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1st for Pezado is /our guy/ and NEEDS to start streaming!
We are the watchers on the wall
>no OP
At what point does dungeon spam become inefficient?
Start of Cata.
They must have hurled out loads of these parasitic horrors, the chances of 4 hitting azeroth are phenomenal
>t-thanks for donating mcstab69
>mount drops
>*starts hyperventilating*
>leveling through dire maul
>casually collect thoroughly read copy of nat pagle's extreme anglin'
>collect 15k
>main prot pala
>want to roll relinquished trinkets
>forget to switch to ret
>get hot garbage
rev up those mythic chests
I love Valeera! I want to make her a mom!!
Is Spriest still a thing?
I started playing WoW a bit before Legion's release, played the free months and quit. I was considering returning now, but I didn't keep up with what was added during all this time.
If I return now, what should my PvE progression be like? As in, what things should I focus on doing and in what order?
not much
get 910 or more with free loot from argus, then do some M+ and heroic tos to get 935, then you're done
Where does argus start? I just hit 110
I don't remember, there's some kinda prerequisite
I think you need the concordance trait or some shit
maybe broken chore
either way it's fast to get
>broken chore
top kek sir, top kek!
do argus, you can get 915 in half a week and it should settle you to edge towards 925-930.
do M+ (try at least a +10 a week, even if you do not make the timer)
skip LFR if you really don't want to, do normal Tomb (which is easily zerged and most groups will take anyone)
Legendaries will come, just play the game. only autistic mythic neckbeards care about bis legendaries. You get a "freebie" legendary per spec, sort of bad luck protection, so you could try and snatch legendaries from all specs (unless you get a universal legendary which removes blp from all specs)
you have to get concordance and then talk to khadgar on broken shore
also, you can get some very easy 850+ gear from a vendor for nethershards on the broken shore.
protip: don't do content you can't be bothered or don't want to do. there is so much to do and legion is prone to burn you out if you try to collect and do everything.
>tfw legion has too much content
desu it's true when you hit 110
it has more content than wow has ever had. it has more dailies, more dungons, more world quests, more raid tiers, more world bosses, etc.
please stop this meme
What should you do when you first reach 110.
Since there's so much content to do such as suramar storyline, broken shore, then argus.
The fucking artifact appearance quest
like half the time i dunno what to do when i get to 110 since i cant decide
>more dailies
90% of them have no real need to be done
>more dungeons
>more world quests
Those are dailies
>more raid tiers
Lol the last 3 are irrelevant except for cosmetics.
>more world bosses
All world bosses on the broken shore are irrelevant, only the one on argus should be bothered with
argus first so you have good ilvl for the rest
suramar takes a billion years but you don't really need it anymore
chapter 0 of suramar to unlock nightfallen rep then run to either argus for gear or broken shore for order hall mount
Best class for female draenei?
priest and paladin(holy)
When's Antorus? I unsubbed because I was bored of waiting
hunter rangari
>he doesn't do every WQ each day for 150+ gold per quest
early november
>Its not content unless I say its content, and it has to be content I enjoy
>I don't do 90% of whats available in a game thus the game has nothing to do
>have yet to get a 100 gold equipment so i'm starved on gold rn
fucking kill me pete
farming the same 5 man for the entire expansion is not new content just because they scale up the gear
I wish they did more 5 mans like Kara, it felt like a mini raid. Seat and Cath are shit in comparison
Fucking Blizzard
Why can't they expedite this shit, it's not like they're starved for cash
>mfw doing every world quest with bonus gold follower for 1500g an hour
They wouldn't be if they farmed world quests!
>farming the same 5 man for the entire expansion is not new content
ok, so like every expansion in the past?
Name five MMOs where you only ran content once yet never ran out of things to do.
my healslut
it's 3x 50 gold, the AP token from pouch of wonder used to be sellable for 25g so that was a good bonus too
I have tons of alts but if I did every WQ I'd have 10mil+ easily
sitting on 6.5 mil after buying 6 tokens
>1500g an hour
>doing teh worst content inlegion
>people will defend blizz adding the 7th "run around killing rares and looting chests" zone in the future
haha implying I have legendary followers ;_;
stop being poor
My monk has better
when pregnancy gets added as a feature I'm gonna pump my belf priestess full of so many orc babies
So I just unlocked world quests and it says I already have only 21 minutes to complete 3 Kirin Tor dailies? The fuck?
it's daily, like old dailies used to reset at 6
get to it KT cache is fast and the best for legendaries
>there are people here who played nelf in warcraft 3
>not a single good ass ring in all of ToS
But user you had to play nelf in the storyline
>X to doubt
It's a sad shadow of its former self. But I can't switch mains because lol crucible.
