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tfw no pyro update edition

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first for viva is gay

i made a terrible decision today /tf2g/

second for viva is gay

Reminder that SVIFT is playing Ascent.EU today at 3:15 EST. Froyotech is also playing Ascent.NA tonight at 11 PM. Match detail pages here: teamfortress.tv/43953/etf2l-s28-w4-svift-vs-top5rocket
Can't wait for both forms of SVIFT going against the two different Ascent teams, but Thaigrr would've probably slept through the NA match again.

>botkiller weapons
jesus christ

He changes his name often. It's always the same guy, though. Twilight Sparkle avatar, Twilight Sparkle in his name, in a group with like a hundred Twilight Sparkle alts, Twilight Sparkle weapon renames. He's been at it for fucking years, he probably thinks he's just so epic.

That airshot was so nice, though.

how are bronies 300% more autistic than furfags

they're furfags on roids

which one of you buckos snitched on me?


How about that update?


u are gay

very gay

Shut up and bag my groceries

realy maeks u dink

add him and tell him to pottis

i'm not adding this slimebag

customers bag the groceries

i can bag ur body

nice name my man :)

dont make fun of viva. disabled people are people too

Update on 9/6, right? No? How about 10/10. Has to happen then, right??



would cheatboy be able to defeat twilight sparkle

nobody can stand the might of cheatboy
he's the cheat itself

*blocks his path*

why do i feel like killing myself after looking at that

who doesn't

Has anyone ever tried to make this into an actual item set?


does this work for anyone else

works FINE for me

prove dat shit now lil nigga

ok, here's my demo with a timestamp

This is the worst part of TF2 or any community. If that dude is older than 12 years he should just end it all.

wtf why wont it work for me


>Not having the Patreon banner on adblock

I never go on that site so I don't really care


Hello sir. I understand your frustrations. What problem are you having?


none of the buttons do anything i want to play dress up with my mercenaries

the site is being allowed through noscript and everything it needs but it wont work

i'm on pale moon

god, i fucking hate those subhumans


disgusting subHUMANS REEEEEEE

go jump in a wood chipper, petrov



i thought this was dumb until i tried modeling

its really not easy

>mfw TF2 players are never ever going to get their update
>mfw Overwatch already got their's

Face it /tf2g/ youre dead. You wish you couldve hit the heights of Overwatch, but you never have, never will.

i bet it is hard but i still find it funny as fuck, i swear i saw him in a dream

we've been alive for a fucking decade my dude
nothing is going to kill us

>Get a recycled update

If things goes like in dota 2, the halloween event is going to get the same transformation as diretide in dota 2.

isn't the overwatch haloween event just the same as last year

I don't play OW or TF2 anymore but you have to remember that OW has gotten a steady stream of new characters, maps, and other shit.

Compared to TF2 it's updates are 100% better.

yeah but new skins

i got one of the legendary ones from my free loot box

shit game

i wish valve weren't so dumb and unaware of how good tf2 could have kept being

>Comparing a shiny new game to something that's 10 years old
Compare the amount of updates Overwatch is getting to the updates TF2 got when it was around the same age.

overwatch niggers on suicide watch

You guys are fucking obsessed. TF2 was already on the way out regardless of overshit

Yeah but they are going to end with a lot of useless stuff since Blizzard is bad at balancing stuff. In dota 2, at least you have only 3 useless heros from over 100 and thats a big achievment.

Sonner or later we are going to get shinny new models because the game was meant to be have long term development

There there user, it's okay. You're simply grieving over your dead (shitty) game.

>mfw tf2 turns 12 the shit games like PUBG and overwatch will be completely dead

also, why do people think the Pyro update will be good? Every past update Valve has made has been a big piece of shit. What makes you think this one will be any different?

I'm only here to mine some fucking salt and I'll be back when (if) the update launches since it will be shit.

holy h*ck scout if fun


not as fun as hitting pipes as demo

I may be a fucking idiot but this game is shit and you know it.

60 bucks my dude 60 bucks

I actually spent at least like 180.

I'm a sucker for loot boxes :)

but you cant push as easily as scout when you are 9 health

>Coming into the thread for a completely different unrelated game just to shitpost
>Don't even post actually good bait, just blatant shitposting
Dude. At least put some fucking effort into it.

Shrugger says otherwise.

you can't push anything easily at 9 health

just don't get hit idiot. you could even cap last


nice job my man hope you like your soulless game with some great diversity™, retarded gameplay and balance made by autists

I don't play OW anymore, haven't touched it since the Chinese update.

I find both games boring now. I never said OW was a good game.

>I don't like anything look how badass I am
ok user.

Where did I imply that makes me a badass?

I'll admit I was a fuck wad to come here and shitpost but I do like other games, mostly weeb RPGs.

We're going fast. What fired your love for this dying game?
We can't even tell if we're getting an update at Halloween or at xmas even.
All in all, I'll send an angry mail at Valve again for balance changes.

I just bought it hoping that I could play it with my D3 friends but most of them already left the ship. Bought but never played it, having an old rig and pretty limited hdd and bandwidth don't help. I should shill out for an sdd or something.

Why did Sheila put her pennies in a circle?
To make ends meet!

Overwatch is like the most sterile and boring thing i have ever played.

and yet you're still going on about it jesus christ. doesn't take much to trigger y'all huh?

overwatch is casualized as heck

im not triggered tho

>entire enemy team goes pyro cause im behind their spawn piping everyone who comes near me

does b4nny have autism or is he a sadist.

his fragging comments are really strange

Shot poster here.

It was a great game that I could enjoy with my brother. I have so many memories of the two of us pub stomping when I pocketed him.

Just the overall silliness and fun. But that charm is gone and I believe the game is more than dead now. Emailing valve will accomplish nothing and the community should just let go.

Valve only cares about the money they get from hats, nothing else. If you believe otherwise you're naive. This is the truth and it really does upset me to that. Im just spitefull such a good game became such a steaming pile of shit.

Neither. He's an extremely competitive person who takes TF2 much more seriously than pretty much anyone else because his entire income and lifestyle is dependent on TF2.



you fucking stupid weeaboo they said it wont come out in a week, fucking dense weeaboos



direct hit nerf when

Doesn't need one

skill based weapons never need nerfs. only buffs

Pre-SVIFT match pugs by Thaigrr if you're interested.

sounds extremely homosexual

>my ideal updates are skins, most of which I have to pay real money for