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first for benis
second for no visage
r8 barrows kit, ty.
Wow, this is a great thread.
You're trying way too hard for the easiest bossing activity. Just use void melee+ranged, a few ppots and some monks
How long did it take to get 200kc? Might not be a bad rune rate depending on the time
I agree!
You dont need food faggot
I'm 90% sure he's BSing about the runes. This is from the /v/scape wiki. Pic relatedd.
"For the love of god, don't go above 14kc. Don't believe me? Look below to see what happened to an unfortunate player who got 1000 killcount. His time was wasted in sacrifice so you won't have to waste yours:"
It's useful for the times when the game is a bitch and you get Verac 5 times in a row in the tunnels.
You can guthans man
why did you delete
please come to our beach party!
It is absolutely I, Pepsikazu, that is posting in this thread right now. Disregard my lunatic sentiments in Yell.
selling ironman status
t. sum faggot
all gone
meant for
how the FUCK do I launch this??????
What's your OS?
Install Java and then double click the launcher
ah okay gotya, didnt use java for some reason
Here is my selfie post, like I said in yell, everyone should post selfies!
I have no idea what it is you're talking about. I am but a humble Pepsi farmer, tending to my crop.
pls no
Truly I have become the Slug Menace(tm).
sara rune is not Veeky Forums and bucket helms are even worse
>sara rune
what did he mean by this
delete this pls
That's just rune (t) not sara rune. Sara rune has white details.
fuck benny
please do not say rude things about me, jormun
It's fucking beautiful, thanks man, great job.
Okay guys, i started playing. what do i do now?
Get 99 agility
im in lumbridge killing goblins. where do i achieve this?
why tho
ok thanks, how do i make money on this server. i got some flax, those used to be worth alot.
type ::y selling flax
quac exposed as ovid impersonator.
ovid exposed as guac impersonator
Reminder that this is MY thread and I WILL NOT TOLERATE IMPERSONATORS.
this is wrong, i started the thread
I HATE the agilitystanders! All 3 of them!! They must be stopped
why were you recording yourself
>Not recording everything you do all the time.
Is there a better source of medium clues than guards? And does the RoW really help?
are you making youtube videos? link pls
>this level of inefficiency
kill yourself lmao
was there a big update recently or something
>sperging this hard over someone semi-afking
wew lad
maybe it's time you take a break
nice efficiency again lmao, please leave my game
i am not gay, thank you
tfw always forget pouches mining pess
bump desu
v-visage soon
Who is behind these posts
Is the visage worth it at this point?
probably not, but i'm in too deep now to stop
it is pretty disheartening to see people get theirs in under 2k kills meanwhile i've been at this since like mid august and no luck yet
can i have the bones?
you can have my bone
no thanks, benny
all sold thanks everyone
how many chests per run?
i am not benny
Something benny would say!
i don't see any hair here ?
Sorry man I still want to be friends
please stop
>said something dumb in the teamspeak like "losing hair over stressing over boop" as a meme 2 years ago
>people call me bald
>post a retarded photo of when i was younger and show it to cool one day
>he posts to teamspeak and photoshops it and shit
>people say i am fucking bald for years
>go insane because of people calling me bald when i'm not
>everyone calls me bald, I have hair and always have and I have dark brown shoulder length hair AND I'M NOT FUCKING BALD
>don't even look like shitty meme pic at all
it's okay, i believe you. you're alright. the only way to get out of this is to kill yourself. you should do it quickly so you're not in a lot of pain. you should actually do it as quickly as you can because if you draw it out, even more hair will fall out. don't worry hype, it'll all be over soon
I have beautiful hair my dude don't be so negative my man :)
you do not
i do though my dude
your hair is a grease-filled fire hazard full of maggots
oh thanks i didn't know
no lie that flow is clean af
People still talk about that dumb flat chested slut, boop? Kys
stop talking about yourself hype
Guys, I've killed 12 whole monsters and didn't get a clue! TT must be broken, fix game REEEEE