no prestige raid edition
IB up
no prestige raid edition
IB up
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Destiny 2 sucks
Why is the Crucible intro in Destiny 2 so fucking shit?
>close up shot, not a group shot
>no one leading the team banner
>your character does the same gay ass pose regardless of what class/gender/weapon you are
3/4 IB
Yeah I know right? Haha this game sucks!
kill me I can't stop playing
>beating cuckthalion as a 4stack
In class rn, can anybody give me an overview of the IB weapons? Which ones are worth keeping and what should I insta-shard
Bungie played it far too safe with Destiny 2, nothing is interesting or fun. Even the D2 Exotics are unimaginative trash.
Are we supposed to know who that is?
they are all shit
>she doesn't know THE original /tenmodmychannelplease/ annialis
d2 fags pls go
Goth had a 4-stack as well
>No one bragging about it
>For some reason you feel the need to brag about something no one asked about
Tenoreos BTFO
I miss pre-nerf Sunbreaker so much.
I completely agree but it's one of the two games I bought this year so I will pretend to enjoy it for as long as possible
send me an invite
None of them are the best at anything.
why doesn't d2 have a gjallahorn like wtf nothing is worth getting
filled sorry
>Bob mentions he got put against gothalion in his first game
>Someone asks for pics for proof
>He posts it
>xInterBornWithASmallDick feels the need to try and out do him
Is he just salty because Bob didn't take 12 hours on Calus?
>making a new titan during TTK
>unlock sun breaker before level 40 or whatever it was
>TONK near level up in PvP, kill team
>level up 1 minute later and TONK again
Good times
because balance or competitiveness or some other bullshit
stop dramafag
fusion rifle is pretty good. slightly better stats than shock and awe with backup plan perk and either lower charge time/higher damage or bigger mag size
I think Bungie took Crucible into consideration too much while making this game. Exotics are unimaginative shit like "hur enemies explode when u kill 'em" x100000. That's why shit like the Gjallahorn, the Thorn, and the NLB are not present.
sup noobs
inter has always been a bragging salty bitch whats new?
he sits in the back with a scout every single game, never pushing to preserve his precious K/D
why wouldnt somebody as pathetic as that brag about stuff they havent acheived
what's up my dude
I definitely agree. Right now I'm not even using any exotic weapons because I can't find an exotic I actually want to use.
I guess I could get Merciless out of my vault, but it's hardly an interesting choice and it won't do me any good in PvP.
Iron Banner anyone?
feels good
>Not the real Gothalion.
Are you this fucking stupid by choice or is it genetic?
Can someone tell me where Bungie said they wanted D2 to be about Esports?
Not him, but there's a podcast where noseworthy said they wanted D2 to be more watchable and competitive, with some target for esports. Pboneposting now, but I'll link it when I get home.
shut up jar'd
fresh raid cp?
Setting up a raid, anyone want in?
when they announced the pc version
You don't even need to take part in a match to raise ELO.
I'm in
>world third on the easiest raid
Would it not be the opposite effect though? Would people not prefer watching crazy space powers flying everywhere than 8 faggots shooting MIDAs at each other for 10 minutes?
No. Esportsfags hate random variables because it's not competitive. It's like Fox only no items final destination. Supers and shit add gamechanging variables that aren't competitive. Pure gunplay, boring as it is, is mostly skill.
Good stuff, I'll party up when we've more confirms.
If they wanted to do that why not just lock exotics out of the crucible? Am I crazy to think that would be reasonable?
Except Destiny 2 still has random variables. It isn't Halo.
This entire thing is so goddamn stupid. You can either be competitive and fun like Halo or you can be crazy and fun like classic CoD. This middle of the road crap is just boring.
You can now anyone out of the cast to be the announcer for your pvp matches, who do you pick? Ikora but only if she starts to get hype near the end of the match and during kill streaksor Xur for the memes
What random variables does it have other than power ammo and supers?
Exactly. They really fucked up. It doesn't even come close to modern esports prerequisites like 60fps and dedicated servers.
Sounds good
>tfw no Holliday gf
I'm gonna nap. Spam party invs when you're full
Lewis. Just bird screeching sound on kills and a sound like a phone vibrating on a table for killstreaks.
