>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, zerg pvp, infinite grinding and a sudo-sandbox experience.
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I wonder who could be behind this thread
forever rip thread and chink poster
hey nice pastebin
cute character!
Why do these pants make it seem like she has a bulge?
This is why we need lewdposting.
Stop using mod
Post tunes!
Actually some retard made 10 GW2 threads and pushed a lot of other gens to page 10
>weekly maintenance is back
>we're going to skip this weeks maintenance though :^)
Maintenance costs money.
Green Pri greatsword or Blue
its because they're bringing in Kama pt2 next maint.
>he believes Kama p2 will come this year
Green Tri
I want to see your apology when I'm right, k thanks
You guys wouldn't let another thread die, would you?
I'd drag my dick through an ocean of glass splinters just to lick heilang smegma from between Nyanpi's toes.
hey thanks buddy
Why would there be Heilang Smegma betweem her toes?
from constant footjobs duh
How is Ninja compared to Kuno ? I mean, is the gameplay really that different ? I'm a a kunoichi at the moment but would like to try out Ninja
ninja has more burst, kuno more gimmicks
IC avatarfagging killed this general.
Turboautist screaming "steamies" killed the general.
That too
>implying they aren't IC too
steamies killed this general
ur a steamie
I miss yellow EU witch
I miss you.
How do we save the general?
How do we save the game?
How do we save Kakao?
I miss you too
>Have to level to 56 before I can actually play the class the way it was ment to be and figure out if I like it or not and if it's worth investing in
>56 also completely changes the way the entire class plays, might as well have been a new class all together
>Enjoy the preawakening and hate awakening completely killing any mood I had for Dark Knight
Who exactly thought this was a good idea? Like really, who thought this was ok in any shape or form?
>have to play the game to see if i like the game
>have to play the game and learn the game to get to 56 to learn an entirely new game to figure out if you like the game
>play game
>enjoy it
>out of nowhere after hours put into a character I like the game decides its time for a change and gives me a completely new character that I don't even recognize
>Give it a shot anyway
>Don't like my character anymore
It's like eating at a burger joint and halfway through the chef decides the medium-rare japanese steak with pepper-sauce is not good enough and gives you a scrambled eggs and literal shit sandwich instead
>medium-rare japanese steak with pepper-sauce
you fucking neet lol
nerd xP
>Even after hitting 56 and spending time to learn it but still can't really tell if you like it because you're missing important flows
awakening was a mistake
>How do we save the game?
there is barely a game to begin with
>How do we save the general?
if there is barely a game to begin with, then there barely is a general to save
>How do we save Kakao?
Kakao doesn't want to be saved, they just want your money
were the fapsluts at
I'm trying to stomach through Sorc right now but leveling 1-56 is really wearing on me. I hope 56 is fun since it looks a lot of fun to be a spinning reaper of death and managing your shards
Do people actually have a problem with awakenings? I mean you can look at the skills ingame and you can look them up on youtube. How did you even decide on a class without looking at the post awakening gameplay?
Wish they made some more oriental style outfits for witches
like a cheongsam or something...
>Do people actually have a problem with movies? I mean you can ask for the ending or you can look them up on youtube. How did you even decide on what movie to watch without looking at the ending?
If you don't like sorc thru up to 56, it's likely you won't enjoy it after awakening, since you need to use pre awakening skills to generate shards so you can do more damage on violation and grim reaper's judgment and you will need to learn how to do animation cancels to switch between amulet and scythe so you don't get locked on their transition animations.
are you suddenly interested in the game again?
i miss vjera! bring back vjera!
That puts me in a weird position. Right now I want to play the game but the sudden complete shift in Dark Knight really bummed me out. I want to play the game, I just don't know what I want to play it with, and I can't really test classes out as well since they require a lot of time investment to merely get from one class to an entirely new (and most likely unrecognizable) one.
>steamies literally too dumb to watch trailers
Elves are for....?
*tips wallet*
literally 80% of your preawakening skills are dead weight on absolutely all classes that you NEVER used even before awakening weapons. You could have literally watched a gameplay trailer of your class, dk, to find out that he turns into the best ranged class ingame at 56.
holy FUCK can you share the template please?
Until I try to update my gear again and inevitably fail everything again and I rage quit for 3 more months
That and no one is asking me to erp, so I'm just playing the game.
I know the feeling, but if it helps, the animation canceling is pretty fun to perform.
that elf is for fucking end of story
deadest class there is. Can't even kill people with significantly lower gear.
Any tips on getting the Rings from Helms and the Necklace from Abandoned Iron Mine?
I've got the earrings, back to back almost, from helms and now I can't get the rings. I've got over 3k turnins for Iron Mine without getting the necklace, and it feels like the mob density there is absolute shit.
I was at Elrics for all of 30 minutes and I got the belt.
Now now! You behave and treat all elves with respect! We are a noble race and we do not engage in that lewd behavior!
the template is public in the beauty album, family name is Malathal
grind moar faggot. You were rng carried as hard as possible, I grinded a week without getting the full set. Jesus Christ.
>Using someone else's creation
>Being this dumb.
hmmm... what did he mean by this?
lemme see the tip of your ear so I can unload on it.
Is this the power of IC?
I can't find you, did you post it under a title?
Handholding and starting a loving family.
I'm on NA so i don't think you can see it if you're EU
In that case, what skin color are you using?
Awakenings were a fucking disaster. They went from mostly playable PvP gameplay to this massive AoE super armored shitshow where people just trade damage into each other until the person with the most time afk in the game wins by having bigger numbers.
Nice meme, most classes don't even work properly until 59 because of essential skills that you aren't given until you've sunken stupid amounts of time into the game.
the one highlighted by the red arrow
no one said anything about being disrespectful ;) only a little fun and pleasure that all elves want even if secretly
Which red arrow?
this pretty much
But I want to erp with you
maybe you should y'know ask them when they're online?
Fine accessory box days must be amazing for lazy rich people.
yea must be nice being able to use those accessories instead of selling them because you are poor as fuck
I have not seem them online for a while now.
New player here. Are striker or warrior fun?
Striker yes, it's also broken as fuck. Warrior is boring.
Rosar horn bow or black horn?
Striker is in pre-awakening. Flying like a madman with shoruyken, shooting kamehamehas, kicking like chun li. After awakening you turn into a pet turret.
Warrior is Guts incarnate but all of his abilities have cooldowns so you run into the "what do I press now" issue which really eats the fun.
So, my understanding is that Awakening drastically changes the gameplay at higher levels. Is there a way to test out a clases Awakening? Or do I just have to look up a video?
Looking up a video is the best you can do.
You're looking a little blue..
I'm not falling for these memes anymore.
ITC has some really cute characters...