/ss13g/ Space Cat edition

Last Thread:
Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>Silicon invaders walk amongst us
>Old admins and new admins make ppl angery but
>Nice stories were told

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:


A cat is fine too.

>walk into bar
>battle of lil slugger starts playing


>jukebox music doesn't work for me

you need to fix your settings, mate


Here's what I wanted to post as OP.


I recognize myself in this image, desu.

if surfer were host would that make her "the server girl"?

>tfw never will get the feeling of SS13 being a sci-fi game back.
>even on hard Arrrpee servers, their lore is so fucky with their communist space cats and dumbass utopia military shit.
>Everything feels like the 2D fun house it is, just superimposed on space theme.

Maybe I'm just burned out.

The Iaso Doctrine

The Iaso Doctrine is an oath taken by members of the medical profession. Its early roots started in the Hippocratic Oath and the Declaration of Geneva. However during the centuries both had nearly faded into obscurity and forgotten.

In the late 25th century, the Sol Government, in an attempt to bring the focus of healing more into saving lives and not making a profit, started to offer bonuses, from scholarships to promises of work in government appointed hospitals to starting medical students if they swear to and practice morality. Finding records of the old two oaths, they remade them into the Iaso Doctrine, after the Greek Goddess of recuperation. This Doctrine was changed after mankind had met the Skrell to include those of non-human life.

Currently only 5% of doctors are known to follow this oath, but the numbers are gradually starting to climb.


I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to consecrate my life to the service of life;

I WILL GIVE to my teachers the respect and gratitude that is their due;

I WILL PRACTICE my profession with conscience and dignity;

THE HEALTH OF MY PATIENT will be my first consideration;

I WILL RESPECT the secrets that are confided in me, even after the patient has died;

I WILL MAINTAIN by all the means in my power, the honour and the noble traditions of the medical profession;

MY COLLEAGUES will be my sisters and brothers;

I WILL NOT PERMIT considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing, species or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;

I WILL MAINTAIN the utmost respect for sentient life;

I WILL NOT USE my medical knowledge to violate living rights and civil liberties, even under threat;

I MAKE THESE PROMISES solemnly, freely and upon my honour.

Wtf I love the lore now
Who here follow that doctrine ? I know I do

You can search suspicious people on green.

Can MoMMI pilot mechs?

Keeping secrets and mending catbeasts are horrible mistakes.

>Can MoMMI pilot mechs?
Only if they kill themselves

>RP server without snowflake races
popularity contests and meta friending power hungry admins never.
>normie hardRP never ever.

very important server poll

Veeky Forums is already a relatively ok RP server

stop giving solarious the attention he seeks

there must be easier ways to get attention than badly shitposting in a dead general

Literally whos


If surfer were host I'd kill myself

--- tsg


>wanting hard rp ever.
They're safe spaces, even if you do manage to remove all the furry lovers and shitters, filled with snowflake lore that's suppose to dictate how you behave

Like Could you imagine playing on a server where you could be banned for not following this random user's ruleset?

The best server is a TRUE medium RP server; where there's lore but it's set up to be open ended and consciousness of the psychotic nature of the game. With lore structured like Warhammer (where there's some definitive events, but they're open to interpretation because they're scribed by an in character priest that fudged the numbers a bit and fell for imperium propaganda) or like 1984 where the "offical" story changes so damn much that it's a coin flip to what really happened, allowing you as an individual to dictate what happened.

Fuck off DessertSnek.

Could be a mouse. Don't fuck with mice. They'll fuck you up.

Can somebody explain the Valkyrie vs Donnager rivalry to me.

donnager selfshilling

Either that or some salty user false flagging self shilling

It's faggotry either way.

Whatever happened to the surfer girl

We instated a name policy *just* to make him valid.
It blew up into drama, but lasted a good while.

Against Veeky Forums and pomfserb rules. What's your Ckey?


Here's your missing x

What are you gonna do, get him banned on Veeky Forums?

You're not allow to explicitly say
>I've reported you
>Anyone reading this should too
but what do you think
>Against Veeky Forums [...] rules.
is supposed to convey?

That was a sarcastic question, smartass.
It would take that guy less effort to get up and reboot his router than it took you to write that post.

Not all ISPs change your IP for that.

Ahue, what could you faggots even do? Nu-Veeky Forums is filled with pussies who can't do anything as strenuous as getting up off their fat asses and going outside. What're you gonna do, post their normiebook profiles and tumblrs?

>What're you gonna do, post their normiebook profiles and tumblrs?
Remember the incredible shitstorm back when a couple snowflakes' FIRST NAMES were leaked?
Some people are irrationally sensitive, let's put it like that.

>Remember the incredible shitstorm back when a couple snowflakes' FIRST NAMES were leaked?

Look up the "bill incident" in fireden I guess

Reminder the posting of that archive is against Veeky Forums rules and also against the server rules of pomf serb

I found out that I share a first name with a lad who really doesn't like me.
Kinda interesting to be honest. Maybe it's like how the same ends of a magnet repel eachother.

yeah! get 'em tiger! make them get off their chair to reset their IP!

DrCelt decreed that doxxing is a no warning permaban from Veeky Forums station server.
Posting a dox would net you a server ban from the admins instantly. You can't ban evade Veeky Forumsserb.

