extreme surfing edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
extreme surfing edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
First for poofy gown OG Zelda
I am going to marry Riju!
>tfw no cooking competition minigame
>Ocarina of Time Zelda is so terrible she caused the only unhappy ending for Link in the series
I wanna set up a Sheikah Tower-based radio system to pipe high-end TLOZ soundtracks, remixes and select IRL music all around Hyrule and have my first co-host be Riju!
Knowing Nintendo, they will most likely reveal it when we least expect it
I also want this
Ashai would be the perfect NPC to host it. You would have to compete with the two other Gerudo in her cooking class.
>make creamy heart soup and destroy the competition
They would love my cream
Same here, but we have to sell electricity and home radios to everyone at the same time.
Now that is heartwarming.
Is the first dlc with Master Mode worth it? I'm on the fence whether to buy the Season Pass or not. I found the original game pretty difficult early on and quite easy by the end, does MM offer a better combat experience? It seems like reviewers like it, but I thought I'd ask some of you.
fuck cat's I'm glad they're gone
We could probably just repurpose guardians as relay stations and set up blueflame-powered speaker systems at the stables. Anything higher tech and we need to get Purah or Paya to join up.
>Build the tools that build the tools
Reverse engineering Sheikah tech is commendable on Robbie’s and Purah’s part, but Hylians and everyone else have to take baby steps before they can leave their medieval stasis. They have bomb arrows sold in shops (no bombs oddly enough, and Gorons can’t grow Bomb flowers at this time for obvious reasons), and old canons at that one ruined fort in Akkala at least. They just need to find a coal/petrol or some kind of magical equivalent. Sheikah tech seems too dependent on that blue flame (that doesn’t get any lore explanation whatsoever like the rest of the world).
There's only one change that happens combat wise, and that's the timing of guardian lasers. Other than that, there is no difference in the way enemies do combat. You'll actually be fighting less because enemies become damage sponges, and you'll be breaking more weapons in the process. After you obtain more powerful weapons, the game becomes easier by the end.
Wait until the second DLC drops to see if it's worth it.
Get it for the trial of the Sword at least. Master Mode is just a bonus to enjoy the Plateau, because after that it’s more less the same game in difficulty.
But they're cute.
This game is just FABULOUS!
>Link wins the championships
>Walks out with a dozen marriage proposals especially after .
Seriously no DLC news from Nintendo? Not even an actual trailer? Makes me fearful that it’s delayed. There is no way they would release it separately from the champion Amiibo (nov 10th) right? They still need to release a software update to make the amiibo work in the first place.
If they release the update for the amiibo support, dataminers would ruin the surprise about what they do and maybe even what the DLC is about.
Ah, so it doesn't make them game more challenging then? I really liked the combat, but by the tail end of the game I was 1-2 shotting everything including the bosses. Oh well.
Repurposing guardians and building blue-flame-powered tech is already way above radios and electricity, and requiring Purah and Robbie for sure.
>>build the tools that build the tools
No sir, I basically said, "we need the means for people to listen to the radio broadcasts".
We'd start off with Thomas-Edison-tier tech and gradually work our way up. Probably rely on hydroelectric and/or wind power at first. I'm pretty sure that getting nature to spin turbines for us will be easier than getting an efficient coal plant running. Petrol in Zeruda no Densetsu? Good luck.
>not using magic-infused potatoes
If Moblins can find fossils for their weaponry, then petroleum exists in the land of Hyrule too.
The porous rock that is found in the breach of Demise, skull lake, and horse god’s fountain; what kind of real world landscape is that based on? I see similar kind but darker version near the Colosseum.
Purah and Robbie now have access to the shrines and the towers. They could do research and figure out what powers them.
I don't think it's supposed to be natural
It could be pumice.
>cats went extinct because they chased Guardian lasers instead of running away
I like this theory
No that wasn't her fault. I mean he went back to Zelda as a kid and could have stayed with her and fucked her all day long. But instead he left to go find Navi.
So it's really Navi's fault OoT Link got screwed
And if we got access to one, it should be easy enough to reverse engineer blueflame furnaces. Just hook one up to Edison-tier radio tech, have the flame delivered via Beedle and presto.
Zelda gave him the Ocarina of Time and told him to fuck off so Ganondorf couldn't find it, finding Navi was a sidequest
What fanfiction is this
why else would he be carrying the Ocarina of Time outside of Hyrule?
