/ink/ - Splatoon General

Steelhead Sprint edition

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- Splatoon 2 Map Rotation: splatoon2.ink/
- Booru: booru.splatoon.ink/

> News
- Front Roll has won the Europe Splatfest for "Which side should toilet paper hang, front or back"!
- The latest Splatfest has been announced in North America: Vampires or werewolves? Starts October 13th, 9pm PST.
- The latest Splatfest has been announced in Japan: Power or stamina? Starts October 14, 1pm JST.
- The newest map, Snapper Canal, has been added to the stage rotation!
- Bamboozler 14 Mk I has been released! Sub is curling bomb and special is tenta missiles.
- Version 1.4.0 has been released! Check for patch notes below.

> Patch notes
- en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27028/~/how-to-update-splatoon-2

> Big S2 Gear & Weapon list (contains unreleased weapons)
- leanny.github.io/splat2/

> List of possible main abilities for gear so far (contains unreleased gear)
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18ip1HahYq8DRZRgSEXoRqa915aThLXPb79AFF91HCe4/edit#gid=0

> Latest updates on what the Splatnet store is selling
- twitter.com/splatnetstore

> Resources
- pastebin.com/6UaR6zHL

> Wiki
- splatoonwiki.org/

> Loadout planner with weapons, gear, abilities, and stat calculations
- loadout.ink/

> View schedules for stages, Salmon Run, and current Splatnet gear
- splatoon2.ink/

> View Nintendo Switch online services on your PC
- github.com/OatmealDome/LoungeChair/releases/tag/v1.0.6422.34538

> Add your FC to the list of FC below:
- docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrpLqYcIcxHjNbeVoBql4HDGqUseArmbUePz71gXqBgHlHtA/viewform?usp=sf_link

> List of FC:
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y-zt8u4va5GuDYnX_ToKfRUFRHu-1izMtE6ifaRK4II/edit?usp=sharing

> Splatoon 1 Artbook
- archive.org/details/TheArtOfSplatoon

I'm the Queen.

of tennis.

clean your rooms lads
this has been a public squid announcement

Post queens

If you clean your room I will buy you pokken



Jokes on you, I don't have a room

any sr rooms open?

Does anyone have the Red Tentatek tee with Thermal Ink?

So you be sayin...

Absolutely nothing is more annoying than when you team can't push on chargers.

One charger that is really good I can usually push on myself to help the team out. Two chargers even if one is bad is such a shit because while I deal with one the other has free shots on me and I'm wondering why I'm getting focused on two chargers my team can't push up

Its so frustrating

Can anyone direct me to the sign up booth for the "dualie dudes"? I need to be with my kin.

She is the queen of crime and corruption!

You don't need to kiss Armando's ass that much, he's nothing special

You're evolving your "pity me" skills, atl.

Yo where the charger family at?

I don't though. I just like using the dualies.
I'm somewhat a newfag and I don't understand this "Armando" meme anyway.

I'd like to form one, but I only really use squiffer and everyone seems to really suck at chargers

/ink/.... What the fuck happened?
I was on Inkblot rainmaker and the enemy came from the left of my podium. They didn't get past us they got onto that damn little ledge somehow and right to the goal, how did this happen? Is this a glitch? What's going on?

I'll make one if Rainy or someone cool is in it

Was it an inkjet?

since you missed it, user

Happy halloween, /ink/!

clean your communal living area

>they both immediately bump heads after the photo because neither of them can see properly now

I have alright games with the scoped charger, but nothing that can be actually be called good results.

I do enjoy using chargers though.

None of them had inkjet, three Sploosh and a Dapple


I can't into scoped chargers, maybe I have my sensitivity up too high for them but I get super disoriented when it zooms in


I hope they washed those clothes before swapping

Some chargers can't be pushed up on without the right tools.

I'm good enough that you need to toss an autobomb or toxic mist or use something bigger like a Tentamissile or Stingray to really stop me from doing my job. Even then though, I can just quickly reposition.

Then factor in "sniper anxiety" and you can get a really deadly mixture. If a sniper is skilled enough to instill fear in the enemy, they will struggle HARD.

I lower the sensitivity down to -4 to -4.5 when I use anything with a scope on it.

I average 7 splats in turf. The absolute best game I had was when I managed to get 19 splats in a single game. I don't bring chargers in ranked though. I'm not good enough with them.




I take a break and they hit the baller with the nerf hammer harder than a british nanny shakes babies.
Were there really that many people running with the baller?
Honestly I could never use it to any useful degree, so it's a bit baffling to me to see the laundry list of "... does 30/10/150% more damage to baller" in the notes.

>I take a break and they hit the baller with the nerf hammer harder than a british nanny shakes babies.
no they didn't, only rollers and brushes got a damage buff

Profreshional SR

are you a cute thread woomy?


