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It's amazing how Shadow and Dragon managed to be the cancer for every expansion

2th for irrumatio and naizuri the neet fairy

who in the right fucking mind thought it was a good idea to give PDK FUCKING FIVE DEFENSE AND NO WAY TO BE ATTACKED AFTER OVERFLOW
how the fuck did this get past playtesting when you have to either save your removal for all three copies of this bitch and ignore the water slut of balanced healing or waste your turn comboing non-random low damage spells and burn effects


>only half way to GM
somebody end my suffering

>every expansion
Shadow was dumpster tier in DE because of Haven, and fucking nobody plays it now aside from Atomy memers.

Why not just stay in masters

t. "honest" sword

nice taste

>playing unga sword

Nerfs when?

>go first
>opponent doesn't quit right away

Is he just BMing because he's going to lose?

I want those sleeves

>kill shadow cancer
>it returns

Atomy is meta

t. swordshitter
Nerf Cleric Lancer and Snake Priestess btw, sword is balanced.

Who cares?
Atomy is a much more pressing issue.

if he would be 6pp i would unironically play him


to be fair, I don't think atomy is deserving of a nerf, but you can't counter their bullshit as long as sword and dragon are infesting ladder
cards that are good atomy checks/counters are dead cards against both of them, so you just take the highroll nowadays if it happens

You still have a 44% chance of winning going 2nd.

Mindless objects don't suffer.

this, I can't believe there's LITERALLY no counters to it

Can't wait for unga shitters to complain about best wife after the nerfs, once midshadow will be back.

classic dragon deflection

>3pp 5/5
it's only a matter of time


>draft one of best sword decks i ever had the chance to get
>one of the worst T2 ever
Fuck it, not even gonna do the last one



Post cards that needs to be nerfed immediately at the end of this month.


Hello newfag

I'm waiting for them to complain about this guy too.

don't do it

>just ramp twice and tennis bro xD

Not a ward, no one cares, hit face.



>Some chink adds me after a game and insults me in broken english

How old is the playerbase for this again?

>dragon daily
>first 2 games are losses against dshift
Tier 0 haha

>preemptively nerfed like SW
I hope I'm wrong.

You can get messages from other players in this?

So to sum up last thread

>A forest player posted a pic of how to get wrecked while doing nothing for 4 turns
>people seeing how good Atomeme deck is
>general consensus is that playable on ladder
>shadownigger started downplaying their deck in order to avoid nerfs like Daria and Lion
>Their argument:
>highroll: there is no way to draw into Atomy consistently
>One user calculated that you have 75% to get Atomy if you aggressively mulligan for it
>evidence ignore, but some shadownigger started to say that their deck is not highroll shit
>Another shadownigger argument: Seriously go play the deck yourself
>We all know that the deck is more than playable in ladder, so most ignored it
>one user used the infamous food analogy to counter the argument
>the other user pointed out that the stats presented above and tell the shadownigger that feels = real is a bad argument
>ignored and moving the goalpost again
>things died down for a while, but shadownigger still dropping bait for people to bite
>one ungaswordbab took the bait, and get into lengthy argument where both side look bad and none uttered a sensible sentence
>the original forest poster came back and said "shut up, don't be like hearthstone"
>now people are talking about whether Atomy deck is a highroll deck or not
>if it is highroll, it means it is unhealthy for the game since it is getting more and more traction on ladder
>if it is not highroll, it means that it is totally playable on ladder by itself, making all the effeort to downplay the deck by shadownigger useless



>7pp 10/10 and generates 6 shadows
What the FUCK Cygames?

Poor NEET is now twice guilty of other craft's sins.


to sum up your post: autism

You can chat in SV?


Why is it too hard to click on your cards and drag the line to the face?



>he explicitly admits he probably just got lucky in his tweet


>you have 75% to get Atomy if you aggressively mulligan for it

Holy shit fuck off with your autism already, nobody cares.

I seriously hope you are not loosing with PDK against dshift that would be pathetic.

Atomy should only banish not destroy

I win more often than not aganist pdk with my build,but I imagine the new evenmorestorm build wrecks me completely

>evo storm
whoa i'm a genius

look how smug he is damn


It is still not settled whether the deck is highroll or not in the last thread. However, one thing for sure: it is totally playable and can help you climb on ladder, so either way shadowniggers cannot downplay the deck anymore.

Move on to the next topic: nerfs.

Seems like Sword and Dragon are the candidate for nerfs this time. In my personal opinion only two nerfs are needed: PDK and Ephemera.

