Emotes edition! Post your emote collection!
OT: eyosongive.us
Emotes edition! Post your emote collection!
OT: eyosongive.us
that sterak's buff is going to be so good for nasus
>no one in OCE bought emotes
>yanks are fucking eating them up
Really makes me think
I only need the Lux emote to spam at people missing CS
But I'm on oce and that's my collection in the OP...
>actually buying emotes like a complete mongol
End yourself and dont post here again
Is that Riven emote when you show her your sandwitch?
get banned on main acc for using bad words now i dont get rewards shieet XD
That shit's gonna probably make shit like Irelia and Camille more relevant in top lane again since they're mobile as fuck so they can get in and dish out the damage needed quickly, not to mention they can abuse sheen procs better.
When are they adding the smug Riven emote?
I am ready to spread happiness!
when you hang yourself
2.50€ for one emote
xth for Syndra
Smug SG Ahri first.
What are your thoughts with the new runes? Happy? Sad? Angry?
I'm liking it. Shit looks interesting and could possibly make me not dependent with sites like champion.gg in regards to what runes/masteries I should go with to a specific champion, which I'm currently doing with the current runes/masteries.
Everyone gets to use the runes regardless of their profile level right?
So, how many (and why not more) games of MIDLANE EVELYNN have you played already?
how do i disable emotes? not for one player, like, permanently
That's true too, I'm curious to see which champs come back from the grave thanks to this change
It's ok. You can get them from loot soon enough. Imagine rolling one of those instead of skin shard.
You can disable enemy emotes from ingame options.
I find it funny that the option to edit emotes in the champ select came before being able to edit runes.
Runes are getting delet though, why waste resources on something we don't need anymore?
The patch thing is here, why haven't they teased the new champ???
Makes sense desu, one is more important than the other.
Am i supposed to be seeing top/mid/jun... categories in champ select now instead of the old ones? Also aren't you supposed to be able to put different champions into different categories? Did I dream about reading this?
which one gives them money?
Are you implying runes were planned to be deleted since 2011?
I'm 100% sure this choice to reforge the runes has only been on the dev table since 2016.
Does anyone know when the lvl cap thing changes? Like November?
aaaand emotes are older than that? No.
Nice, everyone could use a bit of happiness.
Riven has the best and most muscular butt.
Best for buttsex. She can literally milk you dry just by clenching her butt cheeks.
Are you implying emotes were planned to be released since 2011?
I'm 100% sure this choice to release the emotes has only been on the dev table since 2015.
They needed the new client and by the time it came out and was working it was too late for runes. Plus they made money off rune pages.
>having sex with male bodybuilders
We've had the choice to change masteries since 2011, which means we've had mastery editing for 6 years.
Go us! We're the best!
Am I gonna get compensation for all the runes pages I have?
>lvl 3 evelynn ult does 800 damage to everyone with 500ap
>instant karthus ult
$3.50 for a fucking shittily drawn emote, Riot are the money-grubbingest jews ever
There can literally never be anything more jewish than Visual Update Udyr
>Not Irelia
Have some taste, user.
Yes. You get blue essence for each rune page bought with IP or RP.
How do I get a gf like evelynn?
Better be the equivalent of what I spent
is it in this patch or the next one ?
Did they change the rune system yet? Is it the preseason yet?
How are you guys playing eve and seeing the emotes already the servers are still down for maintenance
1, against a zed. She's shit. I went sort of even but couldn't do anything to escape ganks then fell behind to go into a mediocre mid/late game. Her kit needs some work, and not the up her numbers kind. She has a lot of core problems.
Well she's a jungler not a midlaner so you're obviously going to have some trouble playing her mid.
Find a woman who has a dominant personality and is willing to chew you up and spit you out if it suits her needs, and then be good in bed.
Popular opinion suggests that the first part is easy, but the last part may be difficult for you.
You could also put your dick in crazy, but that has a whole host of difficult and possibly life-altering consequences.
Everybody getting mad over emotes for monies.
If i remember correctly, you will be able to buy them with IP (blue essense) soon.
I don't think they are exclusivly $ only.
>The world is america
A demon? Try latina.
superior region
peopleare mad because emotes are shit and they shouldnt have even bothered making them fucktard
I just want Victorious Graves.
What have I done to deserve this teams over and over. I have 8 victories for 23 loses.
Fuck you
Find a cougar
Well all the important places at least.
Preseason is coming soon, so they'll probably wait a bit more.
Stop playing a dosgshit champions and building shit maybe?
