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Spooky edition

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>spooky edition
>not savior of agora edition
missed opportunity

fuck you fat cam, don't even make the threads usually, but you lazy sacks of shit let the old one go past the limit and die off

Stop playing this dead game. Play the superior overwatch by Blizzard Entertainment.

Don't be shy anons, tell us which of the Spooky™ skins you've been dropping your coins on

Anyone else pissed off they brought back the jack o lantern Murdoch skin??

I wanted to feel like an OG an wear it this Halloween but now every schmuck can have it

Guess ill just have to stick with my Monarch Murdoch skin

But I have that, too.

>last summer job just called
>thought it was about some trouble about a past worker who stole some shit that recently reignited
>I actually have a check waiting for me

Guess someone is getting some skins


and doesnt make you mad some nu male can have it now

dead game, dead thread.

>thought you got jewed
>jewing yourself

Monarch, I meant.
Also, nah. I don't use either. I like bio freak and this new one I'm about to get at 180 days.

I asked and no one did it. I would have but I'm a cancer fag on a cell phone and it takes too long between matches.

So that user id list isn't updated anymore?

>Tfw have posted my ID a couple of times but I’m not there

>buying skins when there is still a chance for them to drop
half of the stuff in the OP hasn't been updated for 6 months we really need a complete remake of it

>buying skins

what have you done to my wife


>spooky edition without spoopy minion

Thank you spoopy minion

thanks spoopy minion


no no, that smile.exe smiles would have worked better (y(know that creepy-ass bloody dog smile)

Thank you spoopy minion

why did they nerf her

ohhh yeah that would have been better

They sneezed on her calm down

What if one of her skin was her in casual cloth with mom's jean and wearing a tanktop?

>lost a match with aurora

>tfw saw someone post this image and decided to find and watch this anme

Not only does she not say that but Food Wars is now one of my favorite manga.

it's a mister ajikko ripoff that don't even try to go into details

I have no idea what that is.


Because EPIC loves doing unnecessary shit.

That would be kinda neat. An entire Casual set for the people it would make sense for would be nice.


a casual alt universe skin set would be great
>mom jean mommy
>thot belica
>conservative church dress phase
>real estate agent aurora

Withering Shadow Plague Lord Kwang is fun as FUCK

Casual Friday Rampage sets the bar pretty low for what would "make sense"

What's the go to offlane Aurora deck right now? Numbing/Totem (?)/?

> thot belica
make her a western gyaru, duh.
Speaking of thoth, when are they merging Smite & Paragon? Wanna play as my transcendant bird walking in the air giving no fuck at all with glorious 4k graphic and good animations.

>conservative church dress phase


totem meme is over. if you want full tank go sprykin/unstable/numbing. you'll hit for no damage though because they nerfed all the power on tank cards

I like to pretend Domestic Violence Rampage is just a joke skin & he stole the clothes breaking out of a zoo.

Truly a dead game.

Ok so what are you building on her?

the game just got a very nice update that made it quite fun to play again why do you say this friendo

havent played her yet. you still want green as an offlane so you could go green/blue and do some static trap memery to combo with her ult and root

>Invis kill without ward

>yo we're gonna fuck this Aurora up
are you really though?

>spook month
>no new skins for the vampire hero

They should give her a sexy armor skin like Aurora
Dark Lord Countess, or something edgy

Well that Feng really fucked up.

I successfully blind tethered a Kallari before 42 just from knowledge of her last known location and movement speed while invisible.

Speaking of: Cursed Sprykin Withering Shadow Kallari, yay or nay?

Had a Kallari do this to me:

>Cursed Sprykin
>Sorvuk Initiate
>She linked it to me and then went invisible and just followed me around until I died.

Fucking annoying.

Yeah there's a few Kallari's going 'tank' kallari with the tether build
It's really only useful if their team is ahead though. Otherwise you can just wipe her team and kill her after since there is a visible glow where the tether is.

>Mesmerizing dance emote for Countess
>mfw they actually added a fucking twerk dance with ass jiggle physics

Isn't it just that dance that Pulp Fiction made famous?

>My disappointment when this wasn't true

aurora and countess got those nice big phat butts that you wanna grab a nice handful of but i think dekkers toned shapely ass deserves more appreciation

Everyone knows Dekker has a fat ass just look at her recall animation.

paragon ass top 10
1. aurora
2. dekker
3. countess
4. serath
5. greystone
6. shinbi
7. sparrow
8. steel
9. yin
10. chadblast

I would say this is undeniable.


um excuse me

That ass is so thick

Fey is LAME! Lame!

