/dg/ Destiny General
>there were people that couldn’t get The a First Curse
>there were people that couldn’t get The Chaperone
This game is dead.
Uriel/MIDA duo feels tame compared to TLW/Thorn
It needs a third like Hawkmoon
Welcome one welcome all!
Was jiro ahead of its time?
By order of thy anonymous /dg/ shitters
Any and all premade teams shall be cast out of thy board with haste!
Potential higher crimes such as: premade team of three with an additional Asian player shall have further criminal charges tacked onto thy sentence.
Any and all attempt to re enter said board shall be met with a vigorous outcry such as: kys yourself!
Imagine being this oblivious and self-interested
What are your thoughts on using Sweet Business with actum war rig in PvP?
>he still doesn't have the rat king
Sorry guys been too busy with irl stuff but im back to remind you that this is best girl
Probably better when using a KBM adapter like you Neon. Faggot.
So i told Saladin to give me the Warlock robe and he actually did it the absolute madman
I thought it was Osbor who used XIM4
I sincerely hope people who use MIDA get AIDS and die, it's what you deserve.
Y-You too..
>less than two weeks till PC version
almost there famalam
>reskinned weapons
>chucke cheese token
>Iron bond doesn't even glow.
>Randoms never cap objectives
>stopped losing weight from chemo
might make it lads
If you're smart enough to avoid SR lanes, is it really viable to just roll Uriels/Origin Story and an SMG to mow people down?
>not accepting the meta
Hawthorne is squishy SQUISHY
As long as the other team isn't a 4 stack with good communication that have people dedicated to guarding flank, then you can probably be enough of a threat to break the groups attention up for your team to over come them.
>not worth it, the quests
I got both and wish I had that time back
>trying to rid yourself of cancer
>still come to /dg/
Hang in there man
I run antidope and tone patrol and do both close and far mang
Mods are asleep. Post Titans.
>you will never have friends to do the raid with
>you will always be "that guy" in a 5 premade needing a 6th
>it will always be awkward when you laugh because they all stop laughing at a joke when you do
Please stop my pain
Looking like hot steaming garbage there my man
>I use Fist of Havoc near two people
>Someone uses Fist of Havoc in my general direction
>instantly dead
I know. I could care less about looks, I go for functionality.
>tfw you get your first annihilation with a Grenade Launcher
>Please stop my pain
Ok, post your name then
>Guy pops Fist of Havoc across the map
>Better get into my bomb shelter
>tfw no Failsafe gf
>use sentinel
>use synthoceps
>pop bubble at B on beta map (carpets I think)
>literally punch down 3 of them because of synthocep damage increase and overshield on top of armor
it actually helped me make randoms capture points too
if you do use a bubble you just have to check what supers they have otherwise just use roaming part
Overall nice but that helmet sticks out like a sore thumb
Yeah, unfortunately, I've yet to find one that looks good.
The NM one was a pretty good one, but of course I didn't get it.
I'm aiming for IB helmet now.
I believe in you user.
Or tractor cannon.
FINALLY got shores of time. Such a solid map and shows how map design in D2 is really lackluster
>tfw dont want to use other subclasses anymore after trying nighthawk golden gun
4/6 for raid. 2 of my guys are new though but they aren't retards.
If you want to get that DG3 engram get the fuck in here.
What dance is that? I need it for MY male hunter now.
I've been getting it constantly, and holy fuck is it so much better then the rest of these maps.
Ask Bungie for a free gun.
is this the hunter's mating dance?
I'll join
>tfw no Holliday gf
We filled up but it's not a DG3 raid.
Fug I want to get the engram
Shores of Time really puts all of Destiny 2's maps to fucking shame. All the Venus maps from Destiny 1 are fucking god tier.
I want to play with awesomeness though.
>Snores of Time actually came back
Shores of Time made a return. What other maps from D1 would you like to see comeback?
How autistic are you about the engram. I can leave if you want so DG3 can get their gibs because DG1 already got theirs today.
>not being in DG1
All of them desu
just replace the whole fucking lineup
D2's maps are pretty universally shit.
Also, add 6v6 back in while we're at it.
Nah it's k I just wanted to get it over with
And let's just go ahead and put shotguns, snipers and fusion rifles back in the special slot.
that clan can barely fill up a page full of online players. fuck off m8
When Bungie made Crucible 2 did they go "well people hate Overwatch because it's not fun, let's make WORSE PvP mode!"
is it just me but are he spawn points way worse now
my team will have B and C and we won't push remotely close to A and they still spawn behind at C
And we still manage to get everything done every week, despite having far less people.