Ephemera is what making going first and going second winrate having such a huge differences. Nerfing her definitely hurt aggro sword, and brought the winrate to an acceptable degree of differences. Hopefully people start play midsword.

PDK is the root of all problems. Dragon can make a deck that is heavy on draws and small followers, maintaining the board advantage whole chipping the enemy leader. Storm is used as a secondary wincon to secure the win if dragon lost the board fight.

Why no Sibyl nerf? There is only 1 reason: it would kill ramp dragon. Nerfing PDK is enough to bring dragon back to acceptable winrate, no need to kill the entire class.

Skullfane and Eidolon too

I bet she was 2/2 and PDK somehow get away with 3PP 1/5 stat

I realized ill never use the emblem and sleeves anyways. just play for fun

His evo is even smugger.

On turn 4, assuming you go first.


Because its rune vs dragon

Dragon is allowed to have all overstatted followers with 5 effects in one so retards can be like NO DONT NERF IT IT'LL KILL THE CLASS!!!

I only once lost to dshfit and that was when I drew my whole lategame till turn 4

I was a bystander for most of it, grabbing burger and stuff.

>tfw had to topdeck Albert for beat a DShift
Time to stop for today


nerf atomy and ephemera

pls dont touch our dragon cards it'll kill the craft and we dont want that

>me unga me bunga
>me hit face
>me Engleesh good

>first month winrates
>meaning anything


to be honest my list handles board floods much better than your usual shift so I'm not representative

We need to nerf Atomy, Aegis, and Seraph right now.

>first 'month' winrates don't mean anything
Why are we nerfing neutral blood again? We should have let the meta settle for 2 months at least.

>deflecting to dragon

PDK needs a nerf but dragon did nothing wrong, stop dragging us into your fight with your retarded cousin unga sword. Fuck off.

Because they will be OP in the future. Preemptive nerfs are necessary

>dragon did nothing wrong

Round table should also be nerfed to pull 2 different captains, or make it cost of 3 or less. Or both, something like that. Or might as well nerf cock to get 1/2s instead of 1/3 which are irremovable with normal aoe turn 5.

>all classes having sub-50% winrate when going second

So the meme is real?

>nerfing sword tutoring
They didn't even touch maid during Albertcraft days.

I think we are getting trolled at this point

>75% to get Atomy
That's fucked and you know it. Getting Soul Dear OR Belph by turn 4 is 60% if you aggressively mulligan for either of them
And even if you could get it that percentage is irrelevant since alone Atomy does nothing. You have to get the other cards needed to build up the board in order to proc his effect. Of course shadow has disgusting card draw now, but that's beside the point.

Now before everyone jumps on me, I'm not saying Atomy needs or doesn't need a nerf. Just stating that chance of drawing Atomy alone isn't a valid point to discuss his balance.

Yeah PDK needs a nerf, but stop using us a shield for your fight against ungasword. You guys should settle the issue among yourself.

>dragon did nothing wrong

The only thing that needs to be nerfed to the fucking ground here is dragon so we can have a good meta again

Sword can be walled/controlled but you cant do that with balanced dragon of fair followers

>but dragon did nothing wrong
You can't make this sit up.

Bring Juliet to 3/2 Rush to make Romeo and Juliet kill each other :^)

see for the math

I have to do a disclaimer too, I don't support either side, I just think the deck is very playable on the ladder.

Truth be told Ceres is a ridiculous anti-aggro card
It's everything you'd want in a card to deal with wheenies, her not having ward is actually a bonus since she has to be answered anyway and a you can put her behind a ward, potentially getting an extra heal or two.

My opponent played romeo while I was playing unga sword

I felt compelled to play and ram the juliet in my hand into his romeo for some reason. Its neat that she has special lines when romeo is on the field.

That math was wrong, it was later corrected by another user who actually knows probabilities.

Sword was the one who argued with them shadowniggers Of course dragon needs a nerf but don't drag us into your autistic mess.

Cause maid was a fucking 1/1 for 2pp and pulled completely random captain which is perfectly fine. Round table not only has positive value of putting into play 6pp worth of followers for 5pp but also allows to draw specific 3pp commanders from deck without sacrificing commanders of different value. Exactly what pre-nerf gobu did, btw.

>banish board leaving a 4/4 body t7 or higher

>exhaust evolution point
>banish board leaving a 0/5 on t5 or higher
>cannot attack

>banish board leaving a 8/8 body achievable as early as t4