League of Legends General - /lolg/
No edition this time guys its just a regular general
League of Legends General - /lolg/
No edition this time guys its just a regular general
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Quinn have only 2 skills. Why?
I like that Shaco/Joker image that the drawfriend made.
Also I like all of the harrowing skins this year for once.
xth for Syndra
Happy b-day Jinx!!
>No edition
Make a new thread
Kayle rework will give her flow as a ressource you saw it here first.
If your first reply to this post ends in an even number you will trade 10 years of your lifespan and will get a succubus that looks like any to suck your balls dry every night until you die. However, if your post ends in an odd number you will be raped by garen and darius until you die tonight.
xth for america
>that looks like any
>Resourcelss Kayle
The only resourceless champions that should exist are Rek'sai, Kled, Gnar, and Garen
where do you guys get these drawings from
>no edge resource for riven
>The inting yasuo adc player is rank 1
Nice region you got there
im going for it
I'm assuming "look like any" is "look like any league champ"
odds please
What does that mean
What is "flow"
Can i have an Annie skin where her head is just a pumpkin.
I want to pickup jarvan
How is he rn? any tips?
still better than EU :^)
she's gonna spit some sick beats and disstrack her opponents
Do you want some "flow"?
Yasuo's "ressource" bar
femboy champ when
it means my semen is going to flow inside her
>How is he rn
Broken as shit and guaranteed to be nerfed soon
As for tips try and gank as much as you can, his clears kinda suck and ganks are great. Camp anyone without flash because they're free kills
I have an average of 4 control wards per game
is this good or should i improve
what target should i aim for
I want to sexually bully taric!
>Auto someone
>step back
>auto again
and dead
Q: Tentacle Slam
[NEW]: the tentacle now lingers for 8/10/12/14/16 seconds after the initial slam and is untargetable. Tentacle Slam will not spawn an additional tentacle if used within a 650 unit radius of other tentacles spawned in this manner.
W: Harsh Lesson
[NEW]: if Harsh Lesson causes multiple tentacles to swing at a single target those tentacles will also deal harsh Lesson's additional %max hp damage.
mana cost changed from 30 at all ranks to 45 at all ranks
CD changed to 5s at all ranks from 4s at all ranks.
R: Leap of Faith:
[NEW]: Leap of Faith now causes all tentacles to slam once aimed at Illaoi's current location upon spawn.
[REMOVED]: Harsh Lesson's base cooldown is no longer halved
Post Jhin
>He waited for Arrow to decay out before climbing too
i had a riven, zed, and a vayne on my team. vayne was the one that ragequit first. what are the odds of that?
meanwhile in my ranked games
Riot used to understand a weak early game meant mana-costs worth a damn and damage with low bases. Now they just say it on anything to sound smarter, ever read patch notes and see "We want to shave off a little power early on to make a much better late-game result!" when they drop a cooldown by like two seconds on a random champion to "nerf" them.
Azir's base damage got increased on the miniwork and thats why he is really strong at all points instead of just later on. All Riot need to do at this point is lower his bases ratios on W and Q, add an extra 10 mana to his W and he'll be balanced, its really not hard to balance it at this point. Factor in he won't be using thunderlords after the runes overhaul drops too so thats what Im factoring in.
is it fair to assume that almost every sona player is an e-girl?
I just can't imagine many guys going 'yes, sona is the one character I want to play'
How do play Katarina and not feed?
Where do you to to find those stats I'm having a bitch of a time
Floaw is a retarded resource instead of mana which allows champs to spam abilities
Yasuo could easily survive with mana but they made him resourceless because CertainlyT
For being this retarded I'm not even giving you a (You).
that sounds ok
why not
so she gets a shield?
Why is "semen" such a funny word damn it always gets me
>he won't be using thunderlord's after the rune overhaul
because he'll have access to lethal tempo
I saw it last thread first
one of my male(male) friends mains sona and support
What jungle path should i take and what are his core items?
I apply the same mentality to Janna and Soraka players as well.
I can't see many straight guys playing them unless if they waifu the champ or something.
what the fuck is an e-girl anyway? contextual usage has told me it isnt what i think. i would think it is girl(male) or some guy pretend to be a girl on the internet. it isnt that though.
like a lot of things in league, depends on the game.
if you place one early in a good spot that doesn't get cleared and other people on your team are warding and dewarding as well, it could last for a long time and you won't need to buy more. you should keep one on the map and one in your inventory at all times, regardless of position you're playing. the importance of vision control cannot be overstated. although the lower you are in rating, the less likely your idiot teammates are going to be watching the minimap so you can be a supreme wardgod and it might not make a difference. but it's still a good habit to get in.
>upping harsh lesson's CD and mana costs but making multi-tentacle harsh lessons more powerful
...Yeah I could see that.
I like playing sona when I have to fill support and Im in the mood for some sick dj beats.
I thought you wanted to take him top
his jungle clear is shit and gets better after lvl 3-4
but still, he is much better on top
some people just like freelo and suck at this game
Conquering Sands (Q) damage lowered from 70/100/130/160/190 to 70/95/120/145/170
First of all this is a start for a nerf thats a little fair but ignoring the whole "affect the bases" part.
