League of Legends general - /lolg/

Riven is cute and not a hobo edition

OT: eyosongive.us

I'll wait forever for Illaoi buffs if I have to

Nigger they JUST upgraded Steraks for you this patch

Reminder that Riven is definitely a hobo

why is every single yordle cancer


>always wondered why all of valoran canonically hates yordles
>now know why

Vlad is so qt

Yay finally i get out of the Honor 2 club (i've only played for a month)

But i wonder, i just played 4 ARAms today, and didn't get honored in ANY of them, and as i was just watching some youtube on my other screen, this literally just happened, which begs the question, is it also timed as well? or do honor levels ONLY come from honor gains?

Cause it seems weird that this just popped up as i was AFK

xth for Syndra

just got mastery 7 on irelia feels good

I miss old Lego Legends


I can't play any real games until my classes are over, but new Eve's burst potential seems pretty high, even early game.

I too am retarded.

hello fellow e gurl x)
your teammates probably honored after you left the lobby

Buddy come on is it too much to ask for some more personal love?

reminder that Riven is a hobo so you are free to rape her

honor level ups are manually triggered in some manner

>5 loss streak
>demoted to silver 3

I win lane I lose game
I lose lane I lose game
this is fucking frustrating

I can't play anymore of this shit today or I'm going to go berserk on someone

how have you not hit honor 5 1st week lol

yeah the vote for charity is a vote for helping niggers. just look at the details.

You get a small amount of honor progression every game you play, and a little bit more for each honor you get. When you hit the threshold it more or less randomly gives it to you within the next hour. Must be a trigger sent by the server or something.

I love Lissandra!
She is a hobo though. A cute one though.

Whats your ign user? Maybe we can climb out of silver together

>everybody picking Eve

I just want to try one normal with her, fuck

>350RP for an emote
Fucking shameless.
Just disable chat and give very basic emotes to everybody and the quality of the games improve 1000%

You also get some extra honor if everyone on your team honors someone.

>Riven is cute
Agreed. Good taste. Damn earlyfag.
>and not a hobo
Debatable. I'd like more insight.

Gotta be faster at instalocking


you have to get the towers too silver-kun

Is this the worst skin in years

I think it looks cool

>give very basic emotes to everybody
Your lack of research and reading into these matters is shameful.

It's nice, if plain. Poor use of theme as well.

It wouldnt be that bad if thehair was flowing and didnt look like carboard

I'm going draft, since my internet usually gets beat out by others


>Reddit hating on the new zed and kat skins

Will they get changed or removed like the amumu and blitz ones before?

the new halloween skins look way too much like Kalista

i just woke up and bought two emojis
i lost control of my life
help me
kat is pretty trash tier
zed needs a few things tweaked

dont think they will because then that means Riot will have literally nothing to show for this years harrowing (they already made the Icons and everything)

Riot will just reduce the prices to 975 and make some retarded post about "prices not quite meeting the bar"

>tfw eve will never kill you

She is cute and a potentially a hobo, whom I would help.

>playing with eve on my team
>2 levels and 40cs behind the enemy jungler

>haven't done the rift herald or baron missions
>new eve release

Why the fuck was this cancelled and not released as a 500 RP skin?

I like her hair etc, but this should be a chroma for an already available Kat skin, this should NOT be a skin in and of itself, it's literally just a pallet swap.

>nice in and of themselves
>poor execution, especially of theme
>even less fitting for the Harrowing event
Something's got to give. I wouldn't mind removal.
All that said, keep Viktor, though, it's lacking technology.

why does it seem that every fucking game in silver turns into a fucking aram mid

like i get rotations but this is fucking retarded

>months without wasting a penny on this dumb game
>desire to buy increases

What about this says halloween ? I don't get their thought proces

I can't do duos, I always end up playing worse

I try but it feels like I'm the only one putting pressure on the map, I kill the top laner, the enemy jungler or midlaner comes top, meanwhile no one else is pushing their lanes it happens all the time

For example I teleported bottom and killed the ADC, my botlane runs off into the enemy jungle to chase after an enemy lux, meanwhile my jungler is dying to the top laner pushing my tower. I hate pulling the 'muh team' excuse I can only do so much as one person.

