/fhg/ - For Honor General

Very Low Quality Fat Golden Baby Centurion Mask Edition

Hit the treadmill, fatties! >Season 3 Info:

For Honor v1.14.1 Patch Notes

>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear appearances

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:


>all this conqueror salt
I love the guy, people always expect you to be some slow turtle and don't expect a conq that takes the initiative and keep on the pressure with shield bashes.

>throwing out heavies for mind games
Will usually get you parried by most people, superior block or not, so you're getting GB anyway but I get it I guess.
Dunno about other Conqs but I don't see what's the problem there. Sometimes I fall for them and if I don't full guard in time to cancel my heavy I get parried. Although recently I stopped parrying as him and just dodge into the attacks - I play him more like a pseudo assassin these days.

Posting some useful information on gear:

Up until you start finding Heroics (purples), it doesn't matter. Generally speaking, when you reach Rare gear you just want positive on everything since that's enough to get you through. Grey gear you actually shouldn't use because the negatives often outweigh the positives, though it's to such a minor degree that it doesn't matter.

Once you reach Heroic, Epic and Legendary gear, it's kind of up to player taste what your armour focus is, but on weapons it generally goes like this, using Centurion as an example for gear:

>Attack ++
>Defense pen +
>Block damage --

>Attack ++
>Execution health regen --
>Revive speed + (you can have ++ revive speed on certain medic-style characters if you wish)

>Attack +
>Revenge gain ++
>Revenge mode attack -- (you never do less damage while in revenge, and the bonus damage is meaningless)

If you are lazy, you can have all your gear as balanced, but keep in mind that balanced gear is half as effective than specialised gear. For instance, the highest possible value for Attack on a Centurion's guard is 8% or something, but the balanced gear gives +4%. This is the trend for all stats. (1/3)

Armour is a little more complicated and more up to personal taste. However, the rule of thumb is you want your total defense stat to be as close to +0% (or default) as possible while buffing other, more useful stats like stamina regen or debuff resistance.

My personal setup on Centurion is:

>-- defense
>+ exhaustion recovery
>++ Debuff Resistance

>Defense +
>Revenge mode defense ++
>Revenge mode duration --

>Defense +
>Stamina regen +
>Stamina use reduction +

This is all up to personal taste, but I find having very high debuff resistance gives me some much needed durability, and a high exhaustion recovery stat on someone like Lawbringer means I can use his stun grenade even at point blank range to gain a time advantage against 90% of opponents. You want your revenge duration as low as possible to coincide with your very high revenge gain stat, so you can pop it for stuns and surprise recoveries more often. Having revenge mode defense as the highest stat on the chest is purely taste, as I see no value at all in having extra raw defense. You don't want your stamina going down at all, so a balanced shoulder set helps fill in the gap left by the negative defense helm while also giving some nice bonuses to longevity in fights, though even with no gear I find most characters have plenty of stamina.

You can move these stats around to your liking, but you should NEVER go negative on Exhaustion Recovery, Stamina Regen/Reduction, or Debuff Resistance. They should always be positive. (2/3)

Addendum: the actual effective difference between Heroic (purple) and Legendary (teal) gear is functionally non-existent. There's about a 9% difference between fully leveled up Heroic gear and fully leveled up Legendary gear. This isn't to say you should level up your Heroic gear, it's to say that wearing gear you like the look of with stats you like is more important than wearing gear of the highest possible level.

Addendum 2: You start finding Rare gear at Rep 1, and only finding Rare gear at Rep 2. You start finding Heroic gear at Rep 3, and only Heroic with some Epic at Rep 5. You start finding only Epics at Rep 7, with some Legendary gear. At Rep 8, you only find Legendary Gear.

Addendum 3: Shinobi is for faggots.

Addendum 4: Centurion too.

Is this in the sticky ?

Nobody reads the stick, and it's not. The sticky is super out of date.