How good could a story be involving the return of the Interlopers? Perhaps manifesting themselves after so long and either shortly after the events of TP and Ganondorf's death because he would have gotten in the way, or some other time period in its own detached unique setting. In any case building enough power over a long ass time, out of sight and out of mind, to rip open their own portals to the light world without the need of mirrors.
They could be new interesting antagonists, and not just one but three you fight over the course of the story, and any others they bring with them. Being exceptionally skilled magic users, they could be interesting and dangerous foes, and harbouring a serious beef with the goddesses. I'm thinking three semi-unique characters (i.e. not three dark links) with their own specialities and abilities, as well as perhaps personalities and interactions with both you and the environment.
Sounds like muh fanfics I guess, but I guess at the end of the day I'd like some interesting new antagonists whoever they may be, either already mentioned or completely new, and hopefully actually a challenge and not the joke the Blights and Ganon were in BotW.
It's not suggested at all in the Zelda scene in MM that she's sending Link away
Go on
Doubt that we wouldn't beat them to the punch with coal/wind/hydroelectric.
Even Purah and Robbie don't understand them yet despite how long they've been messing with the tech. They couldn't build this stuff quite from scratch, they mess with what old parts they're able to get ahold of, like messing with LEGOs but not knowing how to make the LEGO pieces themselves. Sure they'll figure it out eventually, but they are probably still far away from that.
Then again, how much of that is just excessive caution?
Crack the casing open,
record how it looks like in action,
take the thing apart bit by bit,
record both the shape,
make and placement of parts
and put it back together again.
Then just build another according to prior records using freshly mined and minted components or reclaimed Guardian parts.
With any luck, you get a fully functional blueflame furnace replica without completely decimating the original.
Interlopers are now the peace loving Twili that live their home now. With the exception of Midna (on Zelda’s part) normal light that shines on Hyrule is toxic to them.
I agree it would be awesome but unfortunately they've joined the trash heap of one-time-only races and worlds that will never be revisited
Ignoring that they only have two blue flame furnaces that we see ingame, Antitampering protocols may be in place. Like how we have triggers that recognize when a device have been modified that voids the warranty. These thing may even have a self destruct feature. Then let’s it forget the ceramic like material that needs to be reproduced. Heck they don’t even remember how to make rubber at this point.
>with any luck
I don't think I want to try my luck when one of the possible outcomes is instant death
Let's see you do that with an integrated circuit or fighter jet using only medieval tech.
I'm aware of that, and that they are descendants, but nothing ever has to be set in stone. They could still have had their ""children"" and disappeared, while everyone else became what you and I know to be Twili. I can't imagine thinking they got trapped, then thought "well fuck me lads, no way out of this one, better just sit around and make shadow children and sit around until we evaporate into the vast expanse of the Twilight". The matter of how the Twili were born from the Interlopers to begin with aside, they might just have been pissed enough to plot a many millennia long return plan, and whatever time it took for them to build up their powers again. Who knows. Maybe they liked it that much they'd never even bother, and were content to simply rule over that dimension.
Failing any of that, perhaps the Twili could get the same treatment as the BotW Sheikah, in the respect that they could be interdimentional counterparts to the technologically advanced Ancient Sheikah, with a unique story and background without carrying about how or why they came to be, while styling it similar to BotWs artstyle with a few adjustments, and a different design for the Twili as a race.
Nintendo are the types to just do something if it sounds and looks good, without carrying about continuity or past games much at all. Though I think I regrettably agree that they'll never revisit races or worlds they've done before (though there is the Rito). They'll probably bring Ganon back next time too. To be honest, I'm getting tired of him. I just thought of the Interlopers as being a potential asset for introducing not just one, but three unique antagonists beyond the three dark link templates we've already seen.
I like how there happens to be a Midna thread on /v/ at any one time, and it's not even me making them.
I want to rescue the Minish from that trash heap...
girl look like she missin a tooth
Just checked the thread out. What a shit thread, hell, all midna threads are always shit. I don't even know why I expected anything different.
I want to hug Zelda!
I want to hold Zelda's hand!
I want to write fanfiction about Zelda and Link being comfy
please kill me
>Link has blank face in every cutscene
>Level system in this game is utterly broken late game
Now Link is permanently Saitama for me.
It's magitech made by the selfsame medieval society in it's heyday, which has already been taken over once.