The server was publicly logging the filepaths to player's BYOND installs (which were almost always in their home directory) for a while. They've since been expunged, but 3rd party archives are a thing.
Note that hastebin deletes pastes after a month goes by without any visitors, so the link in that thread is dead.
There *is* at least one working link on fireden though: should turn it up within a few minutes

he ain't here anymore

Goddamnit Ginger

Can someone post the Bill papers?

Reminder that serb admins can still see this information, it's just not publicly logged anymore.

Is that why Shiggy became an admin? So he could see who was a girl and stalk them?

Literally only Kammer "Sarah" Junk
Also surfergirl is either a female jew or a male celt.

What about catandwet?

Not quite, my lad, but SJ later taught me I can do that too.
I never did.
t. Shiggy in a jacuzzi

i want to kammer sarah's junk

I refuse to believe you are doing that well
A pathetic pixel skirt-chasing slav cannot possibly be having a better life than me. You're probably just lying in bed doped up on whatever you've wasted a paycheck on this week aren't you?

Do you just show up when mentioned by name shiggy?
How's the wife?

This is my bath. Can even do a timestamp!
Not married, but I cohabit with a lass at present.

I'm convinced every shiggypiggy post and patrick bateman shill is shiggy himself. Last thread people were meming patrick bateman and some waifu detective, probably shiggy himself whilst in his "Jacuzzi"

Untrue, my only concern lately is scoring fentanyl off a gypsy dealer outside VDNKh.

Shiggy do you live for anything other than being a degenerate druggie?

That was a joke, I'm never touching opiates.
But yes, basically right now it's all about seeing how far I can get in life and where "I can do ANYTHING!" stops for me.

No need for a timestamp, but lean your arm around the corner so the camera shows up in the picture.

Show me in Space Law where it says it's illegal to have an all-access ID that you
A.) Didn't steal
B.) Didn't illegally modify yourself
C.) Didn't abuse for Grand Tresspass/Theft

Protip: you can't.

HoP is charged with Abuse of Power for offering it to you.
You are charged with Theft for accepting it.

You mean like this?

Tohru Adachi >>>> Patrick Bateman

better admin, better detective, better erper

>dekarflamon isn't banned


>charged for theft for accepting something given in a lawful exchange
>charged at all for something that causes no problems for anyone
the absolute state of shitcurity

stop falseflagging

he is saying that it isn't legal to be given all access legally

>Trump hands me a nuclear warhead
>Get arrested

That's on the HoP; not on who gets the access.
>most notably by stealing Command-level access or hijacking the station's Chain of Command

>I don't have to follow laws surrounding weapons
That's true though. Gun control is unconstitutional as is any law that controls the average citizen's access to arms and other forms of weaponry that the Military possesses.

lol you are charged with an immediate demotion for fucking with a head of staff
t. Captain player

>RD hands me an AEG
>get charged with illegal possession of a weapon because it all you can do with it is murderbone and validhunt
>HoP/Cap hands me all access
>get charged with ??? because ???

>when an officer doesn't follow space law
job ban these fools whence, robocop autists ONLY

if the Hop gives you all access, it is a legal promotion

Now send a picture of your dick to my steam

>All access gives you access to areas your rank doesn't allow
Cry to the admins next time you get busted for having all access and see if they care.
Protip: They wont.

Is there an easy way to lay cables through a wall or do you have to pretty much deconstruct it, lay cable under it and rebuild it?

I'm messing around on the Derelict to learn how to MoMMI.

Yup. Fuck I believe you.

Classic Senaat.

unauthorized guns are illegal under space law
authorized access is not

Decon and re-do it. That's why people got a bug up their ass about pipes/cables in walls without a very, very, very good reason

>get all-access
>go into the armory, the bridge, the captain's office
>get arrested for grand trespass/theft

>get all access
>use it to walk into the medbay without having to bother a doctor, or make some food when the chef goes braindead
>get arrested for ?????????

HoP has the access to grant people access, not the authority. Outside of the civilian department a non-shit HoP will get the permission of the relevant department head before granting access.

Like I said, ahelp it next time if you feel you got wrongly arrested.
But you wont because you know the arrest is legit cuck.

If you don't follow space law, why should they? Rules of nature motherfucker

No, that's in part what abuse of power charge exists for

Exactly. So why does security constantly arrest people for having all access when it was given to them properly?

I figured it's something best avoided, but the battery on the derelict is crammed into a corner and there's no easy way to start laying cables out of it to APCs. Thought I'd just go through the wall rather than move it.

I was blessed with a pretty face, below average empathy and above average male reproductive organ, so don't worry, lad, just because I'm a drug using skirt chasing Slavic Britaboo, doesn't mean I can't do good in life!

>Give security officer all access
>see them later in the kitchen making food
Theft, Trespassing, Abuse of Power
10 minutes in the brig, succ my enonlethal egun and these cable ties

I forget if you have a cable layer roundstart but you can pray for one or just locker up the vendor cables and get to it.

>the arrest is legit when it has no grounding in space law
>The arrest is legit when officers make up charges and stretch the letter of the law just to get their arrest valids
>the arrest is legit when it's just shitcurity being shitcurity

There isn't. That's why wires and pipes under walls are frowned upon on mapping.
You can still do it without removing the girder, simply aim for the floor under it or alt click.
This better not be ick ock.