/akg/ - Ankama Games General


New mono-account only server coming out on the 17th. Completely fresh, no transferring characters from the other servers allowed. Multiboxing completely banned. We're so hyped we're actually making a general.
The /v/ thread is dying so I am quickly making this, more info will be added to the OP of the next threads.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is it possible for a new player to just hop in or do you need the meta knowledge of 13 years to play the game?

It's been forever for me, wonder if I should wait for new server to start or warm up and maybe ruin the fun

Oh man I fucked up linking the thread just before it died, how embarassing.

While some knowledge will get you a long way, you'll probably be fine since everyone has to start fresh.

I think there's some amount of knowledge that's way undershared (such as the correct way to level and do stat allocation, or build viability, etc.). Other than that it's fine.

Reporting for duty

You can definitly jump in

you can hope in, the meta change every few years anyway

So about this discord server, do we make one?

Fuck irc

don't make one and don't bring this stupid fight here, if you make a discord, otherwise the general will die, if you have questions post them here

If we do make one it will be after or jsut before the launch, making one now will just kill the hype by moving the posting to it instead of here.

the only real meta knowledge imo is learning about maging. and that only becomes relevant at the very very late game.

any way to force the game to use my gpu? i remember playing it a few months ago and it used it just fine, game was smooth, now my gpu is just idling and the framerate is worse than i remember, or i could be hallucinating

what is that ?

Yeah you re probably right.

No point in doing it now, wait for the new server to launch

>multiboxing goes away
>not enough players to form parties

Sounds real neat, ankama.

Will there be a guild once server goes live?

Don't make one.

4 player parties has always been superior anyway

At the release of otomustam and ombre, there was enough player to make parties and you'll get invitation left and right

Turns out when everyone plays alone there isn't anyone to group with. That will change.

You can try restarting the game a few times (with/without closing the launcher first). It's actually a GPU driver issue, they try to detect whether or not to unthrottle for graphical loads but they don't poll routinely, only "once". Thus if they find no load at the time they poll, they remain throttled.

Here OP, use something like this next time

This. I'll never understand how this surprises anyone though. It's a simple game-theoretical nash-equalibrium that you should group with yourself since you are always available when you are available, and the same cannot be said about others. By preventing this solution, you are moving the equilibrium toward the MMO ideal equilibrium, which is the correct approach (won't necessarily be perfect, we'll see).

When you craft an item, it's a dice roll on the stats it gets. For example, you craft a hat and it can have 6-10 strength, and the one you crafted has 7 strength.

There's a profession that allows you to 'mage' the item. Basically it means you can alter the stats to whatever you desire. So you can change your 7 str hat to 10 str.
You can 'over' mage something, meaning you mage the hat to 15 str.
Then you can 'exo' mage something, meaning you add extra stats that don't come naturally on the item. So with the hat example again, you add 1 movement point to the hat.

Maging is all luck and chance. I've played 6 (nearly 7) subscription years worth of Dofus and I still don't fully understand it because there is some skill to it.

Quite the contrary. I don't understand anything now, everything has changed.

you need level 120 miner to make a guildalogemme so it's gonna take at least a little while

forgot to mention maging is very expensive to get into. it's the most profitable, but also the most risky since you can spend millions on maging an item and still not get the exo mage (exo mage chances are much smaller).

Wakfu and Dofus, what's the difference between these two?


It's modifying gear stats, most importantly putting shit that doesn't belong there like AP, and MP, which gives you more actions a turn. The more powerful a stat is, the less likely it is to stick into a piece of gear. Failing to modify something will consume the rare consumable (the better the stat, the more rare the consumable), and make your gear WORSE. You can imagine how devastating it is to lose a piece of gear with multiple 0.001% drop rate components. The ones that succeed effectively have the most broken piece of shit gear, and no one else can compete til they buy gold to sink resources into trying to replicate the luck.

Is mining profitable? Could I become rich by mining my way to 120?

Wakfu is dead, devoid of content and overall shit.

Okay, thanks user !
This is quite shameful to be teached this when I'm forgemage level 100 on my main, I'll gave to learn all the english slangs

it's not pay to win you dumb fuck

Wakfu is a shitty prototype.

Dofus is EU WoW (ton of content added over the years, and still adding new content for end game)

Different games gameplay-wise.

Story-wise, they're in the same world but wakfu is 1000 after dofus

Wakfu sucks more and also it's completely dead because ankama is retards. Plus ankama only cares about dofus, not wakfu, because dofus is more profitable and $ > *.

10 times the content and playerbase. Wakfu is just shit Dofus with more animated backgrounds basically. Also, Dofus has more intricate combat due to more builds and spells.

i'm afraid i don't know much about mining, but just about everything is gonna be in demand since the server will be just starting out

I'm so fucking hyped for this, but why did they make the professions like Runecape? I think having access to three made your character more unique.

It s going to take a fucking long time, and mining isn't adviced desu

Yes. The only problem with mining is the ressources are more rare. Also bots.

It wasn't back when I used to play, but with the introduction of ogrines, and making kama buying legal, anyone can just sink thousands to get the best maged gear.

Wakfu have better graphics, and is free. Gameplay differences here and there. Populations is alright, server merge on 2018 have many people excited.

Up to you user, Dofus players will shit it up to oblivion to make you pay for Dofus and the doomed single player server.

Fishing level?

Should I play Xelor or Huppermage?

Wakfu population is dead as fuck user. And Wakfu combat is terrible in comparison to Dofus.