Who is the best midlaner on lolgen?

I own every Annie skin in the game, and i barely play her, Annie skins are like collectors items.

They're like furbies.

>wake up
>league has emojis now
>back to sleep

I love Camille

If your emote wheel doesn't look like this why even bother.

If you can't release a skin for more than 1350 rp it's not worth releasing at all now

>tfw no qt petite gf

unironically looks like a fan made skin


Are you roaming to bleed your lead to other lanes? Because after you've beaten your lane opponent, you take over the game with map awareness, wards, and ganking overextended people.

>Putting emotes in start and victory

Because there are better emotes and superior feelings than some meme sense of fabulousness.

>find out I have masquerade Eve for some reason
well shit, I guess I gotta start playing her.

all you really have to do is stay in your lane and keep pushing instead of relying on your silver bot lane to do anything
if you can 1v1 anyone on the map you shouldn't have a problem


Stop playing Teemo.

Write me some Camille gurosmut please

Smelly hobo

No mater what lane you are, just build either a Banner or Zz'rots.

It sounds retarded, I know, especially to a Silver player, but they're actually really strong push items in reality. Lanes being pushed is a must have before a fight, to make SURE you can push something afterwards if you win or not. If you LOSE the fight, it forces 1 or 2 to back off to push back the lanes, instead of helping with drag or baron.

I dont know if you remember, but Trick2G's Zz'rots Udyr was beyond cancer about a year ago. Too much splitpushing, too much kiting, too much unwinnable situations even if you do win the 5v5.

Try to convince your support to buy a Banner or Zzrots too. They're really not terrible items.

varg how did you know I was making a teemo rune page right now?

Poppy emote so bad lol. Rito saved ne from wasting my money

Thank goodness they fixed her, though, the bust could still use some work. It feels too push-up like in comparison to her splash, though, to be fair she is lying down there.

1v1s aren't that hard but when you win your 1v1 and then the jungler comes up and you're too low to take him or he even gets a kill in the process it makes things difficult.

Rules of Soloq

Carry by yourself 1v9 or lose.
No way around it.

climbing in flex solo is fucking hard

I actually really like the splash, I think the outfit is a lot classier compared to the old one. As far as the boobage does, I figure the corset-thing she's wearing is just very, very tight. Which I am perfectly okay with.

Do you have the TF saying "this guy is making shit up" in the tribunal?

>he doesn't run a 1% crit rune

everything really

I feel your pain animeposters
I justm ute them all at the start and pretend to live in an emote free world

If I seemed to dislike the splash I must say that's entirely untrue. It's fantastic. I wish the skin lived up to it better is all, but I'll take the improvements we got the the hair and a few other things.

Young Camilla when?

that's why you keep the warding trinket and use it in the top side jungle. you don't even need to necessarily kill one of them as long as you can drag two people to your lane without dying. only go back when you think you're about to lose t2 mid or worse.

I did for a long time. Took it out yesterday, because all it does is make lasthitting harder when you "accidentally" proc it.

What champions do Riot unironically not even remember?

Why do I remember this item?

Holy fuck the absolute state of toxicfags

This thread is a gold mine.

I know exactly which one you mean but I think I lost it when I reinstalled my PC a year ago.

I'd be down for that wholeheartedly too.

>Once you get into game, the default keybind for the emote wheel will be T, but you can rebind it like any other key (looking at you, Lee Sin mains).
pls explain the lee part ty

I found my new main.

Ah I see. I don't pay much attention to ingame models, as long as they're not horrendously ugly, since you don't usually see them in a lot of detail. I care more about effects as far as skins go, and since they're the same in all skins its whatever.


Ward jumping with trinket probably

Fuck I wanted to laugh

can nuEve be played top?

I'm Relaxe on NA. Anyone want a gold brand support? I'm getting back into him since the placebo buff

It's always been her best skin, and it still is after the VU.

>let's take this champ who's entire kit screams JUNGLE/ROAM/GANK and play her in the most passive farming lane in the game