And blizzard are clearly uninterested in fixing it, they have telegraphed their plan is do nothing until next expansion, then give surrender the combustion treatment if it's not removed outright.
So much potential lost. There is one cookie cutter talent build for every boss and m+.
It's also dependant on having windows of low movement every 50-60 seconds. Losing just a few stacks of void form also costs you stacks of lingering insanity and snowballs into a massive dps loss.
To think we could have had mind spike and devouring plague worked into cool talents by now. Instead we have so much unusable filler, Shadow Word Void, Void Ray. And the current build has no burst, no way to adapt your output to the situation.
nightfallen is better for legendaries
yeah lol I just checked I thought one of my items was 100g my bad
>ass ring
fug away sunibee
I disagree
only ever got 2 from nightfallen, and 5 (across alts) from KT
anecdotal of course but yeah
I can support this statistic because my DK's last legendary was from kirin tor
Sylvanas' ice cold pussy
it's the same chance across every emissary box
do 5-6 argus invasions per day, they're godlike for legendaries, been getting one a week
beside that I only do one m+10 a week + emissaries
can you at least get a better picture? that one is grossly off model
>Haven't completed Light quest for DH class hall
>Illidan is still here at broken shore and Argus
GG blizz
>Haven't completed Light quest for DH class hall
And good, that quest is fucking abysmal.
I hope everyone gets something good in their weekly chest.
can EU people use appear offline now or something? saw a friend's character online but they'd been off of BNET for 3 days. Did they maybe log through NA in the client or something?
beta client retard
>that dying kid quest in tauren starting area still in after cata
god dammit blizzard
lmao stop having feelings you gay cunt
>getting excited every week about a new quest when it's really just turalyon and illidan with their welfare auginite
>Open chest
>My sixth set of boots in a row
Whoever designed this system is fucked in the head. My brother who plays dps keeps getting the god damn pearl which is fucking absolutely more of a tank trinket than dps. The god damn damage absorb on it scales much higher than its damage but GM's testify its a dps trinket
>He has a brother who plays this game
lucky you
>blizz had to unflag him for pvp because alliance players would come out to mulgore just to poach him
why are alliance chads so superior?
>get draught on a non-warrior
>dps increases by 0.4mil
lol nice game retards
I should main:
1-2 Boomkin/Bear Druid
3-4 Unholy/Blood DK
5-6 Pirate/Assassination Rogue
7-8 Prot/Holy Paladin
9-0 Reroll
enjoy your ass rogue or rogue that is ass
Had about 5 irl friends who played until heroic was too hard for them. Can't do mythic because raid group is from all different servers so we get stuck doing raid achieves to feel special.
>tfw motivation to get all dungeons into +10 minimum has weakened.
pirate is the worst melee dps in the game,
a lot of fun but your spot on the dps chart depends entirely on how lucky you get on RTB
Congratz, you fucked up.
meh luck is skill dependent
>one of the first tauren quests
>you have to honor some tauren female who fell in battle honorably
>every npc around salutes her when you make your offering
>starting to get somewhat immersed
>along comes Holycowlol-Dalaran level 2 in full tier gear riding a motorcycle with a butler orc casually strolling around
god dammit blizzard
Is wow dead?
Whats it like? Is it worth playing?
Nothing seems to keep my interested anymore...
Is there a point to running M+ beyond 10? Repeatedly?
Not counting some memescore on wowprogress. Like actual ingame reward?
bigger AP rewards at the end and the box
More AP and every key level past 10 gives a chance at more loot.
You can just pray for the legendary you desire most and titanforging from 915.
>>starting to get somewhat immersed
>tfw too used to playing gnomes and dwarves to get used to playing tauren
damn, now that I've tasted the powers of ERP...
I want more
Cool, so if you have 2+4set, 2 leggos and stick all AP into one spec, it's not that big of a deal.
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