>the general have been made 23minutes ago and there's already wakfu/dofus war
This is why we can't have nice things

Dofus has over a decade of sunken cost fallacy to fall back on, its population is going nowhere. Either way, Wakfu is actually shit outside of graphics, it turned to shit the moment they made it dofus with a fraction of the content.

>this whole post

Nah honestly, wakfu is dead af and I like both

Xelor is for nuclear scientist, Huppermage is for people who know how to exploit theses damn portal
Test each of them and take the one you enjoy the more

That's eliotrope user, huppermage is an elementalist, no portals

These are the more advanced classes. Unless you plan on sticking to PvE, stay away.

>need updater for sound
thats... weird but ok

Are Sacriers good?

poll time

damn you're right, huppermage put element on people and when they hit with another spell it makes funny things
Still test each of them and choose

Can't decide between going mask for shields and damage or feca for shields and buffs. Which one would be better to go as?

They got reworked not so long ago so can't say, but they should be, every rework has been positive overall


Feca is better unless you're constantly playing in a group, solely because Masqueraider is pure pain to play alone.

they used to be top tier in pvp but useless in end game pve.

now they're okay in pvp. dunno about pve (still seem useless in pve to me).

XP grinding sucks because you're always hurt and you will need to heal up after every combat. They are very good though. Hands down the best "tank", not fun to play againt as they have insane amounts of health.

That was the plan user I was in a hurry that's all.

See what I mean? Like a fucking clock. And I wasn't talking about Dofus on general, but the single player one that have most of these guys around here. It never, ever works. Don't be delusional.


Wakfu population is fine, is not amazing, but is way better than most F2P MMO's out there.

These guys don't get it at all, but there are people that will NEVER, EVER pay for a MMO no matter how good everyone will say it is, so the better option for these players is to try Wakfu.

This was also named the goddamn Ankama games general. The fuck is wrong with you? Will sperging bring out more players here?

To end it up, both games are vastly different gameplay/resource wise. One is Tactics Ogre, the other is Final Fantasy Tactics. One is Heroes of Might and Magic, the other is Disciples. Stop being a fucking idiot and learn to love videogames. Sheesh.

sac's don't get the hp bonus anymore my friend. they were completely reworked.

They're pain until you get the damage mask spell

i'd honestly rather play free to play Runescape than Wakfu.

so I just put everything in Vitality if I play Sacrier then?

>doomsaying the reason this thread even exists
>wooooooooooooooooooooooooow see what i mean????


Yeah pretty much

Is Dofus still played in Java?

I asked about endgame content in the other thread, and a few people replied. But no one mentioned any GvG or anything of the kind. Is there? Is there more to do with your guild aside from playing house and circle jerking?

so what does this mean then? am noob

means you don't put all your points into vitality anymore. sacrier stats act just like every other character now.

There is guild vs guild but it's cancer
You either join the 2 or 3 biggest guild aliances on the servers or you go fuck yourself

Well yeah, the idea is that the server is new, so that wouldn't be a problem.

actually if you're in the biggest alliances the gvg is really interesting and attacking percepters is fun

I'm not saying that Dofus is a bad game, I'm saying that the single player server is going to die a failure. The only people that will populate it is the hardcore, and that is never a good environment for new players, or sustainable on the long run. Just play the main game ffs.

But then... even Krosmaster Arena is still online, the game have like 12 players online max, so who knows.

Not if you are interested on the Ankama universe at all. Or... if you actually have taste and aren't a dirty millennial tbqh senpai.

Still in Java

Now there is alliances, with a guild groups, and you can control portions of the map with your alliance and even locking some portions to your map, which might includes some rares ressources

Control the rice and I can guarentee you will be insanly rich

I think the next OP should linked to a pastebin with shared knowledge

What? Aren't sacriers supposed to receive dmg all the time? What about the huge health pools ?

>try out dofus
>roll foggernaut
>harpooner attacks allies and enemies alike

But why?

I'll probably stick to PVE. I don't care for the PVP in Wakfu at all, so I doubt I'll enjoy it in Dofus.

Don't stay in the way nigga

Uhhh, Wakfu is fucking awesome. It's like the Final Fantasy Tactics MMO i've always dreamed of. It's only "dead" because Square Enix dropped publishing at the very last second for some reason and thus the game got like no advertisement.

Its 2017, haven't you heard about diversity?

>Just play the main game ffs.
???? people are only excited for this because it won't have the multiboxers that plagues the current servers
>and that is never a good environment for new players,
who is saying that this is gonna bring in new players? the only people excited about this are people who have played the game before, i don't think anyone has said otherwise
>or sustainable on the long run.
according to what?

You get a spell that prevents this at higher level

because it force you to use your brain and maintain distance while sending your ennemy in the harpooner range with your spells and not just put your turret and stay hidden behind

>calling it a single player server when it's exact purpose is to prevent a single player from just multiboxing a full party

Special kind of retard.

that's because it's how OP called it, it's called the monoaccount server

It isn't really dead, don't believe or spread the meme user. Go see Remington, or see it next year when Phaeris and Nox get merged into it. Ouginaks are in on the next update, should be really fun to awooo the Krosmos.

How many of you play Krosmaga? The game is on an amazing place right now, you could see how much development power they have put into it.

I do, it s alright but you gotta admit every update is sick

I'm playing it, I suck balls but I'm still getting at least rank 10 per season so I'll keep trying

I'm on the fence of going Osa or Fogger

Which would bring more value and color to a group?

I'm going to play a masqueraider

Osa can revive his allies, buff them and debuff the ennemy, Fogger can hit really hard, put the ennemy where he wants to put him and almost kill all his allies because he's retarded

Are Enripsas still the best healers, or are the options a bit more balanced now?