak?
And what kind of English accent do you have?
Just English and Balkan
Miss fortune is fun as fuck
Also hot as fuck
"Balkan" didn't even know that was a fucking country.
How can literally anyone defend Vladimir as a champion?
No, i didn't just lose a game to him
His kit is just fucking retarded, who thinks a point and click, resourceless nuke on a short cooldown that also heals is remotely a good idea?
Couple it with his disgusting free waveclear from his E and he can literally just Press E ram wave under your tower then Q spam you over and over.
Literally his only reasonable weakness is his lack of mobility but if your jungler doesn't camp you just get raped.
Plus his 'counters' are a joke. Slow down your core build to build a grevious wounds item whilst he just rushes his core items, or 'all in him' when you're at half hp at best due to him spamming Q on you for F R E E. Oh and he'll just lmaopool away anyway
Seriously this champ is the absolute bottom of the barrel skill wise which is a shame because his design visually and character is quite cool.
I don't think literally anyone but Vlad players defend his kit. It's one of the worst designed ones in the game and a fucking bane on existence.
>because his design visually and character is quite cool.
>skins are bad
Vlad has been called "a mistake" by Riot themselves. He takes close to zero skill to play, has little counterplay and is hard to balance.
guys does relic shield not work on thresh?
sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't I dont get it
>trying to run
>here comes that bitch janna and her annoying passive MS buff now I can't get away
I can't believe that shit used to be global
I wanna represent the hood with Lulu!
it does 100% of the time ur just bad at last hitting
>farm through vlads punishing early on literally anyone while either getting a hexdrinker, a spectres cowl or the start ot a banshees veil
>punish his dogshit midgame as long as he isn't snowballing off of your stupid ass
>when ganking, wait for him to pool before you blow your CC on him. if he's past the river then he either dies for not using it or dies when it's gone
>if you're snowballing against him executioners calling will make him into a joke
I really do not see the issue with this champion.
you actually have to last hit because you're ranged
yes but the execute passive doesn't work with thresh since he's ranged so if you want to proc it you actually need to last hit with your base AD
>He doesn't know the secret behind thresh's aa.
>Being this new
>Just English and Balkan
Balkan as in Greek or Balkan as in Macedonian/Serbian/Croatian?
is vayne ult camo or invis
Thresh looks like he's melee auto-attacking but he's programmed as ranged, thus isn't compatible with relic shield. What you do instead is level E first and collect every soul you can. He needs E passive to charge up to be able to use the relic charges effectively.
oh i see
I fucked up my adc in the last game when i was trying thresh cuz the execution won't work
i sold it for an ancient coin lmao
His counters are control mages who bully him out of lane without ever letting him in range of themselves.
Why do you think he's such utter garbage in this control mage meta? He's be all over LCS if he were that good.
Also hetech Vlad when
Actually Riot said after rework he is settling into balance and is deceptively hard to play. Sure he looks simple but his gameplay is unique af and he has some interesting kit synergies no one knows about
edgy vampire who thinks he's better than everyone else and is all aristocraty and stuff is pretty great still imo.
admittedly i love cheesy spooky stuff
Damn right. He literally has to aim less skills than Janna
>Dude just build a counter item whilst he rushes his actual items and is actually good midgame because he has Core whilst you have meme shit like Hexdrinker/Executioners
>H-h-his midgame is weak though despite the fact that he auto wins lane guys honest
>'just farm through him spamming Q on you and using E to clear waves in seconds, forcing you under tower where he can spam Q some more'
>just pink his level 6 burst combo that will likely take you from 50%>0 by pressing R Q E on you then hiding like a bitch in pool (you'll be at 50% because of his completely non outplayable point and click, resourcless Q harass)
t. I just lost to a riven and I hate ekko because he's black/dives hard similarly and has a very loaded kit so I'm coming to an anonymous imageboard for sympathy.
coin is better anyways
so much fucking MONEY
If you're this wilfully stupid then just ban him and shut up.
He's more of an issue top and even when he's played mid at worst he can force a control mage to go even because they don't have the burst to kill him and he can just vamp back up - some 'counter'
And citing LCS is retarded because it's a totally different environment to ladder, AND its less about how good he is as much as how retarded and one dimensional his kit is
>He's be all over LCS if he were that good.
No,there's a difference between "good in soloqueue" and "good in competitive"
y-your'e s-stupid b-baka!
Here we see the mental capacity of the Vlad player. Unable to do anything but headbutt his Q key, he cannot form an actual argument or refute a point, so resorts to petty insults
git gud
>ywn bury your face in vladfag's THICC greek bush
why live
Why is he only good in high elos if he's so skillless?
There's better stuff in soloq