Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.

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I offer this squat on your behalf, shes an excellent charr

Third for Tomcat bae

The socks really go well with the dress.

Just want to put it out there before the botsperg fucks things up, I got my first pre drop this week and it was fucking Carcharias.

Carry on.

The first on SNES.

and that's why nobody takes you seriously

yep freezes after credits dunno if bug or suppose to happen

this is the most autistic thing I've ever read

make 2 underwater legendaries and get twice told legend

Name 6 that have only gotten a dick just recently

ctrl+f for this
good job m8

Made Mirage to celebrate the mesmer spec when it was announced.

I think I'm done with anything underwater.

instead, just rename them all to*.sfc by batch file

I'd like to say dragon

Dropped it after first play attempt, which was for an hour or so. Felt that it was way, way too shitty to be worth playing.

>playing old games


Are you playing the blue co-op battles? Battles against real people are in the ranked battles, with the red logo. Check what it says in the thing next to the large orange button with "fight" or something on it

I don't understand this about Veeky Forums. I never said any of that.

It's free you dingus.

engleski mi nije naj al prolazi

1 word: Miyamoto

Gratz user, talk nicer about our senpai jugg tho pls, he needs to come back and try pof with us

or just use this is the command prompt in windows.
rename *.smc *.sfc

>using a secondary
user does your family know about the tumor in your brain?

forgot to rate others
didn't like gravity rush or metro
don't like the witcher, great taste though ther est are some of my favorites ever too.

>he refusing do draw Vuncia r34, drawing some random charr instead

You've been posting this inexcusably blurred out photo for long enough that either you sold all of those or it isn't even really yours at all

How would he know? He's posting secondhand information.

apparently it's penny that cheats on you so you should be fine

But I don't want to fuck it
she is in 3

>Never played X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter though.
Don't bother. It's just a rehash of missions from the prior two games along with a multiplayer that nobody uses anymore.

X-Wing Alliance is fresh content that's worth playing, however.

Maybe he has a translator you poor little shits.

How much xp are we getting for this? I only need 2k for next level.

Looks pretty good, but there's a lot of ledges that are missing fences.

It's just obvious they dumped all effort in the game. I bet they didn't even bother to hire the same composer because they didn't want to invest anything into their shovelware.

>the enemy encounters are explicitly non "scripted" though
Except they are you dummy, they always appear in the same places and always follow the same patrols.

why did they change steel from having a cool charge to having a shitty shieldsmack

not ok

>I don't want to

More like you can't and deluded yourself into believing it was a conscious choice

I'm actually working on a new save pack for Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium. It's technically just my OLD saves from YEARS ago, but I never finished them 100% so I figured I'd try to finish them up and release them.

just buff its stats and leave the slots be

What's a good retro jrpg?

a different class

Wait, this game is free now? Are there any downsides? Lvl cap? Content locked beyond paywall? Gamebreaking items you have to buy for real money?

The modem cartridges are 100 bucks.

To be fair he does have Sephiroth cancer and is dying. I'd probably be bummed out too.

>They thought bad camera, floaty platforming, bland empty maps, and quizzes were what backers were looking for.

I think that was just their lack of funds and poor design.

Do you think Katakuri is into wincest?

>no boats

I cant't imagine the happiness of fans if Kiss actually made xx3. But they wont

That's the next expansion. It's Legion except every low level grunt demon is replaced by a major figure like Mannoroth. The final boss is just a council of a bunch of Sargeras'.
World of Warcraft: Warlords of the Legion

I mean, the paint job is pretty decent but that's a pretty awful colour palette you've gone with


oh thanks i didn't know

Anet will make uw content again, next raid. Trust


So how did Monday Night Blockbuster go?


>some newfag constantly asking leika related stuff for the past 5 threads
>other fags reply to him explaining said stuff
>hurr it's just psor!!!
>meanwhile literally nobody from here plays on the shitheap of nobba

Wish I had one of those when I was playing through the Mega man series. X's's included.

>Medieval-fantasy RTS?

It plays more like a real time tactics game than an RTS. There's no base-building, every unit matter.


It's easy af, I beat it second try. Just keep running up the stairs.

she doesn't look okay...

no xenogames are worth playing. low tier weeb shit.

Even with dom5 coming out there's a lot of other players playing dom4 still. Including myself.

Moar speed
Better movement options

PFft, fuck you babbies. Here is your GotY

Fuck Monika

Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 on N64 is highly recommended if you like Japanese wrestling.

Returning to Velika for various things.

>win third person server game
>ended game aiming down sights
>post screenshot of win
>no one will ever know

Prepare to now get several in a short space of time

it's only good until Tower of Gods. After that it's tedious as fuck.

How about something that's not 600 dollars?

Get a move on!

Of course the female characters get naked. Those are Satoshi Urushihara games. I'd bet my bottom dollar they have bumpy areolas and get teary eyed at the drop of a hat, too.

Probably, but with proper rollback it should be slightly better (as they would just get delayed, instead of becoming a teleport fest), and with regional matchmaking I could be rid of them.

Feel free to counter a point. Or just continue shitposting.

If only BQs weren't absolute shit on ship2 it wouldn't have been that bad.

Usually you can curve a flat brim, but flattening a curved brim requires an iron. In this case though it may be a technical requirement for the speakers and fully rigid.

On SOME rev 2s. Since OP is in Japan, patched rev 2 bioses may be more or less common. There are certainly rev 2s out there that won't boot mil-cds while all 0s and 1s will, guaranteed.


Which is worse, shadowverse or this game? The amount of bitching in /svg/ is driving me nuts.

how do I get hardwood

We are going to celebrate best girl Cattleya's birthday, right?

it's a voltorb

there are no new games and people are dropping the old ones waiting for Dom5, thats why we are so dead

As someone who hasn't played Robotron 64 because I though the graphics were ugly, how does it compare to the original arcade game?
Were there any enhancements or new features?

I've only played the arcade version, which I do love.

Fuck off Rayxanber, you should have waited to break the boss crystal you leach

The fuck with the spam

cut it out you autists

Is this autist actually trying to push all other threads off the board?

You can't make me

I'm still up for more matches.

no, the bunch of bats that started following you, maybe i'm remembering wrong but i believe these protected you

any sr rooms open?

Giant rosters just lead to terrible balance.
The gameplay is easy to pick up and play, but has enough depth to allow high level competition