Daily reminder that Warlord is not Overpowered.
Shugoki is played by closet homosexuals masquerading as chads.
Highlander is played the manlets.
Warden is the soy boy choice pick.
Nu-males openly brag about playing Kensei.
Reddit plays Kensei.
Kensei is actually very good (especially in ganks).
Effeminate men play peace keeper.
Niggers play nips (sometimes peacekeeper).
Berserker is played almost exclusively by niggers.
Valkyrie is played by le casuals.
Everyone who plays a nip is either a weeb or a nigger.
Mexicans play conquerer because they think they have some lost Southern European heritage.
Lawman is played by people who are ugly.
Gladiator, Centurion and Raider are the patrician choices played by exclusively by chads.

Fast characters have an inherent advantage over slow characters.
If you have shinobi past rep three you should consider suicide.

>Kensei is very good

That's the only part you're wrong about. Kensei is basically just a Raider with fewer options, especially in ganks.

Kensei shines in ganks. All he has to do is let his teammate take a beating and then spam his unblockable. He doesn't have bad damage like everyone says, or used to say.

>If you have shinobi past rep three you should consider suicide.
point on the doll where the shinobi touched you

>Spam unblockable
>Get parried
>Totally out of stamina instantly
>Doesn't even do that much damage

Everything Kensei does, Raider does better.

>To use his unblockable, Kensei has to do a 600ms dash forward light into a top heavy
>Raider can use his unblockable on command, or combo it after a heavy OR light to double its damage

>Kensei has high damage heavies that are slow
>Raider has higher damage heavies that are slow

>Raider has his charge that can grab people from off screen and confirm 30-80 damage
>Kensei has

And so on and so forth. Kensei is the worst character in the game due to a total lack of options. Everything he can do, many other characters can do significantly better with better results.

Hey, HEY! Listen, pal! Shinobi is the most broken guy in the game. It's a game about melee combat and twitch reflexes, putting a fast character who wins by avoiding melee combat is abhorrent. It was fan service and you know it!

They can't parry you if they are stunned or dodging *black guy tapping head and smiling*.
Kensei has a dash attack and incredible range. He can hide behind his teammate and snipe. Don't even get me started on when he teams up with a nobushi and they become an immovable phalanx.
Kensei is faster than Raider.
Kensei has a guardbreak that can track you across the map, he also has a block on dodge.
Kensei can force a parry > he dodges > gets the block on dodge attack
He's not bad. He's a defensive version of Raider.


If you mean in movespeed, fuck no. Kensei is incredibly slow, slower than the other vanguards by far. Raider's guard break also tracks super hard, Kensei's block on dodge is situational at best and kind of a lesser Deflect.

Kensei is just a Raider with fewer options. Nothing you listed is any better than anything Raider has, it's all basically the same. Shit, Raider even has the same dash into light, except it stuns, drains stamina, and combos into a 50 damage unblockable.

>Team has trouble fighting a single Centurion on C despite it being a 3v1
>I manage to take A alone against a Centurion, a Kensei and a Warden, then get whittled down as they keep coming in, attacking me, and reviving each other
>In the time it takes for me to kill these people, my team hasn't managed to kill the Rep 4 Centurion once

These are the people who bitch on Reddit about Cent being OP, right?

>He's a defensive version of Raider
What defensive options does Ken have that raider doesn't? A shitty deflect? Heavies that get punished a little bit less on parries? Raider can CGB in the middle of a dash, Ken doesn't have anything remotely as useful as that.

He gets 45 damage off a guard break near a wall!

>Raider gets that too, as well as more options in general


>defending gb on block
Absolutely 0 fun

I just had this same shit happen except my team couldnt 3v1 a lawbringer

At least Law is tough and can use Righteous Deflection to gain an effective 200HP or something.

Holy fuck where do these parrying bots come from, never really had them in my AI games before

Level 3 bots that cheat massively appear in matches once your winrate reaches a certain amount. My average winrate is around 70% against players and probably 90% if we include bot matches, so every time there's a bot in a Dom match for me it's level 3. Fucks up the new players in the game really fierce.

shinobi is balanced

>there are people who actually believe this

How has For Honor affected you and your life, /fhg/? For me:

>Go on morning runs regularly
>Normally around 4AM
>Get bored of my usual routine
>One day grab a big stick off the ground along the path
>Start running like Lawbringer
>Run my usual distance really fast
>When I reach the beach, I stand there and do Lawbringer's Glorious emote, with the noise and arm waving and everything
>Realise I have autism

Looks like the Knights are going to win this Round.