>bragging about being in the most dead DG clan
They have no problems getting the clan engrams tho
which clan should i join?
>implying that's worth bragging about when all the clans get their engrams too
enjoy the 5 people you get to play with I guess?
yeahhhhhh buddy
D2 is so frustratingly pointless. On paper it sounded like they were making a lot of improvements to the game and it might be what Destiny always should have been but now it's easy to see that Age of Triumph was what Destiny always should have been. We left behind such a superior game.
There's just so much missing. Where are Heroic strikes with fun modifiers? Where is the strike exclusive gear and skeleton keys? Where is my Archon's Forge/Court of Oryx equivalent? Where is Rift and Salvage and Rumble and Mayhem?
And even if all of these things were in the game it wouldn't change the fact that the loot meta is literally slot machines. This token system is insanely boring especially when it comes to the Raid. It's just unsatisfying for 99% of your loot to come from rank ups rather than dropping from chests and bosses. And it's compounded by the fact that there is literally no grind in this game whatsoever, the loot is so generous that you can easily get every weapon and armor piece. And that problem is even FURTHER compounded by the fact that every weapon is in a nerfed state and feels like a squirt gun compared to literally any gun from D1.
Aside from temporary events like IB and factions, there is nothing to play, and nothing to play for. What a tragedy of a sequel.
I only managed to play it once today so I can't really say yet. Will report back in a week when I've played it 2 more times
Yeah game is shit
last year both my uncle and my neighbor survived cancer, you can do it too user
2/6 raid, me and Jiro
I left destiny 2 right before the begining of year 3.
was the age of triumph that good?
How the actual fuck do you allow a gun like Uriel's Gift to go on unnerfed for this long. This gun is legitimately broken. This utterly broken piece of shit gun shits on fucking Pulse Rifles for fucks sake, how the fuck do you even program this into a game?
and worst of all no Mara Sov
user bungie took 2 weeks to fix a modifier glitch. they also do 6 hour maintenance every week, sometimes even longer to do fuck all.
4v4 is more balanced and skillful but now there is literally no such thing as casual crucible and it creates such stupid friction when trying to play with friends, having to boot people or find a 4th when going from strikes to crucible etc.
The weapon system sounded great at first because it would give you more options to play with and avoid trappings like having to use a sniper in almost any serious PvE mode for your special unless you want to spend 6 hours killing the boss. With the new system you could relegate your heavy to boss DPS and then run two weapons for clearing adds effectively at multiple ranges. But the reality of this system is that it's just less fun, there's less of a power fantasy, especially with the nerfed abilities and guns added on top of that.
It was pretty good because it gave you 4 raids to do, and a challenge mode enabled one that rotated every week. /dg/ always had the most activity during times where there were multiple raids relevant to do at once, like in HoW, and then in AoT. Unfortunately it just came a bit late and the game went back to being dead about a month after AoT. But it was great having so much to do every week, and new loot to play for.
>Playing some crucible
>10 recovery
>Healing rift
Basically indestructible.
Someone's mad he got killed a few times in IB.
Fuck off mate, every gun should be as crispy as Uriel's rather than nerfing everything so that every gun is as garbage as every other garbage gun.
>4v4 is more balanced and skillful but now there is literally no such thing as casual crucible
So much this. I enjoy trials so much more than in d1. But all my friends hate regular crucible now and won't play it and I don't even think about solo queuing unless I'm in the mood to get my shit stomped but 4 stacks. Don't really know what the solution is either
They took like 8 hours on the second week to remove "kek" out of a fucking pair of arms.
They are not fucking competent.
The solution is going back to what we had before, where there are multiple flavors of crucible rather than one shitty flavor that they hope you like. 3v3, 6v6 and FFA with casual fun game modes like mayhem on weekly rotation.
The new guy in our raid is fucking addicted to death. This is going to be so painful.
>why would a sequel have the same amount of content as Age of Triumph D1?
Actually think about that, for one who talks much you are completely ignorant.
The only real solution I can think of is reducing the time to kill so team fire doesn't really matter
Literally DLC.
Yeah, I agree, every gun should be strong. Then you have Uriel's Cancer that shits on every AR and PR in the game. I'd rather then buff other weapons but you know they won't. Fuck off retard.
>art team designs crucible maps
>pvp team designs crucible maps from ground up to be competitive
Sippy Cup
My boy! That's the loadout I'm using and it rocks shit