cuddlebug edition
>MEG's updated Pastebin:
>Femtur Pastebin:
>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com
>All previous Collages that we know of:
>Andromeda is dropped:
Previous Thread:
cuddlebug edition
>MEG's updated Pastebin:
>Femtur Pastebin:
>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com
>All previous Collages that we know of:
>Andromeda is dropped:
Previous Thread:
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OP image is a pice of shit. Delete and try again.
Second for lynching Liam.
neat ship designs?
Sort of reminds of the Hammerhead.
Post comfy situations you find relaxing.
>playing Brutal Doom with various anime theme songs playing in the background
Seventh for cute detectives
Any new Mass Effect news?
Series is dead.
Aww man.
It had a good run. If MEA was the best they could do then it was time.
Late night Jack post!
Not so far, who knows if we'll even get any in the future.
Chapter 2 never ever
This is fucking disgusting.
This is that cuck fic right?
Bumping before I go to sleep.
Goodnight guys.
Will they ever get along?
Update maybe next year :^)
Is that supposed to be Donnelley or is there another turian fanfic you weirdos are in love with?
Goodness gracious, I thought we'd have a few more posts.
Slow and comfy thread.
Waifu hellcats? Waifu two-syllable callsigns?
I would've loved to see Ashley or Miranda with "proper" makeovers. Ashley has a shorter haircut because she's putting more focus on the military and shorter hair means less work, and Miranda gets a makeover to make it at least a bit more difficult for Cerberus to find and follow her. Shorter hair, blonde maybe red, contact lenses of a different colour, different clothing, etc.
When I checked meg this morning I thought the same thing
what's goin on over here?
Cute haircut. I think the one she has in-game is a bit too long.
Red looks so much better.
I'll usually play some ME3 multiplayer on the weekends a bit to relax. I don't think I'll ever get bored of it. That, or Euro Truck Simulator. Game is maximum comfy and relaxing when playing late at night.
>volus makes a Maximus pain game set on the citadel
>Maximus wife killed by people on red sand
It really does, 10x better color choice than what it previously was.
I sort of liked the default initiative blue on anything but Cora's catsuit, looked all swanky and clean
>Red Sand
>Not replacing Valkyrie by Justicar
Weak game senpai.
I liked the white clean colour, I just think red and white looks better.
It might be kind of strange for the Initiative to have that colour combination, though, since that's the Alliance's colouring before Bioware went to shit.
>good guys are blue xD
Aren't turian fluids toxic to humans?
It's overblown by both the Turian Hierarchy and Alliance higher-up in the hope to reduce the amount of Turians and Humans falling for the LEVO'D and DEXTRO'D meme.
If the truth about how little chilarity matter in interspecies relation, you'd see a steady decline in Turian and Human fertility rate.
why is this child throwing up gang signs at me?
What's wrong nigga? can't you see that kid a proudly reps bd's?
If humanity actually discovered fuckable aliens, do you think we'd actually see an observable decline in human population growth as people paired themselves off with the superior ayy puss?
Not if they look anything like turians.
Perhaps a minor decline, but nothing too significant. We'll never truly know unless it happens though.
Sex drive has little to do with population demographics, it's about financial reasons. Simply put having more than 1-2 children in a first world country is inherently disadvantageous because you don't need more than that. Even countries that provide heavy benefits for having kids like Singapore and Japan can't make the sheer investment of time and money worth it, because raising a kid is an insane amount of work and most people are satisfied with just having 1-2. So people don't do it. Ayyyy puss wouldn't change much in that area.
Don't let all this talk about ayypoosi distract you from the fact that the LEAF still hasn't given us another chapter of the wholesome adventures of APE DAD and BIRD DAUGHTER
If you were a turian and were working on Noveria, would you go for a job as security in one of the corps like Armax Arsenal or Elanos Control Services or try your hand at being a private detective in the web of espionnage and corporate secrets?
Asking to fine-tune the feel of the Coffee fics I'm working on. Security option would mean a more relaxed and laid-back character, and private eyes a more brooding, noir personality.
Obviously take up a laid back security job on the comfy snow world, ain't trynna get shot doing all that detective shit.
>"hey Lucivius after work you want to go hit up a tims?"
Security job sounds nice. Good pay, and doesn't sound too risky.
Yeah he takes his sweet time but at least it's comfy
Mass Effect 3 wasn't that bad, it's just mediocre.
>Especially if they look anything like turians
even without Ayys the human population growth would shrink, as this is a part of demographic transition we´re experiencing right now, at least on Earth. Perhaps on colonies the growth would be bigger, however, the influence of Ayys would be neglectable
You've got some balls sharing such a positive opinion of ME3 here.
Couldn't any alien be considered fuckable? I mean, someone out there will try to bang it regardless of what it is.
I´d go for security. Sounds much safer and comfier. There are little to no weapons and Gangs on Noveria, so the chance of someone shooting at you is quite small. Furthermore, depending on where you work you could stay inside, where it´s warm and cozy.
Being a private detective would only cause trouble. SInce probably most of the companies on Noveria are practicing some shady business it´s better to stay out of it, or you could end like your favourite character in GoT
It's generic as all hell, and certainly not the final chapter this series deserves.
It is not the worst thing ever.
The multiplayer is quite nice actually. And the dlcs are entertaining
ME3 is unironically the best one. ME2fags need to kill themselves.
No meg told me it was the worst game ever made. And I'll stick to that sage advice.
>It is not the worst thing ever
Oh boy are you defending ME3? Get ready for a shit storm.
Here we go. Now begins the storm!
ME2 gave us best girl Miranda so it wins by default
gotta admit, in regards to combat this is true
Call me Mike Rowe 'cause I'm ready for some shit.
>best girl
this tbqh senpai
>best girl
>ass has its own gravitational field
>not best girl
Aside from Andromeda, t*licancer is the worst thing ever happened to ME.
Best girl.
No, that would be the k*i l*ng poster and/or the h*mbeast autist.
Nigga get this fungus monster outta here.
Everyone knows the best ME girls are Miranda and Jack... And I guess Ashley. But not "Tali vas sticky fingers"
Objectively the worst-written part of an already badly written game.
>tfw can't do shit after Miranda flat-out tells you she's a terrorist ideologue who'd have you lobotomize and enslaved if given a chance and tried to do it before being vetoed
ME2 Shepard is such a doofus.
At least KL-ing can be fun sometimes.
t. not western
She probably lied about not putting a chip in him
Should've used it when I had her and the other Cerbies killed then.
>Biggest Beta in Milky Way
>Best anything
Bitch ain't as smart as she thinks.
stop and think
>fungus monsters
That could be hot, depending on how fungally they are.
>implying they're not cute moth people
We've already discuss this. Fungus monster moths are nasty.
>ME2 Shepard is such a doofus.
Nah. He just thinks her butt is a bit more important.
Not when it was saged image spam of the same shitty Deviantart pics over and over again.
Would you say that ME2 Shepard is a butt-head?
Definitely best boy for sure.
I like the cut of your jib
>not bird
True. Opinions, opinions...
anyone else think that mass effect 3 should have done what halo reach did and kill off squad mates as the game progressed
kinda ruins the "war for all life" when only side characters die
Birb, boy, birb boy, who cares. Just let me cuddle with him. And suck his dick, probably.
Kinda did.
Remember Ashley, Mordin, Thane, Jack, Wrex, Tali, I mean, almost everyone really.
Well, it already kinda does, but its based around player choice, and only VS and Tali are included. Everyone else is safe. Would've been cool if Kei Lang killed Liara or whoever on Thessia, it'd make him an actual villain.