I don't think there are any antitampering systems, and if there are, they have to be piss-easy to circumvent considering the all-instinct all the time Calamity Ganon could do it.
Naturally, safety precautions are recommended.
I'd hazard topaz-treated flamebreaker armor should be enough.
While i'll openly admit fighter jets are near impossible to recreate with medieval tech, it should be possible to build at least the absolutely necessary parts with a proper smithy and an accurate engraver.
And circuitry should be easy enough to replicate,
just get a non-conductive rock slate,
draw up a replica of the circuit pattern,
get a jeweller or engraver (maybe Gerudo) to carve the design on the slate exactly,
and a Goron smithy to smelt copper into the engraving and wipe it with some sort of rock trowel or equivalent to even the surface out. Insert wires and jeweller-made capacitors/resistors/electric miscellany as needed.
It might not be pretty, it might not be the same size, but the main thing is, it works.
Not to mention what we've seen of Guardian innards, Sheikah tech seems to be magical steampunk more than modern tech. And on some level, repairing a guardian's gearwork should be as easy as repairing a windmill.
you could make helicopters easily enough, you already have skywatchers
Who the hell in OCP arms a robot with live ammunition for a product presentation?
I don't get it.
As in, who is that Hearst person?
>Sidon warmed his hands by the stable's fire pit, huddling under his blanket.
>Paya approached and took the seat across from him.
>Paya handed Sidon one of the three steaming mugs she was holding, which Sidon accepted happily.
>"Thank you Paya. Where did you find this?"
>"Our Gerudo friends are brewing this in the wagon to keep warm. I don't know what's in it, but it's really quite good."
>"It must be, you've got two there."
>"Oh... well one of these was meant for Link, but I can't seem to find him now."
>"He left with Harlow about an hour ago. She was asking him something about 'riding bareback'."
>"The female stable worker."
>"Oh, the stable girl. Isn't it nice how helpful Link is wherever we go?"
>"He is quite the problem solver. Paya, you, um, you seem quite fond of him."
>"M.. me? Well I... um... I... well..."
>"No need to be embarrassed. I know what it feels like to be shy around someone you like."
>"Well... Link is the hero of legend. I... would settle for just being helpful to him."
>"Perhaps you should tell him as much."
>"Oh, I couldn't. I just..."
>"Take my word, you'll be much happier, no matter the outcome."
>"That does sound like the smart thing."
>"I do occasionally have my moments."
>"Thank you Prince Sidon, I'll take your advice. As soon as we reach Rito village, I'll approach Master Link, and insist that he let me be useful to him."
>"That's the spirit. Now you should drink up, before it gets cold"
>"Oh, yeah."
I wish I could into humor
I hope in the new DLC that we get a cutscene to hear Paya’s voice.
Paya is pure! Pure!
She's only pure because Link will never fug her
Fukkin lel
Pic related taste like a creamy Almond flavor but smell like sewage. Have you tried them yet since you played the game?
I tried dragon fruit too, and that was SIMPLY DIVINE!
>The feelings of optimism drained from Lukan as she approached Mipha's statue.
>Where was everyone?
>Why is it so cold?
>She examined the blood on her hand. The wound in her side had opened yet again.
>She let her eyes pass over the Zora's Domain before her.
>The abundant waterfalls had all frozen solid. It was beautiful in a way, but stark and silent.
>It made sense to her that everyone would have to leave before this happened, but where could they have gone?
>She felt dizzy again. She had lost too much blood.
>She could hear a slow thumping approach.
>Her hand went to the sword at her side, but she couldn't find the strength to lift it.
>The last thing she needed was to face another Moblin or hide from another Hinox.
>The open design of the Zora architecture made it difficult to select a hiding place.
>The decision soon became a moot point, as the ground rushed up to meet her with a dull thud.
>She had grown too weary to keep going.
>Lukan struggled to keep her eyes open, but her efforts proved futile.
>As the light blurred before her, she saw a gargantuan form walking nearer and nearer.
>Dragon fruit
You're giving me Kamen Rider flashbacks, bro.
Man she just can’t catch a break. Always showing up late.
Yeah, and his advice to her is absolutely Gerudo, to boot.
Awesomely written.
How's Germany?
There's a vai that leads a life of danger. To everyone she meets, she stays a stranger. With every move she makes, another chance she takes. Odds are she won't live to see tomorrow.
No, I don't want Paya to get ruined with awful VA.
Who said anything about English?