/wotg/ - World of Tanks General

Previous thread: HD graphics soonTM edition.

>Where do I look up tanks?

>Want to do clan stuff?
EU: NOPAN - eu.wargaming.net/clans/wot/500136066/
NA: AWOO - na.wargaming.net/clans/wot/1000043295/

Other urls found in this thread:


what, In your professional opinion, are are the Best and Worst tanks in each tier?

>absolute state of tier VIII

looks fine to me

we can all agree cliff and mines are the best of the hd maps right?



it all looks very good.

1 who cares
2 who cares
3 pzic
4 ke-ho
5 t67
6 statpad64
7 e25
8 the newest premium
9 t30
10 batshat

the worst is always an arta

Best on top, worst on bottom

Tier 1:

>FT Renault

Tier 2:

>T2 Medium
>Everything else

Tier 3

>Pz. III E
>Chi-ha and Type 91

Tier 4
>M3 Lee/Type 95/DW2 (there's a lot of shit tanks at tier 4)

Tier 5
>BDR G1 B/ O-I Exp on console
>G1 R/Skoda T25

Tier 6
>Churchill VII/Achilles/Chruchill GC

Tier 7
>Tiger I (not memeing)/ T29 / SU-152
>KV13, Panther, Fresh Prince
Tier 8
>Borsig/ ISU-152 / IS-3
>TVP VTU/ 110/ Ferdinand

Tier 9

>E75, M103, Conqueror, M46, T-54/ Obj 704
>Conway, Type 4 heavy

Tier 10
>Maus, Chieftain, T110E5, T62,
>E100, Pz kmpfw. VII, AMX 30, Leopard 1, Shitbarn
It was pretty hard to decide the best tier 9's because tier 9 is just a really good tier and generally has some of the best and most balanced tanks in the game.

i dont see 5 tier 10's and 9's so this image is false

I'm sorry that WG murdered the bulldog for you guys.

>TKing Rapidfetus


T-34-3 is now mega cozy with current broken tier VIII mm
>face 3 or 5 tier IX tank at WORST
>can pen just about everything frontally with HEAT except fair and balanced super heavies
>when facing godzillas can flank™ them (depends on map) because lmao medium and not ISIS-6
>T-62A levels of camo that work wonders when flanking
>can overmatch cheese wedges with regular ammo
>can slap sidescraping faggots with HE shell for ~200dmg
>1 week away from receiving aimtime and armor buff

eks deee

As a member of the fastfetus succ force I am deeply offended and hurt that you would do this to your own team-mate especially someone as good and kind as the one and only fastfetus I hope you tracked him and he died a slow painful death

God damn it's beautiful.

Its better than the E-100 and its a tier lower. I know that isn't saying much since the E-100 is trash, but the E-75 is great. Or it was great back when I played it

The E75 is very user friendly. One of the easiest tanks to play when you fully upgrade it.

So how many decades of time will this add before WG gets around to reworking shit maps and adding new ones?

HD maps are all brand new user, they redesigned each existing map from scratch.

first 12 are being tested today. released this year.

How do I stop getting shat on in my new Swedish TD? It seems like if I get a city map, I'm just not supposed to get any damage and anytime I get spotted I die instantly.

don't get spotted

Don't play Swedish TD's

>playing the most bitch class in the game
>how do I stop getting treated like a bitch

skorpion g >>>>>>>>>>>>>strv s1 > axm cda > wz 120 > old and busted


why do people here hate zippyzygote so much?
are you autismal NEETs that butthurt that he has a PhD, hot wife, massive twitch income and is a unicum while you are bearly green that lives in your single mothers basement and is a kissless virgin?
pic related, its (You).

he phones it in on youtube for the redditbucks and you can't pretend he doesn't

you can't blame the man, it's free money, but its not great content
his salty 3 am ranked streams are great cause he starts to tell it like it is

I don't hate him, I regularly watch his videos and enjoy them. They're informative and generally interesting; but then I also have a stable, well paid job, a Masters, several certifications, on my way to starting a PhD,and I'm teal with unicum recent, so maybe that's why I don't hate him

>tank with turret is better than tank without one

they hate success.

I just hate that he's really really soft on WG.
The only notable video where he's hard on WG is the animu tanks and the reason why he grew some balls there was because talking shit about the animu tanks only hurts WG Asia and even then the people who buys the animu tanks don't speak English and probably don't watch him.

I hope you said nigger in chat so you will be highlighted in a video.

never 5get

Im getting more XP grinding the VK 30.01 with the 100mm Howitzer and firing nothing but HE. That using the 75mm Waffe gun.

Its kinda ridiculous

>tier 5 derp guns are better than 75mms with bad dpm
ummm sweety?