Too bad it doesn't end the Season early and get us Season 4 sooner.

Who would have thought? It's not like the entire playerbase foretold this ending based on the previous rigging pattern

>tfw knight

>tfw dying for salvation with dedication
>tfw no capitulation (despite annihilation)
>tfw papal commendation
>tfw reincarnation
>tfw heaven is our destination

>tfw we finally fucking won a fucking season because it's fucking rigged

>he denies the truth

>Everyone talking about how lights come out at a proper time now
>500ms lights still effectively instant and near impossible to parry

Daily reminder if you play conq consider suicide.
He's a filthy Jew and if you have him past rep 3, it's confirmed your opinion is garbage. Don't be garbage anons and main a better knight like law, you know someone who actually takes skill.

>Everyone talking about how lights come out at a proper time now
Why would they when ubi changed nothing regarding that

Literally no lie. I started practicing how to back flip properly. Got fit and getting more better by the day, I'd say my autism has helped me find a fun hobby

People were acting like it changed because of that one patch note.

It's because it works on my machine. (Xbox) I can reliably parry PK zones and Shinobi lights again. Before the patch it was near impossible in any mode, but now it works. Shame it's a working on my machine patch and hasn't effected everybody.

It's probably just my location because I am an Australian and I constantly get the "missing packets" warning from other players.

At this point maybe, I live in FL but I do get packet loss some times, but I never get kicked from games unless the host crashes it or I took too long to load my match.

Only annoyance is the health buff. Thanks to that, every faggoty roach and their mother now wants to "main" (ez wins) shinobi now that their "best weapon on the planet class" is utter meh tier. Shinobi is really fun for me because I like being aggressive but this buffed really should have been used with both parry changes, dodges costing stamina and other meta fixes to avoid roaches back dashing in general. Buffing him before the fight system change was huge mistake imo, only increased more turtling
t.Rep 12 shinobi Xbox

Highlander can now punish long range heavies like Raider (switch direction then light attack), also after light parry you can get in a DF Heavy from another direction.

Didn't see this anywhere in the patchnotes, but I just noticed what I just mentioned works now.

You can now always go for DF Top heavy when parrying an assassin, when parrying side lights against non assassins you also get DF Top heavy. I don't think it is confirmed against Nobushi though, too far away.

Now atleast I stop getting nothing when parrying a long range heavy.

>someone is whining how our teammate is playing
>see a viking teabagging or emote spamming like a retarded
>it's the same guy
why i'm not surprised

Post webm nerd

Found it out yesterday, didn't record and can't play today.

How convenient

>tfw it's over
>us knights win the season
>no longer care about faction war now with 1 win under my belt
It's been fun my fellow tin cans. I'll see you guys at the swamp later today....

>Now have a bronze, silver and gold emblem outline


Wait what ? Didn't Vikings have like 40 zones yesterday while we had only 14 ? I was sure we were going to lose this one.


the only non rigged season will be the next one,where probably one of the faction will be cut out of the map

yes but then we suddenly took every territory for the next few rounds with 60%

>where probably one of the faction will be cut out of the map
why is everyone saying this?

Nah it's always rigged. The faction that gets no new hero wins the season, so they get anything at all.

everyone has been saying its bullshit that whenever a faction gets close to being surrounded they suddenly start taking all territory easily so nobody can lose
So in the next season they'll rig it so somebody, probably knights, will get fucked and lose their stronghold

wait do we really have to play round 5? can't they just give the win and put it in off-season for longer than usual to compensate?

If Alex jones was a knight...
Which would he play

Compete for second place.


that would require a modicum of effort on their part, so no

Why would they intentionally ostracize a third of their population?