It got really good in the patch before this last one, becoming very hard to destroy and having a big blast radius. They presumably don't want everything to just shred it though if they didn't just lower the health of the baller itself.

sent a FR

>vanilla game
>friend claims Tri-Slosher is his favorite weapon
>once it gets nerfed never see him use it and he never talks about it again
>picks up the Octobrush instead
>Baller buff happens, just so happens to pick up Aerospray RG as it gains popularity thanks to easy to get Baller
>new update happens and now he's complaining about the Baller nerf
>acts like he isn't just picking up over powered things that require the least amount of aim
That's what he gets for relying on things being easy, he would have been right at home with the Kraken if he had every played the first game

go fuck yourself rainy, stop using your fucking stingray to cheese the tower during overtime you bitch.

waiting on one more

Tell him to pick up the new Brella and watch history repeat itself

But that's what it's for lol

I just realized this is an edit

Don't be a little bitch user, that's stingray 101.

Which mediocre weapons should I give a second chance in 1.4.0? Right now I typically use Nzap, Rapid Blaster, Sploosh and regular Charger

also here is a woomy

I wanna group up with some Vampires for this upcoming splatfest. I'll mostly be using my Hero Charger Replica though.

Add me.

It would be funny because he's already said "I really don't like the Brella" before

Someone please post that pic of slut woomy.
You know the one.

I want to suck a BIG salmonid DICK

It's really cute, thank you!

What's this DUDE SAID meme that's popping up in game now?

>tfw you're the only person on your team whose name doesn't contain CST, G&K, PL, RU or BR

gee I wonder if I can carry three potatoes that have somehow managed to get into the splatoon 2 servers.

Dude claims ink recovery and swim speed up are shit

i haven't seen any but i'm guessing they're referring to DUDE, some compfag who was """big"""""" in splatoon 1

>dressing as each other for halloween


I mean...

lmao,bite me

What's she thinking about, /ink/?

Jumping to her death


Marina would be more popular if she didn't wear any clothing.



I've never actually seen this graph before, I didn't realize IRU was so worthless in squid form.

Swim speed up can still be good though. People like dude and people who blindly listen to people like him are just dumb.

>Marina would be more popular
she's way too popular, that's the reason she's losing splatfests

Is this just S2?

I recall IRU being good in S1

ATL has problems. She needs a fucking dumpster truck.

""she"" needs to be executed

So I take it you haven't seen the new Splatfest key art?

Decreasing reloads from 3.0 seconds to 2.4 seconds for 19 points is not bad for meme ISS setups

It's pretty much the same. The only weapons that do more against it now are weapons that couldn't really fight against it in the first place. It's pretty much as broken as it was, but not as spammable.

>that last second quota

There's crazy math that goes into these kinds of things. You'd probably hate GaijinHunter if you played MonHun, because he does this kind of intense math and then makes videos telling people what's optimal, and there's a similar backlash against people who listen to him.

I'm all for free thinking, but the information isn't bad just because of the source it comes from. Sometimes these people really do have a basis for it.


You can't recover ink while your tank is draining after you throw the sub, though. I personally think those 19 points could go better elsewhere, especially if you want to obtain the dreaded "double chicken" throws.

Dick, obviously

>. I personally think those 19 points could go better elsewhere
That's fair. Quad chicken with Inkstorm is lethal as hell

Jesus fucking christ does "G&K" mean "Useless fucking cunt" in some foreign language?

Schoolgirl Woomy


Yes, in French

in what way?

Give the Splash-o-Matic, Splat Brella and Goo Tuber a go. They've all improved considerably.

Fix'd. I could probably keep editing this. The lineart is similar to my regular brush settings.

Purely innocent thoughts about the fun and friendship they have, probably!

And maybe how nice her butt is idk

You made it look worse with your blur filter

>trying out slightly improved Carbon
>Baller runs at me
>one swings breaks some tape and stops his momentum
Clash Blaster seems pretty shit still though

>You'd probably hate GaijinHunter if you played MonHun
I feel like I saw a couple of his vids when I first got into MonHunGen. He seemed okay.

You gotta remember that dude has been shown to be wrong about somethings and he just has a toxic attitude sometimes. Everyone can show you math and spout an opinion on it. But you're dumb as shit if you're just gonna take whatever that guy said at face value and not form your own opinion.

I still think swim speed can be worth it, but that graph has changed my opinion on IRU. Swim speed also allows you to accelerate faster, not just swim faster,which is mainly why I like it.

>one swings breaks some tape and stops his momentum
Holy shit, I might need to test the carbon myself

It's pretty nice, the increased ink for horizontal swings makes getting your special easier, covers a lot more ground, and helps a lot with 1v2s. The decreased roll time to max speed is also really nice. I never bothered rolling that often before thanks to the long start up, but now I'll do it more. I'm overall really happy with the buff

I know that's what I think about

Are you sure? By now I think Pearl's more popular, if fanart and thread-contribution is any indication

so the flingza is a roller designed primarily to be used vertically, right?

So why is it actually pretty crap at it? Make the initial vertical coverage slightly wider and the swing itself slightly faster and it'll be starting to come alright. I'm not sure if it needs more damage, it may be dodgy coverage that causes some people to slip through without getting hurt much.

>off by one

Delete grillers.