So why did they somewhat hype up the carry buff in the CC but then the actual update didn't do shit to them? They """"""""""""buffed"""""""""" their base damage all around then nerfed their best cards, though I guess deathcrawler is a bit more viable now. Murdocks buff is really good tho now

Hey so I started playing Sevarog and I like him a lot, wish his hand grab and hammer swing were instant cast but whatever. Anyway I followed the sevarog guys post here about not worrying about stacks early, and my question is, when do I actually start stacking? There's action going on 90% of the time so I'm constantly rotating and the only time I can stack is if the team is pushing or everyone already backing and I go to the jungle for a bit.

I don't think I ever made it to max stacks yet. Speaking of stacks though, where do I see how many I have currently?

>Speaking of stacks though, where do I see how many I have currently?
It's the number right beside Siphon's icon.

Oh alright, somehow missed it I guess

Oh mighty Zharkos, heed my call!

Please post your best build and strategy.


is our drawfriend back?

No I just colored a pre-existing drawing from leddit he's doing inktober drawings for most of the heroes

has he drawn /ourmommy/ yet

Not yet, don't want to link but his name is flixarts on deviantart, I guess he's done a lot of paragon fanart outside of the inktober stuff

One of you rich fags should get Sakimichan to do a commission for your waifu.

>paying for porn


Thanks for feeding shitters to me, RGSACE, keep up the good work on your one trick pony meme builds. This guy in particular doesn't seem to want to let go of the dream.

The best way to play Sevarog is to focus on stacking Tyrant and Souls for around 25-35 minutes and then kinda poke your head into safelane for a second if there are any structures left to defend, and then go back to farming while your growth totem works its magic.

You're gonna wanna mute your team for this method as well as shitters tend to not appreciate the jungling arts.

>mfw Phase links to my Wukong and activates her ult just so I can tear the fuck out of a tower while the enemies beat her to death and I slip away unharmed.

Not all heroes wear capes, /parag/

>Not wanting more high quality Paragon r34

when epic finally starts advertising this game and paying streams to play it like they did fortnite we'll get plenty of porn the waifus are too good. i'll consider going to the request thread on /aco/ and seeing if anyone wants to throw /parag/ some love until then

You are a good man user. Make sure to request Futa Mori railing Fey

So what would have to happen for Greystone to be a comparable pick to someone like Feng?

his ult to work and his passive to not be worthless past 5min

The first bit is a given. I wonder if it would hurt for them to roll at least some of the basic armor back into his passive or buff his ult somehow. It just seems almost like a tactical death for the slow and then you leap to disengage if you're not insta-gibbed. What about a micro-stun once he comes back down so you're not doomed?

He shouldn't be. Greystone is a brainderp character that's easy to play and imo should never be good enough that people in a higher skillcap would want to play him. He should be easy to pick up and learn but not be as rewarding as a more complex hero

that may or may not already exist

you cant really make grey good without making him OP because of how stupid his kit is. 2 lives means if he gets an extra armor buff then he wins any fight no matter what since carries and casters are too sqishy to take him and tanks dont do enough to bother him. if he gets buffed a lot then we're back to launch mono where he builds full power and 1v5s or 41 when he builds super tanky with DOT cards and does 300DPS by existing.
like said hes cursed to being a shitter hero

Where's the sauce my good user.

Shame. Always liked his design. Guess I'll go back and look at what cards/gems to use on him since this patch hit.

He has a good design and skins for sure but honestly he is SO fucking boring to play, literally only two abilities and not much to do as far as experimentation with builds because of how barebones he is.

wish they would rework him and make him more similar to skeleton king from dota who is greystone but better in every way

Never played DOTA but looked him up and it seemed pretty cool.

>wukong is back to being in every game
>every push, fight, or prime attempt must take into account whether the faggot monkey will burn down your t2 and inhib while you do it
>the faggot is still unkillable 1v1 and can still get away from anything
what kind of fucking retard makes a rat character a goddamn carry we're right back to whichever teams wukong comes online earlier wins. he forces a minimum of 2 people in whatever lanes hes in meaning your team is always free to push down the other 2 with an advantage. then you deal with every lane pushed on you while he melts orb in 5 seconds. fuck this monkey this shit is antifun make him garbage again

>center kallari
fuck this shit why am i the one getting a draft penalty for dodging
i hate the people in this game more than anything cam can do to it why do i play this garbage " moba "

>tfw Gregor

You found a legend

>game crashed
>4 min penalty

Glad it was a PvE trying out decks

i played mid kallari all the time on my smurf. theres no reason to dodge shit unless you're near the cap or its something like offlane murdock, the skill level is so low it doesn't matter where or who people play, if they're gonna feed they're gonna feed following the meta wont save them because they're just bad

Mid Kallari is titties unless you're against a 5 stack.