Let's try this again since/dfog/, /msg/ and /rog/ are dead.
Here we talk about anime mmos that are too small to keep a general.
Let's try this again since/dfog/, /msg/ and /rog/ are dead.
Here we talk about anime mmos that are too small to keep a general.
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off nobbashill
Rip /dfog/ 2015-2016
wait.. muh dfog died again!?!?!
see, maybe if you fucks would quit the fag shit people would stop leaving
This is Veeky Forums, not /leddit/.
>blipblopzoppitybopbebbal pokemon
Between DS, Witch, Franger, Ffreya, Necro, Blood and SB, who two of them should i make my alts?
>tfw still not enough gear for luke
what's the latest mmo people on Veeky Forums are playing nowadays
i kind of miss my aura kingdom and tree of savior friends.
>b-but /tosg/ is alive
Pokemon Revo
Witch and SB are pretty cheap to fund for the beginning of the end game content.
Ele is alive!
Yea, i was thinking about them but i kinda suck at playing SB and witch is...i dunno. Necro,ranger and blood look cool but i guess they have no utility or damage untill epics.
>suck at SB
He's a faceroll class now, you just mash out all your skill in 2 seconds since he gives no shits about casting speed and you just make sure to place your green circle down while you're at it.
So is anyone going to play Closers and/or Soul Worker? Which one are you most hype for? They're both releasing around the same time by the way. Both are currently in Alpha testing stages.
I got into the closers alpha and it's literally just a worse DFO. It's also insanely far behind the main version in patches.
I hope Soulworker isn't as bad.
You shouldn't judge a game on an alpha build user. That's literally one of the dumbest thing to ever do.
I've never played an mmo that actually improved after the alpha/beta phase if it was trash. The chance that they actually put out enough patches to make it worth playing is basically zero.
i want to hug ele and squish her butt and slap her face and use her my personal black hole that will suck my penis like she needs to position zombies but lightinng sukk is on cd.
what games were these?
>event gives coins like candy
>reach power needed to unlock 8h anton in two weeks
>event lasts for another 3 weeks and there's absolutely nothing else to spend all these coins on
Nice event nipple.
>rewards are only good if you send this slave into antonium mines without any delay
This is the worst part
remember when /dfog/ left?
why are they back?
Neople keep trying to kill the game
*blocks your path*
>it's been 8 months and loli swordmages are still not playable in rev online
How is Lineage 2 now?
bampu pantsu!
so why did this general die
No actual games to discuss.
Still full of spics and russian, last time I played.
dont die
We need an official long term ammg game and thread to stick with or else no one will linger
I vote we assimilate BnS by force
do it, I want to see this happen.
dude that shit isn't even a mmorpg
Too many dead games to not play
Problem is no one can decide or agree on one and if we do, then the general should just turn into a general for that game which makes /ammg/ unneeded.
Nah, it's been done. Look at /gerg/ which is a weird mix of MechWarrior, Hawken, and a bunch of other dead robot games. It may be mostly MWO, but people can stop in from other games and get conversations going. The key is having that anchor game that people hate but are willing to play just enough to keep the general alive.
That general probably works because it's focused on mecha games. This (was) is a general for (every) all anime MMOs without a general. Too broad, too many games. And it doesn't help that I spent almost a whole year starting and trying out a bunch of random MMOs and now I've finally come back down to just 3 and they aren't even massive MOs.
At least the DI isn't horribly weighted to the lowest quantity and even then it's still pretty okay.
*holds you in place*
how many luke raid tier people do we have here
guess that's why dfog died
>oh boy ammg is back
>it's just dfog again
so what game do I play
Play Pokemon Revolution with me.
LoLi D.F.O!
you're the reason dfog died, fuck off
dfog died cause it's a shit game
LeikaRO question:
Where do I level at ~130? The Prontera mission board quests are too hard.
Necro has a decent amount of utility but not as much as sb/witch.
Has anyone here bought a male fighter package? I'm curious as how the bottom looks without the waist piece in the way.
grind gear, dingus
I already got my Peuz set though.
MapleGlobal is growing, guys!
Convince me to play it please.
Before bed bump.
It's probably gonna be dead by the time I wake up.
not if you don't wake up
dont wake up
is it too late to get into dfo
nah, they constantly do catch up events that give out free legendarys.
Wow, someone still plays Rev?!?!
The real problem is people can't make any fucking decisions for themselves and will jump on whatever the entire general is shilling while shit posting towards everything else. And there are too many poorfags here and oldfags to actually enjoy someone new and demanding on their toasters.
only mentally ill faggots play as lolis
we ded again?
Any anime mmo with endless grind with potention for for massive role play?
Try this:
Pokemon Revolution
The fuck is this?
Why are we bumping
>echon is out
>hey guys, take those FREE legendaries that are not echon
which pokemon generation is pokemon revolution emulating?
the keknewal one
No clue about the generation number but it has the pokemons up to 721 and Google says it's Gen6.
If you plan on playing though just know that some moves are bugged/not coded.
Forgot to mention, the game only has 4 regions right now, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. So maybe they only have the pokemons up to there.
>play dfo
>want to have alts
>can only have 10 of them
Ty based nipple gooks, it's not like i wanted more, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Don't you start out with at least 20 slots?
You can only raid on 10 though, what's the point of making more.
He's dead now.
i'm not playing it until they implemented loli swordmages
why do you think am i browsing Veeky Forums?
What game?
any maplestory players here?
I literally just reinstalled it after about a year of not playing. I tried to log in and it looks like maybe they are patching? Either that or something is fucked up on my end.
you're referring to gms i assume? i play on a private server called royals
What else, the anime world!
Playing on MapleGlobal now
ADAMS reporting in
so what do i do: witch or negro?
Lets Maplestory!
Maplestory is shit
Is anyone still playing on Vendetta's Eden Eternal? That game was kinda fun.
I quit after a week
I still have it installed. I haven't played for a while. I heard there was a huge rebalance patch too.