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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
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/wfg/ - Warframe General
first for slippery nezha sliding through the hills of Eidolon
Are shotguns the best primaries?
I want to lovingly impregnate Nezha!
When that twitch drop stream happens avoid these fucking faggots like the plague:
life of rio
el canal de row
Avoid these fuckers at all cost.
You can go watch anyone else and still keep your braincells intact
also twitch will only log to one stream you are being active in. having multiple windows up will not work.
if you just wanna connect to a stream and not deal with the video
you can set up filters and disable emotes in the settings
What's better? Good, popular weapons - or shitty, unpopular weapons, with crazy Riven mods?
Who the hell are they and why should I care?
If you have Rivens sorta. They just really take advantage of Rivens more than other weapon classes.
Your raifu, well dressed with 8 formas and a riven
>why should I care?
put them on in the background and get free shit basically.
Thanks to all the fucking delays they'll be releasing the update when I'm fucking gone and I'll be back after everyone got the achievments so I don't really have to care anyways.
Yes, shotgun mods are fucking ridiculous.
keyboard or controller ?
you shouldnt care unless you want those exclusive twitch drop DE was so retarded in thinking "Hey you know what will be an amazing idea for when our once a year content update? if we put some new content behind our shills on twitch. im sure people would rather watch other people play PoE rather than playing it themselves"
its just a heads up to avoid any more e-celeb reddit buillshit
Would Burston P aka BRRRT BRRRT do well against lvl 100 enemies?
trackball and joystick
Best mission for farming Meso C3 relics?
I meant why should I care about avoiding the streamers listed.
Eye Toy
makes no difference, since you're muting and etc
he's buttblasted about the popular warframe streamers for some reason
just ignore and move on
So basically, avoid anyone who's popular, be a hipster. Got it.
Give rich people more money.
>considered caving in and buying plat because i managed to fill my weapon and warframe slots with prime weapons and frames
>5 dollars for 75 plat
wow fuck this shit i can make more than that just by selling this extra prime crap i have
Welcome to the post DEAC.
Gonna watch Shy draw sexy Saryns and rub her pussy for 2 hours, thanks.
never buy at anything but -75% lad
>"You can go watch anyone else and still keep your braincells intact"
retard its called muting the stream and putting it in a background tab just so i can outjew the jew because we all know these jew streamers are gonna be reaping in the achievements
>also twitch will only log to one stream you are being active in. having multiple windows up will not work.
fuck this shit
plat is balanced around 75% discount
>just ignore and move on
This. Also don't forget to like and subscribe.
>Talked friend into getting Nidus and he loves it
>Realize all along it was the perfect frame for me too, but dont wanna be a copycat and duo as him
Nothing else feels right. Not Inaros, not Rhino, not Chroma. I guess maybe Vauban would be okay but I can't get him just yet.
Do I get content just for watching a atream? How does it work
>not playing Niduo
It's like you hate boosted power strength with 4 lines of FUCK YOU rolling everywhere
try Mesa
they will spend more time shilling about the update in their liset rather than playing. most are cancerous shills with a range of cancerous personas with cancerous fanbases. the highest paid shills of them all.
i didnt list bromize, taticalpotato and that wgrates but they will probably be the most popular because the community is tired of the cancer too.
yeah but how long are you willing to wait for people pretending to play the game to get the loot. some people will get the shit down in like 15 mins rather than 3 hours.
i have the primes of banshee and hydroid cooking and also have ivara cooking who would be best to potato first?
>but dont wanna be a copycat and duo as him
What the fuck is this kind of reasoning
Just play what you want, in a few days you play something else then return to it and so on
The concept of maining a frame in this game is retarded
You can have a fav but that s it
its in another tab and im not gonna be watching it so i dont fucking care aslong as im watching a streamer that guarantees me drops and the mosre popular the streamer the more likely they are to be a cuckboy who buys plat to speed shit up and more likely to stream ALL FUCKING DAY because its their livelihood
>using quotes from e-celebs
Hydroid. He ties them up with 2, you unleash the barrage or the tentacles or both on them.
hydroid is the most boring frame in game
It doesn't work like that.
I've got a bunch of frames now but none of them FEEL right. They all have like 1 good skill and thats it but Nidus is the complete package. Hes the epitome of design.
Its kind of boring just standing in one place auto firing at things then worrying about finding energy orbs all the time.
when esactly
>choose excalibur
>he has bonuses when using swords
>skana gets a visible stat boost
>pick up galatine
>no boost
what the flying fuck
how is that not a sword
when the update comes out.
This weekâ˘
That thing was too big to be called a sword
with the fucking deluxe skin for sure nice reference tho
Excal is a dexfag. No heavy swords
Mcfucking can't belive this is a serious question with a side of what the fries do you think you are doing playing fps with controllers
Don't forget the extra large cup of fuuuuuuuuck when you realize the mistake that controllers are
That was pretty weird, yeah.
it's a button masher
there was no way DE could make Angry Joe to play Warframe regularly
fucking Angry Joe
he will play anything for peanuts
>still using his quote in a promo
>also twitch will only log to one stream you are being active in.
I knew they'd fuck it up somehow. I guess the best option is to constantly cycle between the newest streamers because they'll probably get achievements the fastest.
Goyim Prime v2 Bundle is out now, boys!
Are the rewards even worth it?
>first person shooter
>first person
It's free shit for having a tab open, you might as well do it.
Depends how frequent the cheevos are.
>$99.99 steam exclusive excal skin
first time i ever heard of it
I like grinding, should I play this game ?
Does showtek even stream? I thought he just did weapon/frame analysis.
If you like shooters, sure.
if you like third person shooters where you can go fast then certainly.
Soma and Scindo Primes for a paltry fee of however much Twitch Prime costs.
I play on PC with a 360 controller. Sure you get more precision with m/kb and i do use it for archwing missions but I really enjoy leaning back and playing. Movement with a controller also feels great and I feel that that's a core part of the game.
It's pretty fun but as new player I've been frustrated not by the traditional grind, which I like, but by the mobile game-like time grind. It takes real world time to make new weapons and frames, so make sure you're always planning a few days ahead or you'll get stuck waiting on new stuff like I did and get frustrated.
Why do so many people put Fleeting Expertise on Excalibur? It's on like every build I see. That raises efficiency but hurts duration, basically wasting a slot with Exalted Blade, right?
Zero, if you aren't stupid. You can make infinite free trials.
keyboard you nignog
Should I sell my frost prime parts for cheap or wait for them to become expensive again somehow?
Warframe is a horde game. It doesn't need any accuracy whatsoever.
Any way to hide vaulted relics on this thing?
>I'm unable to land headshots
Enjoy playing with that aim assist?
>he doesn't go for headshots
>using guns
funny you mention that i (controller scrub) usually get the most headshots in pub missions.
thats amazing, thanks for posting this.
Beating the mentally challenged is not an accomplishment.
No idea mate. Want me to play the game for you as well?
>he doesn't headshot with melee
What to do....
Can I squeeze more damage out of this?
Never said it was. Just an observation.
Hunt for ayatan
Could someone please post a working discord invite?
Where's Vicious Spread?
when are we getting mesa prime?
>wanting to join discord
The reduced accuracy is a bit shit but I guess I could swap out an elemental for it.
why use any efficiency mods, Zenurik or ES aura when you can spam energy restores or befriend a Trinity slave?
Mesa is the cutest.
I'm stupid, help me and teach your wise ways
I use google for being informed but I may not be a hopeless case, show mercy
>or befriend a Trinity slave?
You better get ready to massage that abdomen
fucking hell you got me twice