Cayde so I can relive my days of Firefight in Halo
I wont defend the pvp, but I will say that I started having a better experience once I realized something. Dont get me wrong, I wish it was alot more like d1 crucible, but it isnt
>Its not the game itself(although they fucked up some things bad)
>its (usually) not my teammates
>its me
Once I realized that if I'm not doing well, its 100% my fault for making bad plays, I started having a much better time. I stopped blaming teammatesfor the most part, stopped blaming the game, and started focusing on making sure I make smart plays
Just play for yourself and use blue berries as canon fodder to help get shit done. Thats literally all they are good for
>suck at PvP but still have tons of fun
>still suck at PvP but now can't even have fun because PvP has been turned into a boring slog for sweaty tryhard neckbeards who wanted a """"""""""""""competitive"""""""""""""" experience
Execute all powergaming autismo virgins
what die he mean by this
who is lewis?
>PvP is just who fires their shotgun first
>people actually playing like a shooter not slide shotgunning everywhere
tfw no Fulminator gf
non-NEET purge when
hawthorne's bird
>MIDA-plinking from across the map for the entirety of the match is fun
>having to stay huddled with your team instead of going off Rambo-style is fun
"""""""Competitive gaming""""""" virgins everyone
>>MIDA-plinking from across the map for the entirety of the match is fun
You mean exactly how it was in D1?
>thinking this is the only way to play
>in a game with maps designed for flanks and crossfire to create collapse points
you did it to yourself
>Got a 5/5/5 Hunter spread
>Looks alright
>Knucklehead Radar
What a time to be alive.
>using esports autism terms like this is CSGO or Overshit
>in a game where I just want to run around using my space magic powers and killing people at random
You're only reinforcing how this game went from being a super fun "CoD with magic" to a boring as fuck esports slog for autistic neets
>tfw no hunter armor without mobility
>implying slide shotgunning isn't fun and intense as fuck
>implying playing MIDA peek-a-boo with someone every single encounter is more fun
Im playing the exact same way I played d1 and not getting caught up in long range slog
>e sports autism
the fuck else should they be called since those terms have been in use since before videogames?
>>implying playing MIDA peek-a-boo with someone every single encounter is more fun
You mean like it was in D1?
What is the Nightfall thing this week?
Inverted Spire.
Time Warp -kill enemies to increase time
>never played D1
>want to see what this new iron banner thing is
>go to tower
>npc is black
>turn off ps4
Sign of getting better. Shittersare the ones that ALWAYS blame anything but themselves. That guy's cheating, he's a camper, he's using an OP weapon, he's lagging, etc. it's one excuse after another. You know the type, the one that gets so mad that they tunnel vision anger to kill you and celebrate super hard when they get one back.
When you get better, you start to realise that most of the causes of your problems were your fault or just bad luck. Maybe you just had a moment of madness, panicked and got BTFO. Maybe you turned the corner at the wrong time with the wrong weapon and got team-gibbed. Maybe you're just having a bad day. But if you can recognise why you're doing badly, you can improve the next time.
You don't have to do what tryhards do, and record/analyse your own gameplay and other people's. Just go with the flow and learn to read games and you'll get better over time. Play for your own enjoyment, first and foremost.
Get a trip so I can filter you
Anyone on xbone up for nightfall?
Here's the podcast. This is explaining all the choices they've made for 4v4 PvP. One problem, I think devs have, is that they design these things with a collective vision in mind, so they end up playing the game a certain way, which is enjoyable to them. They'll be playing on LAN and having a good old time with friends and co-workers.
But put it in the hands of tryhard sweaties and the dynamic of the game changes completely.
Looking to Raid, Nightfall or Iron Banner, who wants to have some fun?
>"there's this one clan in the city where every member is a father protecting their families"
>literally dads of destiny
this game is reddit as fuck
Have we discovered any meta Ib weapons yet?
Cus so far, they've all been shit.
I'm down for whatever. I'm in a guided game right now in a nighfall though
>Collect 10 Iron banner packages.
>Already hate doing weekly crucible.
>Now I need to spend almost 20 games or so to finish this milestone.
Fucking kill me.
>/dg/ now embraces multiculturalism and hates racism
y tho
>muh pixels are of a different color than me!!!
Cringe worthy senpai.
>this game is reddit as fuck
No shit. It's been like that since day one. This isn't some niche weeb mobage featuing barely clothed lolis getting violated by monsters
Racemixing with awoken
nah, just do the challenges on each character, completing it gets you 15 tokens plus the 6 for each challenge. 3 days tops.
i'm not a weeb either. i just want a serious post apocalyptic looter shooter without the reddit-tier humor. fuck me.
Too many people playing Titan.
i want to breed my awoken warlock
nah, its just i'm not a fucking faggot about it. I hate plenty of different cultures just like you, but I don't shitpost in a general about every single day.
tfw when I am finally one of the top players in the world