>Be shit at the game
>Exhaustive list of champions I find fun: Ezreal, Yasuo, _________Nothing fucking else________
>Know I'll never be godtier at any of it
old eve was fine mid. Not meta, but certainly doable
Why is she so perfect Veeky Forums...?
>peopleare mad because emotes are shit and they shouldnt have even bothered making them fucktard
I'm often surprised at the rate at which I get reminded of other peoples shit taste
>Wants to get out of Silver
>Builds like a bronzie and plays bronzie champions
>Plays literally every role instead of sticking to one main and one sub role
Gee I dunno boss, what could possibly be going wrong?
I'll give you that the day I lose lane and I fuck map awareness. Until then imma keep complaining
>Pick Ornn
>Pick Ornn in sub D4
>Teammates spend a thousand fucking gold on worthless upgrades 20 minutes into the game
>buy them with IP
well fuck I just wasted 5 bucks for two emots then.
any source on buying with blue essense?
I see no problem with them since they can be disabled, you just sound like an edgy teenager to me.
That being said, i hope the next step of the emotes, are implementing the ones they use on the forums, the Start Guardian ones in particular.
If you likeemotes consider playing club penguin or hello kitty island, games that revolve about communicating and emoting
this is a fucking 5v5 moba gsame and it has no place for emotes
kill yourself
>he thinks winning lane means he deserves to win
If you don't leave now you will be late to school and mommy will be mad at you.
cant wait for everyone to complain about "toxicity" when people start spamming masteries and emotes above their bodies when they get dunked on
Whoa there buddy why so toxic all of a sudden?
Because, like Morello, you have a rapt fascination with a character who's eternally stuck being 5 years old
new evelynn is AWFUL
what the fuck were they thinking?
It defeats the purpose of an invisible stalker if you're visible in lane 90% of the time
>namefag calling out others
1,500 BE - Mystery icon box (guaranteed to be an icon you don't already own)
2,000 BE - Chromas (includes all chromas that have been available for at least six months)
2,500 BE - “Mystery Mini” Icons Box (exclusive to the special BE store)
3,950 BE - Mystery Champions (guaranteed to be a champion you don't already own)
4,900 BE - Mystery ward skin box (guaranteed to be a ward skin you don't already own)
6,000 BE - Rune ward skin (exclusive to the special BE store)
50,000 BE - "Make it Rain" emote (exclusive to the special BE store)
50,000 BE and up - Gemstones (First one costs 50,000, second costs 75,000, third costs 100,000. Limited to three per account during the special BE store sale)
75,000 BE - “Money Bags” emote (exclusive to the special BE store)
150,000 BE - URFWick skin (now exclusive to the special BE store)
the "Make it Rain" one.
But he's arguing the opposite of what you're implying
How would a teen annie skin even work? Her model can't be that different to her current one. She'd either look like a midget or her model would be noticeably larger than her other skins. Think about how a full grown annie would look at her current models size, it wouldn't work
i started lurking Veeky Forums something like 4 years ago and i have to say i'm kind of sad about this one general, it's actually one of the most active and has some of the most fun/interesting game related discussions but god fucking dammnit i just can't get over all the 30yo virgins waifuniggers, they're too many and i honestly don't understand why they're allowed to do this, they bring nothing, absolutely nothing to the discussion and just distrupt the overall flow of the general, i really like you /lolg/ but for fuck sake these people should just end themselves
>It'd be like making a Stripper Leona - it would sell well, but be offensive to the character's fanbase in a lot of ways
What did he mean by this.
what are you even doing on Veeky Forums if you hate waifufags?
the real problem are the tripfags and namefags which for some reason run rampant in this general
>Hey we should grow this character up!
Then go discuss the game on reddit where you belong normie
thanks user.
guess I'll do my best to save up as much as possible IP right now for some of those.
Is this why Valkyrie Leona's skirt turns see-through in brush? Because this is her secret stripper skin?
Is this the tranny Janna main?
The implication, even back then, was that it'd be an ultimate tier skin. In her original lore, it mentioned that she'd basically be the most powerful mage in Runeterra once she was older. A ridiculous amount of Rioters (even more than the 5 separate ones mentioned in the OP of that thread) supported the idea based on that context, but Morello, who was Lead Content Designer of the time, said no because aging a character means you're sexualizing them at the time they're a child (?).
They then released Prom Queen Annie and Sweetheart Annie.
What time do servers come up for NA? "6:00" doesn't mean jack fucking shit to me.
>I AM SILLY rhetoric
Try again when you're older than twelve, babby.