Im new

bigger guns do more damage

HE has higher damage numbers so it does more damage. This is true on all guns

Honestly, its kinda refreshing to experience World of Tanks chat after experiencing Wargame Red Dragon all chat.

So many diffrent ways to say cuck...


>wot all chat has been disabled for like a year now
I miss asking people if they're mentally handicapped or got learning difficulties

anyone else stuck on the loading screen on the test server?

It's up my dudes.

Logged in just fine.

where can i get a decent bot? i dont wanna play the archer.

It's bugged so one team doesn't load into the game.

guy in previous thread lied, you can share stuff from the sandbox server

wait so anyone can go on it?

Well this has been shit.

>not being invited to every sandbox iteration
shaking my head

im new

Q: Did WG learn anything from the Black Tanks? (The T-34B, IS6 B, SchwarzPanzer 58)

A: In the black tank case, they are meant to celebrate the American’s Black Friday. Back then, we don’t have much time to prepare for it (3 weeks). So, we decided to simply paint them black so we can get them ready on time for Black Friday (introducing new vehicles will means extra testing times and modelling for tanks as well). As using existing tanks with a different skin doesn’t affect the game balancing, we want to play safe at that time, but we wanted to make them as quick as possible.

>blacked tanks were made explicitly to rip off clappers
like pottery


I don't get the SonicFingerblaster hate. Sure he treads on egg shells when it comes to WG bullshit but the man has a Belarusian mail order bride to feed and bong rent to pay. Also he has a minuscule influence but enough to sometimes change stuff for North America and EU. He is also good at possibly drawing in new players which the game needs to not remain a tier 8 shitfest.

Today is nation coming out day

Is there anything you want tell us, user?

I hate this game.

>Update sandbox client cause muh HD maps
>SD client is still available

I think I'm french

I'm unironically a polack

Okay wow.

This new graphics engine changes everything.

I feel sorry for anyone currently developing a tank game because WG is going to corner the market share with this hot piece of ass.

nice hot takes from 2011

Reminder: Don't send empty applications, they will be declined

>joining autismal weeb clans

>playing ded gaem





>current year
>not playing on laptop that barely runs game at minimal settings
baka desu



when is the patch?

October 17th (RU)

I can do the t37 in that time, thanks

>the patch drops
>wot loses half its playerbase because they cant run it anymore

Its gonna happen

Not really, I get nearly the same FPS as usual when I manage to fucking get into a battle because WG can't do anything right

I built a new computer in june and I get drops to 30fps if I leave the game running too long with max settings on the SD client


What specs?

1050ti fx-8350

How do you use the Char B1? I have a 33% win rate

1050ti is hot garbage m8

And RAM?

When you start getting FPS drops, open your resource monitor and see if there's some process/service causing those spikes, your PC should be running the game fine

Nigga a 660 can run HD client maxed out at 1080p with arguably playable (40-60) FPS. That's how I used to roll.

I get 117 unlocked framerate average its just slavic coding and memory leaks
which makes me not trust that they're gonna have their shit in order for people with cheap computers

Seriously, check your resource monitor. Leave it open and start checking it when you get FPS drops. That really sounds like some shitty windows service firing up now and then.

yeah dude its world of tanks consuming the resources

t. 50 running processes, razer mouse app, torrenting in background

>bitching about performance
>give honest advice to troubleshoot your issues
>"nah it's le shitty wot xd"
Do us all a favor and hang yourself.

so what is the best tier 9 medium?
E50, M46, T-10, T-54, Batshit or T50?



or maybe you guys are just retards giving unplug it and plug it back in tier advice?

>literally doesn't know what the resource monitor is
>task manager not showing services, or even process from all users
>"it's your fault I'm computer illiterate"

Yeah. Keep digging yourself deeper.

>do you guys think wot will run fine on toasters with the new graphics?
>probably not, it starts to chug after 4 hours on a 300 dollar pc now
>lmao check your processes retard
>memory leaks? in my slavic freemium grinder? impossible!

I leave my client open for hours on end, nothing of the sort happens. My PC used to be worse than yours, with the client open for hours, nothing of the sort happened. That's with HD, too, not even SD. I'm telling you the probable reason for it, and you're choosing to ignore that possibility while showing you can't even understand the advice properly.

Yeah, you're a fucking retard.

I just hope they don't fuck up the mods with the new graphics. I can't play without my aimbot.

What is this anomaly and when did WG introduce Agroprom map ?

>HD maps
so... shiny...

Which tank or country requires the least amount of brains to win?

is7 line
jap heavy line


>your average yellow having over 45% wr with arties

>tfw 53,54% win rate
>second most played tank is SU-8

did they enhanced the invisible wall too?