/wowsg/ - World of Warships General

Don't Bully the Pepsi Edition

Tell us your server and get a referral code from a fellow /wowsg/ to get extra bonus credits/flags/XP and two free premium ships (one instantly, one after you play a T6 ship).

>Newbie guide
pastebin.com/XGWdGjPc (embed) (embed)

>0.6.11 patch notes

>0.6.12 PTS

>0.6.11 Smug moetel mod

>Captain Skill calculator

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' by antibullyranger
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel"
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

[HOTEL] on EU - contact Rex1121
[BOTES] on SEA - contact Benlinsquare
[BOTES] & [HOTEL] on NA - contact JakeNS

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Learn to enjoy it, because you'll be suffering up to T6. That's when proper CV play actually begins.

First for OSHA

At least CV gameplay isn't slowly crawling to a point, while bombarded from max range by clubbers and constantly being on fire the second combat starts.
That said, is there any shipclass that works well as a brawler? I'd rather play the objective than sniping.

'Brawling' is used to describe the optimum engagement for KM BBs, but it's not something you can do on your own initiative - the game needs to develop appropriately, which is kind of rare. From what you describe, it sounds like DDs would fit the bill. At lower tiers, USN and VMF are both pretty good at contesting caps. At higher tiers the former remain just as good at it while the latter get worse in exchange for raw gun power. KM DDs are a bit weedy at low- to mid-tiers but utterly dominate caps at the highest levels.

The nice thing about DD play is that there is almost always an active play to make which is a good move, whereas other types of ship are often best served by playing defensively.

Is there a problem, officer?


Guess I'll give the burger DDs a try, thanks.

>Using the old citadel ribbon
>Implying Minotaur is a CA
Shit. Start over.

Why do I see so many people in queue but I always get put in games that are 1 v 1 with a ton of bots either side?