The Samurai are Globalists!!!!
The Vikings are from the Lizard planet!!!!
>no Alex jones shout from law mods....

>people still falling for the stronghold meme
Jesus Christ people we went through this in Season 1. NOTHING HAPPENS.

Truly PS4 has me beat on console players and pros :)
>imagine what this negro is doing for both input and lag for that move...

>You'll never be this good

This doesn't actually look that effective anyway.


Rune armor material for knights WHEN?

>I can now pillage this...
Thank you Samurai for handing this victory to us

>tfw never cared about seasons because you had closed alpha and open beta win borders which are objectively the best

>Fucking Nips

Heretical and impure. You will go on the stake, you filthy heathen.

Shut up! Fuck you lawbringer! I may help the weak, but goddamn this church celibacy shit!
PK is shit!
Fem conq is bad and already used up!
femwarden is a yuri bitch!
femgladiator is a futa!
I need this

>tfw always cared about the seasons because despite participating in the beta you never actually got your win border

you couldve just asked ubi and gotten it yknow

Stopped caring after Season 2 when I realized they dumbed down the rewards to 1 shitty ornament. And I don't care for borders because I already have the silver border with wings on it and that one is objectively the best.

I did. You need to have proof you were in the beta and were a Knight.

If you had to choose 1 faction to join, live, train and fight with, which would you choose?


Knight. Can't turn down being trained by cocky romans who punch motherfuckers

A moment of pleasure on this Earth is punished by an eternity of hellfire. However, the worst sin of all those you have committed is one I must hide beyond a spoiler, as I am guilty of it myself: ROLE-PLAYING.

Samurai. Knights are either maniacs like Apollyon or self righteous cunts, Vikings are idiots and I don't like mead. Samurai are kinda chill and disciplined.

>he doesn't roleplay
>he doesn't have an intricate backstory for every character he plays
>he doesn't use the gear, executions and emotes that fit best his character

Ok fine stay "loyal" to your lord who has abandoned us since forever. Imma go enjoy some flexible Samurai women

This. Also I have yellow fever

>mfw pillaging samurai lands

How do I get dank masks


did i do okay on fashion for having not spent much steel on customization yet?

wait for the Halloween event

Have fun sticking our bamboo sticks up your rectum because we have nothing else except women you can't rape because they can activate their vagina dentata through willpower

toppest of keks

Not too edgy and you have good looking pads. I'd say a decent 7/10, only thing holding almost all Raiders back is the stupid idea for them to have high level gold shit as weapons at later tiers. Feel bad for you guys since it's more prevalent

i know. ;_;

i'm working on lb, bonq, roach, and shug but they're all around rep 2-3 right now

yeah, unfortunately it's the best looking axe head i have. there was a rad looking bronze one from pre-legendary but i haven't picked a legendary version of one of those up (if i even can)

Save up a good 160k steel, because masks will probably be time-limited and cost about 10k each. Maybe even 15k each.

It's ok Kenjiro, maybe next round.

>he does it for the rape

Spend all your steel for mistress Reydha

Have you considered going for a "theme" when it comes to fashion? For example:

>Raider is bone/skeleton themed, with as many bones and skulls as possible
>Lawbringer is themed around smooth, simple armour and elegant simplicity with a blue and gold colour palette
>Centurion is themed around black and gold with a black and gold weapon and black and gold armour
>Kensei is themed around having only wood, no jacket, with a wooden weapon
>Gladiator is snake/medusa themed, meant to be as garish and attention grabbing as possible
>Warlord is bird-themed, with wings on his helmet and owl-themed weapons

I find simply choosing a "theme", even if it's just an animal theme, can be really good and look super nice. Also, finding a weapon with colours that match your armour/paint.

Don't listen to this user!!!!!
Save for the masks tomorrow!!!
>if they are shit, then yeah listen to him
>but just wait.

1. Your most played heroes
2. Your rank in tournament mode

1. Gladiator, Raider
2. Gold 2

Forgot to post mine.

Plat 4

2.gold 2

What's the timing on the gladiator deflect?