Second with thunderlords not what he's using primarily now you suddenly won't lose a shitload more health because he auto-attacked you three times, all of his damage must be through autos and not a magical third proc from Q + auto + auto that we get from say Ekko or any other three hit passive.
it just means a girl playing games that loudly advertises that they are a girl please notice me i am a girl hehe yes i am a girl with tits and vagoo now let me support you carry me senpai.
Post your main but genderbent
so a standard girl?
>still haven't buffed Caitlyn
Warrior > Black cleaver then usually tank. If ahead or you have other tanks you can fit in hydra too
Though I prefer cinderhulk enchantment it makes his clears better
Always start with your bot lane side so they can make use of your e attack speed
Nu-Eve is a shit
>removed "it takes a lot of work to move like this in heels"
>No early power and no early stealth to make up for it like old eve
>Shit stats
>low base damages
>no more hybrid scaling because "muh gunblade"
>high mana costs so an over reliance on blue compared to even other mana hungry junglers
>Passive is atrocious
>health regen is usless early while also being negligible & slow mid-late
>no stealth till 6
>camo visible range seems bigger
>q isnt that bad
>w is shit especially in the jungle
>it has a missle and thus people an infer where you're coming from easily
>65% slow for procing the mark early in league of mobility and gapclosers is meh
>needs 2,5 seconds to arm, points your location when it arms
>charm doesn't last long 1 second lvl 1 2 at max
>mr shred is what you want early though since her damage is so low
>but now you're esentially giving someone a 2.5second warning that you want to kill them
>along with revealing your location to them twice
>clearing camps without using w takes ages, and you;ll take a lot more damage
>need to wait 2.5 seconds to clear it with w for the bonus damage
>this esentiall guarantees you'll be behind other junglers no matter what you do
>e range is small compared to visible range so its easy to take her out of her passive removing her ability to use the empowered version of e
>espeically if she w's since you'll know the direction shes coming from
>ult is laughable
>has a marker basically yelling "unless this person is a tank, you can kill them"
>forced escape ruining any chase dreams
Honestly what she needs
>stealth from lvl 1
>visible range decreased
>give her back her mana regen passive
>w doesn't reveal her location at all, no missle and no arrow
>reduce the arm time on neutrals or allow her to use it without vision on them
>ult now works like WW's q, pressing is just the execute, holding gives the escape
>give her back her heels line
My main already female
at least make a different post instead of copypasting the same one every fucking thread you autist
Sona is very strong right now, as are Janna and Soraka. Why wouldn't you play a strong champion that can increase the chance of winning the game? Playing a female champion doesn't mean you're a cockslut fuccboi. I play a lot of Soraka because she is broken as fuck, and I don't want to suck any cocks at all. Honest.
It's some girl who plays the princess champs like Janna soraka lux ie. Who require little skill and are dainty girls. They also usually let you know they're a girl and they spam cutesy emotes and stuff in the chat to gain attention. Bonus points for if they stream and have a face cam that is more pointed at their cleavage than their face and spams Instagram with photos to make nerds cream themselves.
no because some people just play the game, regardless of their gender, and you would not know if they are a girl or not even if they are a girl.
>Sej kalista jarvan still 100%
They should just make her undetectable until she attacks you.
Give me money riot
Let's see how I die.
I wish Yasuo was female so I can jerk off to her bare feet
life is unfair
Did you make this because if so cudos, although some of the faces like Vi or Fiora look a bit off. Neat photo though
how are your games going user?
>still haven't buffed Ahri
>Tyler getting unbanned
You're welcome.
T. Dotard
please take him back
we dont want him
>he doesnt want the cock.
kalista was a mistake
Then post it as male
>funsucker never got directly buffed and BoTRK got slight improvements and this was enough to bring her back into the meta
End me my man
She is about to shit her pants?
nah found it on reddit
he even sells like prints saved it thought it would be neet to put in your walls of your room or something
>you will be raped by garen and darius
Sounds good
>first game today after a huge win streak yesterday
>look up teammates on op gg during champ select
>everyone has more losses then wins at either 49 or 50%
I really don't understand how that's even possible at diamond 2
Killing myself
Why is Zed groping Syndra?
I thought Rakan was fucking Vlad there for a second
Why does Nasus look weird in that suit?
How is Nasus a manlet compared to Renekton?
Why hasn't Renekton strangled nasus?
How is Azir taller than Nasus?
How the fuck is Galio fitting IN the building
How on earth is Ahri getting crowned
Why is Ezreal and Lux standing next to each other when they never even talked?
How the hell did morgana get into a dress looking like that?
Why is Arc-light Vayne there?
Why is Vi like that?
Why is shen not beating the fuck out of Zed?
Why is Fiora's forehead look like Yumi from "Code Lyoko"
Why isn't Rumble with Tristana?
Why are Xayah and Rakan photobombing?
Why is Quinn's hair color gold?
How'd Poppy get into someone's fetish drawer?
Why is Ivern wearing Lulu's hat?
I like the art-style though.
the whole rework was to nerf her you retard
she used to be such a massive pain to deal with
They should make bf build out of swords. Really streamline the ADC build patherino
i wish any champion could legitimately go in any role.
my dude, get tear on sona literally on your first back. and get locket before redemption.
your games will go better.
Hopefully you go through with it you shitstain.
look at bard
Wait to buy legacy orb or waste token on normal orb?
Nobody cares you goddamn pig