Old thread! eyosongive.us
Happy b-day Jinx!! 2nd edition.
Old thread! eyosongive.us
Happy b-day Jinx!! 2nd edition.
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xth for degrading Xayah's race as you cum in her.
I wanna cuddle Jinx the birthday girl
Irelia is my wife
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA is up! Everyone's welcome!
VERY slow night tonight, 3 slots open!
Password is vidya!
>flat trash
Still pedo
>No casual clothing skins yet
How is Kha in the current meta?
If Illaoi got a fan servicey skin that actually made her attractive would she be thiccer than Sona? She's kind of cute already she just has an ugly fucking outfit.
>those big combat boots
why would i run out of them and why would they stop working what
Patch is out boys
Eve's theme is pretty rad.
This is my CUTE and PERFECT wife, Riven. I love her so much. Please do not post rude things about her.
This time it was a fairly competent ADC. Didn't have to steal as much cs.
Still just 1 honor tho
>carry your adc and team to victory
>entire team honors the adc instead
They would have to make her body composition entirely different since Illaoi is like 99% muscle compared to Sona's softer curves.
>Forgot to censor win/loss
Hacking your ip now kid.
What does Jinx smell like?
Canon and wonderful
>tfw no Evangelion-inspired champion who third-impacts the entire map for their ult
i just want to see her bare midriff
How do I play leblanc after laning phase? I tend to go at least even if not with a kill in lane then have no clue what to do when team phase starts.
It's not for 2 hours
How long do patches usually take till you can login again?
This is a rude post. Please refrain from posting things like this.
that is an awkwardly drawn hand
H-how could I fail this hard??
>tfw no champion that goes full berserk like EVA 01 Unit
3 champs
4 tags
Make a doujin
degeneracy increases with each step
Cant be in 2 hours, I just got the update and was greeted with the new emotes screen. Also eve was in the loading screen instead of the worlds thing.
A champion whose ult was complete immunity to CC and a 100% damage buff, but you lose control of them and they only attack the nearest champion would be neat.
>the attack speed low health berserker champion was wasted on fucking OLAF
What region are you?
>Any plans for your days off?
How do you respond?
We know it's you lulufag
fapping, not like youd know how it works since you have dick and pussy for days
>Yeah, dinner date with you
>yasuo complaining malzahar is bullshit
Olaf will be cool as fuck with his inevitable VU
>press R
How many of you on this Azerbaijani Amateur Plumbing Forum actually play Lego Legends on a regular basis?
There are things the world is not yet ready for.
You know she tortures you until you die right.
I do. I'm bad though.
Sions Passive is as close as we'll ever get
Only if I fail to satisfy her!
Illaoi's R, user.
What do
scrap all the rest
unlock pool party lulu
collect all the shards
dont even upgrade em
just collect 1 of every shard
I love Camille
>No belly dancer support champion
should i get infernal nasus
post tomboys and ezreal in dresses please
>gp getting killed in lane constantly by fiora
>think we're dead meat
>30min later gp is styling on the enemy team with his barrels and spamming his emotes
Not sure what the fuck happened during his laning phase but he really turned it around
They're decreasing the value of orange essense so you need to figure out what to do with them soon
Still so stupid that they are, there's nothing changing with the loot box system to warrant increasing the costs of crafting them
You practically need to duo with someone if you want to climb as support
it aint right but its damn nice
The only thing supports should be climbing on is the nearest dick
I unironically main Illaoi because of her ultimate. Nothing makes my heart pump so much blood as when activating her R.
What the fuck is Kiko doing to that orb thing?!
"You'll get them more often"
>be support
>dont buy sightstone
>or support item
>play them as aggressively as a mid laner
>take adc cs
>kill enemy bot laners
>adc dies because theyre bad to begin with
>carry as support
easy. pick a mid laner with easy cc like syndra and youre on your way to victory
unless the retarded adc blows it by feeding
>Illaoi R STILL doesn't cause all tentacles to slam once after the initial dunk
>when you get off the 6 man ult but you get chain stunned and the tentacles sit there doing nothing
When was the last time there was a skin released that costed less than 1350 rp?
If you suck and need to be carried yeah I guess you are right
That'd make her very, very fucking viable to be honest. She'd be much more punishing that way and that only means that she'd get nerfs from her tentacle slam damage.
>m-muh counterplay
Fuck Riot and their obsession with delays on every new champs' kits.
That's what you get for relying on a champion designed around playing itself
god damn i fucking hate Illaoi
I think Warring Kingdoms Vi was 975
That change to her ult, and make her heal based on number of champions hit, not a flat heal if you hit any champions regardless of how many champions.
Exactly what I would to those two sluts.
you think wrong
Oh, then damn I can't remember
Actually Championship Zed was 975, I remember that.
Gnar passive and ult
Olaf ult
Sion Passive
Warwick with W, sort of
Tryndamere ult
Probably a few more that I'm forgetting.
None of them remotely capture the sheer brutality of Eva 01's berserk mode though.
Think chemtech Tryndamere and before that the april fools skins.
he isnt
Taliyah is pretty cute, her nose just gets hate because it doesnt look like anime girl #21308513's nose.
Also, what is an optimal hecarim build? yuumuus, runic echoes, triforce maybe? but then youd be squishy and die after your bursty charge. bc maybe?
Best guy!
Does lolg like Chuck Palahniuk books?
her nose gets hate because it's intentionally ugly
Trinity Force, Cinderhulk, Tank. Ghostblade if snowballing. Deadman's is a nobrainer.
I heard there will be an orange essence reward when leveling up or something.
Smelly hobo
Was reading him like 20 years ago. Stopped at around Damned. Couldn't read the one about the suicide bomber.
What's he got to do with Draven?
I do and it makes me want to fucking die
Hobo and inferior waifu
Haha yeah dude I doubt Riot could make attractive females with realistic looking faces they have to resort to super simplified animu faces instead
No. Blue essence is replacing IP. Instead of getting blue essence after every game you get a special capsule everytime you level up (you can level beyond 30 now). You'll get 1-2 champ shards that you can disenchant. They are increasing the rates you get skins and other cosmetics so you're not stuck with a bunch of champ shards from multiple sources (level up capsules, loot chest, honor capsule).
I love draven and
I love Chuck Palahniuk's 1999 novel, Invisible Monsters!
Survivor is nothing that it looks like, at all
Eve rework release when
stop teasing us with this FUCKING teaser spotlight
0-5 Go to the gym
6-9 Play League
is jax good?
Is there a worse feel than losing a 40+ minute game